USMB Coffee Shop IV

RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ "beautress, Foxfyre, et al,
Good grief. Yesterday it was pink. Today it's grey and minty green! Oh, noes! Split personality--Me????? ack! <giggle>

I find "Foxfyre's" → Shoe Picture to be quite interesting. But again, I'm not at all sure as to what it is testing. And then I read the "beautress" observation (intrigued).

At first I thought it must be a difference in resolution. I have an iMac 27" HD Desktop (5120 x 2880 Retina) and a second screen E320VL 32" Visio [(1920 x 1080) (1080p FHD - Full High Definition)] → both have 30-Bit Color. There is no change in the results. I even switched browsers (Safari, Firefox, Tor) with no change. I looked at them separately and in split-screen - no change.
(BTW: My wife sees the Green/white while I see the pink and white.)

OK, how does this illusion work?


Most Respectfully,
RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ "beautress, Foxfyre, et al,
Good grief. Yesterday it was pink. Today it's grey and minty green! Oh, noes! Split personality--Me????? ack! <giggle>

I find "Foxfyre's" → Shoe Picture to be quite interesting. But again, I'm not at all sure as to what it is testing. And then I read the "beautress" observation (intrigued).

At first I thought it must be a difference in resolution. I have an iMac 27" HD Desktop (5120 x 2880 Retina) and a second screen E320VL 32" Visio [(1920 x 1080) (1080p FHD - Full High Definition)] → both have 30-Bit Color. There is no change in the results. I even switched browsers (Safari, Firefox, Tor) with no change. I looked at them separately and in split-screen - no change.
(BTW: My wife sees the Green/white while I see the pink and white.)

OK, how does this illusion work?


Most Respectfully,

I honestly don't know how it works. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't sort out left brains from right brains. :)
I asked Hombre who is color blind on a LOT of colors what color he sees in the shoe. He came up with pink and white immediately. I was amazed that he was even close to the actual colors everybody else sees.
Well, I made it back after a bit of a hiatus. What a mess! I read the last few pages and am glad all appear to be doing well. For those more social, sorry that you can no longer be so, or go to church for solace and comfort. At least here in the CS we have each other and social distance is the order of the day for those in on-line communities.
Work has been hectic, our flight schedule has increased at least 50%. Passenger traffic is depressed but they are flying a lot of cargo that would have been shipped on boats. With the shipping fleet stilled, they still have warehouses of stuff to move and most of the airlines have started pressing passenger planes into cargo service. So, for now, my job is assured. I did not say safe because most of our customers fly out of China and other Eastern countries. The first CV-19 case in AK was a foreign pilot! Of course, with production shut down, my job my become extinct when the Chinese have no more stuff to send over here.
My partner has been downgraded to "roommate" now. The situation has deteriorated significantly but at least he hasn't punched me again and I have managed not to drag him out into the snowy forest...
No hip surgery for me, so the pain will continue. I was pretty depressed, hence my absence from many things, including the CS. Oh, what the hell, I've put up with it this long...
Spring has not yet sprung here. After a massive snowfall a couple of weeks ago, it warmed up enough to sluff a slab of snow and ice 8'x16' and 4' deep off my porch roof. I managed to dig out a trail but it may be weeks before it melts away and I'll be left with a massive pool of mud and water. My resident moose is still with us. It's been a hard winter for moose, after the fire and a late, heavy snowfall. She's taken to hanging with the goats and sleeps in one of my sheds.
The new format is a pain right now, but we've gone through how many changes together? We'll make it through this one, too. My internet has been acting up the past two days, too. No doubt, all the additional traffic on line has caught the providers with their panties around their ankles. I hope to be back on more often, though.

You remain on my critical prayer list. I keep saying this too shall pass, but your case seems to be taking a really cruelly long time. But this too shall pass.
Thank you, Foxy. I'd click the "thank you" button but there doesn't seem to be one anymore.
Brit flag cake is cool. Pic of dog and kitten too!

After many nice days. 46 and rain. Yuk!

But my new greenhouse came yesterday! Wayfair "king canopy" seemed the toughest frame of all.

Not huge but much of my seed goes in as seed anyway. like corn. I have a 45x50 garden every year. Sometimes ambitious and till up 3 of them totaling about 3/4 acre. That gives enough corn to feed all the racoons and a few left over.


This is the greenhouse my wife bought for herself, the online boast was that a woman could build it in a day. Well my wife didn’t even get it out of the boxing, poor muggings had to do it.
I started around 10am stopped for a lunch hour then resumed work on it till 5pm whereupon I downed tools and withdrew my labour.
The wife gave me an unduly, uncalled for ridiculing, bringing the advertisement of “a woman could build it in a day” Depressed and berated by my woman I got up early the next day (Sunday) and started work whilst she was trying to get beauty sleep. When she came down in her dressing gown and slippers to inspect my manly skills. All she said was “well done, I’ll make you a cup of tea”
Nice greenhouse! After she'd laid into me, especially with the dig about a woman being able to do it, I'd have told her to be my guest...and then I would have made my own tea.
Good morning from the (still) frozen North. Temps go down to the teens at night and hover around freezing during the day. We are hoping for some warmer days to help melt off all this snow.
My front porch after the last snowfall.

OMG. We used to get fierce snows up on the mountain and sometimes had to deal with ice dams on the roof--we measured snowfall in feet, not inches--but it never got like that.
So they've got me playing sh*t completely out of my range, not my style , not really my thing....

and the more i do, the more i dig it!

Oh, my gritty hands need washing after crocheting a friend a potholder all evening...and I havta make supper.

Hi, one and all. Hope you're all washing your hands a lot and staying at home as much as possible. My responsibilities have changed somewhat in the last few days. I fell for a guy at Karaoke, and he offered to help around the place here. He now has a room upstairs, and if we get along for six weeks, we may get married. We're not starting a relationship till that time, however, but when you're in your seventies and disabled, it's nice to have a companion around who's smart with farm stuff. My ball of fire days are through. I've been hobbling around with bone spurs in my heel, and he's 2 years older than me, and seems to really love the place here that is nothing but work. All that rain requires you to mow every 3 days or less, but he doesn't mind. by the time he's done with 14 acres, 3 days have passed and it's time to mow again.

Have a great evening, all. I got a hungry man who needs a meal, if I can just make it to the sink without too much foot pain... so I can wash my hands to prepare some kind of meal. So far, I struck out with several meals, because I haven't cooked for several years, but have to fix stuff now .
It's been about 12 years now I've been chief cook and bottlewasher.... At one point I had 5 adults and a newborn in the house. Most the time was just me and Mrs O, and last 3 years Me and older Brother. But it all just prepared me for these days... nothing really new just home 7 days a week instead of 5 or 6... We can do this thing.....
Good morning from the (still) frozen North. Temps go down to the teens at night and hover around freezing during the day. We are hoping for some warmer days to help melt off all this snow.
My front porch after the last snowfall.

GW, I love your home...
It's a little tough to see in that photo. Here's what it looks like without the snow.


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Good morning from the (still) frozen North. Temps go down to the teens at night and hover around freezing during the day. We are hoping for some warmer days to help melt off all this snow.
My front porch after the last snowfall.

OMG. We used to get fierce snows up on the mountain and sometimes had to deal with ice dams on the roof--we measured snowfall in feet, not inches--but it never got like that.
That's just two weeks. We had been having a fairly snow-free winter, cold as hell, but little snow, and then...this! It's a well built place, though, didn't collapse!

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