US womens soccer star declines to join US womens national team over pandering to homosexuals

Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Not even immigrants should be required to have gay pride.
It would take a truly twisted person to give in to gay demands and be assimilated into a deadly lifestyle.
Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
She has no problem playing on a team with different people. She won't advertise being gay by wearing a gay friendly jersey.

Good for her. It is time that nomal people stood up for themselves. She's not gay and should not be forced into advertising that this is something she approves of.
if she was living 80 years ago...the world has moved on but not some a
Americans it seems ...shows amazing immaturity...she can move aside,there are plenty who are better than her Goodbye Hinkle
The point is no one should be forced into shit they view as repugnant
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Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Yes, they have no right to force their shit on others.
Think of being an house guest, why shit all over hospitality???? Asshole
Does ANYONE demand that you be proud of men who have sex with their widowed sisters in law?

Gays shove live animals up their asses. Does that count as animal sacrifice?

You are the one demanding that everyone follow the dictates of the Old Testament. So do you? Read the Old Testament sometime. Moreover, millions of people do not follow the bible, or if they do, do not believe in inerrancy and infallibility of this compendium of writings by unknown authors.
Are you sane? I never mentioned the Bible or the Old Testament. You did. Possibly you need the straw man Bible because that's where all your talking points are. Back up and make your case without the Bible.

But you are repeating this idiotic crap over and over. If it isn't from the bible, where do you get your crap from? Are you sane?

Your assertion in #178 that "Gay folks, being different than any other folks have to be handled with care. Everyone has to be proud of gay. They need that shoved down their throats along with their pride shirts shows your violent nature.
I am certainly consistent. There is no comparison between adultery and homosexuality. No school has a curriculum that teaches children adultery. No historical figures are celebrated as adulterers. There is no adultery flag. There is no adultery pride month. There is no adultery shirt that sports teams are required to wear.

If someone is gay, it is not too much to tell them to keep their preferred sexual proclivities to themselves. Especially stop demanding that someone else be proud of how far your ass has stretched or how big a dildo you can swallow. Adulterers don't do that.
The point is that the bible condemns adultery but you and your kind vote it into office. Thats hypocrisy.
You are selective in what you hate and I suspect that you may have had a bad experience somewhere.
I am certainly consistent. There is no comparison between adultery and homosexuality. No school has a curriculum that teaches children adultery. No historical figures are celebrated as adulterers. There is no adultery flag. There is no adultery pride month. There is no adultery shirt that sports teams are required to wear.

If someone is gay, it is not too much to tell them to keep their preferred sexual proclivities to themselves. Especially stop demanding that someone else be proud of how far your ass has stretched or how big a dildo you can swallow. Adulterers don't do that.

sorry snooks, bigoted lowlives have no business imposing their hate on others.

and bigotry isn't moral. no matter how much you wackjobs delude yourselves.

Leave people alone or throwing gays off rooftops will gain a whole new popularity.

There you go again with the violence. Nobody has demanded that you do anything, moron. Nobody is demanding that you stand for the national anthem or anything else. I haven't heard of any LGBTs presenting a list of "demands." Go back to your world of dildos and your preoccupation with somebody's butt. The only person who seems to be discussing their "preferred sexual proclivities" in public seems to be you. Pretty much it is a custom for people of all sexual orientations not to discuss their intimate activities in public. I've had LGBT friends and work colleagues for decades, and none has ever discussed intimate sexual details with me, and I, in turn, do not discuss mine and do not ask anyone about their's.

Why don't you clean up your act and go back to watching your favorite porn.
You have some fondness for the gay lifestyle. Keep it to yourself. Don't demand decals or shirts or anything else. Leave people alone.

Gays are in the same category as those who fuck children, goats, dead bodies and toasters. It's a perversion. A depravity. In a much better time it was and still is a mental illness.

Nobody is demanding anything. If you can't stand your neighbors-move. You are one sick puppy. Go experiment with your dildo, and don't run out of batteries.
Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.
One of my finest personal moments was when I told two fat ugly lesbians to fuck off when they wanted me to paint their wedding portrait and there was nothing they could do about it.
I very much doubt this story has any factual content,because most people can spot a ignorant Homophobe like you from miles away...Paint their Wedding delude yourself Moron
Yep. Have it your way. But it was such FUN! I loved every minute of it.

Homophobe! Hoooommmoooffffoobb
Give in to our demands or we will call you names.

So predictable. It's part of the demand process.
as I said.....Moron
One of my finest personal moments was when I told two fat ugly lesbians to fuck off when they wanted me to paint their wedding portrait and there was nothing they could do about it.
I very much doubt this story has any factual content,because most people can spot a ignorant Homophobe like you from miles away...Paint their Wedding delude yourself Moron
Yep. Have it your way. But it was such FUN! I loved every minute of it.

Homophobe! Hoooommmoooffffoobb
Give in to our demands or we will call you names.

So predictable. It's part of the demand process.
as I said.....Moron
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Now the Pittsburgh Police had to put a $350.00 decal on all police cruisers to satisfy the demands of the liberal faggot community to celebrate Faggot Pride Month. Read the article.

PATHETIC: Pittsburgh Police Get Huge New Decals On All Cruisers To Appease Liberals [Video]

View attachment 196555
Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Now the Pittsburgh Police had to put a $350.00 decal on all police cruisers to satisfy the demands of the liberal faggot community to celebrate Faggot Pride Month. Read the article.

PATHETIC: Pittsburgh Police Get Huge New Decals On All Cruisers To Appease Liberals [Video]

View attachment 196555
Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Does thinking of me as male give you a boner? I thought so.

Now is the time to point and laugh.
Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.
I never knew they wanted me to know what "They Did in the Bedroom"!!! anymore than you are right Gracie,it is a personal matter between two consulting adults...there are bad people out there,Pedoes and the like....I think Gay folk are the last of anyones problems
One of my finest personal moments was when I told two fat ugly lesbians to fuck off when they wanted me to paint their wedding portrait and there was nothing they could do about it.
I very much doubt this story has any factual content,because most people can spot a ignorant Homophobe like you from miles away...Paint their Wedding delude yourself Moron
Yep. Have it your way. But it was such FUN! I loved every minute of it.

Homophobe! Hoooommmoooffffoobb
Give in to our demands or we will call you names.

So predictable. It's part of the demand process.
as I said.....Moron
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
One of my finest personal moments was when I told two fat ugly lesbians to fuck off when they wanted me to paint their wedding portrait and there was nothing they could do about it.
I very much doubt this story has any factual content,because most people can spot a ignorant Homophobe like you from miles away...Paint their Wedding delude yourself Moron
Yep. Have it your way. But it was such FUN! I loved every minute of it.

Homophobe! Hoooommmoooffffoobb
Give in to our demands or we will call you names.

So predictable. It's part of the demand process.
as I said.....Moron
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
Now the Pittsburgh Police had to put a $350.00 decal on all police cruisers to satisfy the demands of the liberal faggot community to celebrate Faggot Pride Month. Read the article.

PATHETIC: Pittsburgh Police Get Huge New Decals On All Cruisers To Appease Liberals [Video]

View attachment 196555
Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Does thinking of me as male give you a boner? I thought so.

Now is the time to point and laugh.

Chuckle on,as a 71 year old female,I suspect you read far too many Porno Mags...."Thinking of you as a man,gives me a Boner" WTF are you smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I very much doubt this story has any factual content,because most people can spot a ignorant Homophobe like you from miles away...Paint their Wedding delude yourself Moron
Yep. Have it your way. But it was such FUN! I loved every minute of it.

Homophobe! Hoooommmoooffffoobb
Give in to our demands or we will call you names.

So predictable. It's part of the demand process.
as I said.....Moron
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
Now the Pittsburgh Police had to put a $350.00 decal on all police cruisers to satisfy the demands of the liberal faggot community to celebrate Faggot Pride Month. Read the article.

PATHETIC: Pittsburgh Police Get Huge New Decals On All Cruisers To Appease Liberals [Video]

View attachment 196555
Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Does thinking of me as male give you a boner? I thought so.

Now is the time to point and laugh.

Chuckle on,as a 71 year old female,I suspect you read far too many Porno Mags...."Thinking of you as a man,gives me a Boner" WTF are you smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet you said I was a boy and it tickled you didn't it. Or were you thinking of boys?

Don't do that. Not here.
Yep. Have it your way. But it was such FUN! I loved every minute of it.

Homophobe! Hoooommmoooffffoobb
Give in to our demands or we will call you names.

So predictable. It's part of the demand process.
as I said.....Moron
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
as I said.....Moron
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

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