Muslim Activists Lead ‘Abandon Biden’ Movement in 9 Swing States to Thwart President’s Reelection

What the latter group of Jews don’t realize is that failure to support Israel, often due to underlying or blatant antisemitism, is intertwined with rising antisemitism. One needs look no further than the liberal campuses and their bullying and assault on Jewish students.

I think their liberalism has blinded them to such an extent that they can’t see what is right in front of their face. The old idiom ”they can’t see the forest for the trees” seems appropriate.
I think their liberalism has blinded them to such an extent that they can’t see what is right in front of their face. The old idiom ”they can’t see the forest for the trees” seems appropriate.
And what makes it more exacerbating is that some of them are SO tied to Democrat candidates that they silence any opposing voice - and don’t learn.

For example, I know a radical lefitst (secular Jew) who told me that she supports the Palestinians because support of Israel just leads to people becoming more antisemitic. (She thinks that way because she runs with a radical crowd, who condemn Zionists - and she is quick to say she isn’t one of them.)

When I tried to tell her that condemnation of Israel is primarily DUE to antisemitism, not the other way, before I could get out even two words, she face-palmed me and said “I don’t want to know what Republicans think.” (And she knows I’m Jewish.) That is how close-minded they are, and how they’ve been brainwashed into thinking silencing of opposing views is appropriate.
I think their liberalism has blinded them to such an extent that they can’t see what is right in front of their face. The old idiom ”they can’t see the forest for the trees” seems appropriate.
As the late great Rush Limbaugh often said (paraphrasing); "For liberals, liberalism comes before all else".

Any reputed religious faith takes a back seat, because their politics is their religion.
Oh, dear. For all the bending, scraping and laying prostrate while pandering for the Moslem vote, ole’ Stumblebum wasn’t convincing anyone.

It may be too late at this point for Biden to relate his childhood memories of studying the Koran at a Delaware mosque while planning an airline hijacking with Palestinian terrorists.

A national Muslim activist group called “Abandon Biden” is organizing operations in nine swing states to prevent President Joe Biden from winning reelection in November as punishment for his handling of the Israel and Hamas war, according to a report.

Minneapolis-based newspaper the Star Tribune reported Sunday of the group’s efforts to keep Biden from a second term, even if it results in a Trump presidency:
Exhibit 342: Biden won’t be the nominee

The Hamas Wing of the democrat Party dwarfs the Illegal Alien wing
It's a shame we have enough muslims in America that they can actually make some kind of a difference.
Oh, that’s what you mean.

In the Jewish religion, we do not spell out Gd in any venue that can be destroyed - such as a personally written document that can end up in the garbage or even an Internet entry that can be deleted - due to respect and reverence. In our prayer books, where Gd is spelled out, old books are never tossed out. They are buried.
When I tried to tell her that condemnation of Israel is primarily DUE to antisemitism, not the other way, before I could get out even two words, she face-palmed me and said “I don’t want to know what Republicans think.”
I imagine she has enough delusions of her own without taking on yours.

I mean, if harming children isn't cause for condemnation, what is?
I imagine she has enough delusions of her own without taking on yours.

I mean, if harming children isn't cause for condemnation, what is?
She didn’t condemn the harming of children done by the MusLim monsters. ONLY Israel. She is applying double standards, as are you, which is antisemitic.
Why do you have an issue mentioning God?
Jewish people don't use the name God. They use: Tetragrammaton, Adonai, El, Elohim, Shaddai, Tzevaot, and sometimes Yahweh. The second one is the first name of an NFL receiver, which is controversial, of course.

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