US Scientist warn of dire consequences of Climate Change


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can either choose to live in a closet or in the real world. In the real world, we must not ignore what are ominous signs of things to come.
You can either choose to live in a closet or in the real world. In the real world, we must not ignore what are ominous signs of things to come.
I don’t worship al gore...
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.

The desperation is priceless... Now that democrats have some say the operatives are coming out of the wood work... Time to fire the zealots and get some real scientists in there..
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Who the hell are you to claim today’s climate is optimum.

Besides, the earth is moving into an ice age that will last 250-400 years.

Go look up Maunder Minimum and get back to the class on what it was.
For those that are interested in the science and the report, here is a link to the report.

Fourth National Climate Assessment: Executive Summary

From the report:

Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities. The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States and are projected to intensify in the future—but the severity of future impacts will depend largely on actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the changes that will occur. Americans increasingly recognize the risks climate change poses to their everyday lives and livelihoods and are beginning to respond (Figure 1.1). Water managers in the Colorado River Basin have mobilized users to conserve water in response to ongoing drought intensified by higher temperatures, and an extension program in Nebraska is helping ranchers reduce drought and heat risks to their operations. The state of Hawai‘i is developing management options to promote coral reef recovery from widespread bleaching events caused by warmer waters that threaten tourism, fisheries, and coastal protection from wind and waves. To address higher risks of flooding from heavy rainfall, local governments in southern Louisiana are pooling hazard reduction funds, and cities and states in the Northeast are investing in more resilient water, energy, and transportation infrastructure. In Alaska, a tribal health organization is developing adaptation strategies to address physical and mental health challenges driven by climate change and other environmental changes. As Midwestern farmers adopt new management strategies to reduce erosion and nutrient losses caused by heavier rains, forest managers in the Northwest are developing adaptation strategies in response to wildfire increases that affect human health, water resources, timber production, fish and wildlife, and recreation. After extensive hurricane damage fueled in part by a warmer atmosphere and warmer, higher seas, communities in Texas are considering ways to rebuild more resilient infrastructure. In the U.S. Caribbean, governments are developing new frameworks for storm recovery based on lessons learned from the 2017 hurricane season.

Climate-related risks will continue to grow without additional action. Decisions made today determine risk exposure for current and future generations and will either broaden or limit options to reduce the negative consequences of climate change. While Americans are responding in ways that can bolster resilience and improve livelihoods, neither global efforts to mitigate the causes of climate change nor regional efforts to adapt to the impacts currently approach the scales needed to avoid substantial damages to the U.S. economy, environment, and human health and well-being over the coming decades.
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Who the hell are you to claim today’s climate is optimum.

Besides, the earth is moving into an ice age that will last 250-400 years.

Go look up Maunder Minimum and get back to the class on what it was.
View attachment 230478

I can either choose to believe you or the US government scientists as well as over 10000 other scientific experts.

With all due respect, that decision is a no brainer.
You can either choose to live in a closet or in the real world. In the real world, we must not ignore what are ominous signs of things to come.

We ignore ominous signs of things to come all the time

Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Who the hell are you to claim today’s climate is optimum.

Besides, the earth is moving into an ice age that will last 250-400 years.

Go look up Maunder Minimum and get back to the class on what it was.
View attachment 230478

I can either choose to believe you or the US government scientists as well as over 10000 other scientific experts.

With all due respect, that decision is a no brainer.
You can believe your pretend scientists or NASA.

Nasa scientist says temperatures in the upper atmosphere are set to plunge | Metro News
More excerpts from the report for the scientifically challenged:

Long-term temperature observations are among the most consistent and widespread evidence of a warming planet. Global annually averaged temperature measured over both land and oceans has increased by about 1.8°F (1.0°C) according to a linear trend from 1901 to 2016, and by 1.2°F (0.65°C) for the period 1986–2015 as compared to 1901–1960. The last few years have also seen record-breaking, climate-related weather extremes. For example, since the Third National Climate Assessment was published,1 2014 became the warmest year on record globally; 2015 surpassed 2014 by a wide margin; and 2016 surpassed 2015.2 ,3 Sixteen of the last 17 years have been the warmest ever recorded by human observations.
While thousands of studies conducted by researchers around the world have documented increases in temperature at Earth’s surface, as well as in the atmosphere and oceans, many other aspects of global climate are also changing12 ,13 (see also EPA 2016, Wuebbles et al. 201710 ,14 ). Studies have documented melting glaciers and ice sheets, shrinking snow cover and sea ice, rising sea levels, more frequent high temperature extremes and heavy precipitation events, and a host of other climate variables or “indicators” consistent with a warmer world (see Box 2.2). Observed trends have been confirmed by multiple independent research groups around the world.

Fourth National Climate Assessment: Chapter 2: Our Changing Climate
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
In the 70s we were warned of global cooling. We were supposed to be under a mile of ice today. Screw your climate change warnings. It is bullshit!

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