US Meat Workers Quit As Virus Ridden Plants Reopen

This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, transit workers, pot store workers, liquor stores workers, many essential workers out there work under the same conditions. Unless your doctor considers you high risk you need to go to work in the state of Washington or they will deny you unemployment benefits.

You have a right to sue anyone, never meant you’d automatically win.

You don't understand what I tried to say.

The answer isn't to close those places down and give up.

The answer is to make it safe for people to work there. Right now it's not safe in many of those meat plants. The workers aren't going not work because they don't want to work. They aren't going to work because they know it's not safe. The guidelines trump sent out are only voluntary. Not mandatory. So employers aren't following the guidelines. Which makes the employees not go to work until the plant has been made safe to work in.

Yes it's our constitutional right to sue. That never guarantees that the plaintiff will win. I never said anything beyond that mcconnell shouldn't take the right to sue away and that it's unconstitutional to try.

If someone gets sick and dies in one of those plants because the employer didn't make the work place safe, I believe the family and survivors should have the right to sue. Hopefully enough so that the owner sells with a better owner who is willing to put the lives of his employees over his own greed buying the place.

Yes it's our constitutional right to sue.

No, I disagree with that claim, in this context. I don't see "right to sue" in the constitution.

The only valid reason to sue, is if you have your rights violated, and you have no "Right" someone else's money.

If you take your car to a different mechanic, can your old mechanic sue you for loss of wages?

You would never agree that was logical if it applied to yourself. You only think that is logical when you apply it to other people suing someone else... not you.

The answer is to make it safe for people to work there.

So this is where you an I are going to completely disagree. And reason why is because there is no standard of "make is safe" that you can point to.

Effectively the only concept of "make it safe" is, no one gets infected, and no one dies.

That standard is impossible. We already know that the virus is far too contagious to be contained.

Moreover, JBS has already taken more than enough actions to try and limit the risk.


Plastic separators, masks, hair nets, body gowns, aprons. What exactly do you plan to do, to all people to work this close together, and not spread the virus?

And you simply can't spread them out. This is the nature of the work.

So again I ask, the heck do you propose we do?

By the way, we already know that masks provide little to no mitigation of Corona anyway.

There are actually several reports that suggest that if there is any benefit to having these masks on, it is small, and most suggest there is zero benefit.

So again I ask you, what the heck do you want people to do?

There is no "Safe" way to do this. You either don't do it... or you do it with risk.

So you either go out and work and be productive and benefit society with risks, or we all stay at home and die of starvation.

There is no "safe way". If you have it, tell us what it is. Better yet, tell all the experts and companies across the planet first, and then tell us what it is.

This is why I've been skeptical of the lock down. When the lock down first came on, I though ok, we're going to lock this down, kill off the spread, and return to normal.

Then I looked around the planet, and not a single instance of lock down has worked. Not one. Japan and Sweden both didn't even engage in lock down, and their numbers have not been significantly worse than all those countries which engaged in lock downs.

Then I see people repealing their lock downs, and people say "look reported cases went up! So they ended their lock down too soon!"

But there is not long enough wait. Whenever the lock down ends, the reported cases will go up. So basically we are going to lock down until the end of time. Why? For what?

How many people are going to commit suicide, while we wait pointlessly in lock down? How people are going to be unemployed, end up homeless, all while we wait pointlessly in lock down?

And again, whenever the lock down ends, whether it is next week, next month, next year, or next decade.... infections are going to rise, and people will die.

So why are we doing this?
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Read the rest of this thread....note how the CRCs are all upset about people walking away from unsafe jobs.

Sure we can. You guys, and your lock down, are killing people already. How many people have committed suicide because your lock down has utterly destroyed their lives?

And why would you be able to sue people for things that are not yours? A job is not yours. A job is the companies. They have the money, not you. You either work for your money, or you don't get it.

If I mow lawns, and I mowed your lawn last week, and then I came to you and said "its too risky to mow lawns, so I refuse to mow your lawn. By the way I demand you pay for it."

Would you pay me, to not mow your lawn? No. Why do you expect companies to do, what you yourself would never do?

Hypocrite much?
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Read the rest of this thread....note how the CRCs are all upset about people walking away from unsafe jobs.

Again... how would you make it safe? Explain. I'll hear out your brilliant plan.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, transit workers, pot store workers, liquor stores workers, many essential workers out there work under the same conditions. Unless your doctor considers you high risk you need to go to work in the state of Washington or they will deny you unemployment benefits.

You have a right to sue anyone, never meant you’d automatically win.
to be afraid of colleagues is truly unusual. I mean, I respect the shit out of my colleagues and I trust that they will perform their hygiene as I do. And with their HCCA, everyone of them has to perform so fairly critical cleaning steps before stepping on the floor. I think this is all bullshit.

Sure we can. You guys, and your lock down, are killing people already. How many people have committed suicide because your lock down has utterly destroyed their lives?

And why would you be able to sue people for things that are not yours? A job is not yours. A job is the companies. They have the money, not you. You either work for your money, or you don't get it.

If I mow lawns, and I mowed your lawn last week, and then I came to you and said "its too risky to mow lawns, so I refuse to mow your lawn. By the way I demand you pay for it."

Would you pay me, to not mow your lawn? No. Why do you expect companies to do, what you yourself would never do?

Hypocrite much?
I'm saying the story is false.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Read the rest of this thread....note how the CRCs are all upset about people walking away from unsafe jobs.
how is it unsafe. Meat packing plants have an HCCA in place that makes it one of the safest places on the planet to work. why are you always so fking confused?
Nobody on this forum is upset about people not reporting to pack meat. If nobody wants to work there then oh well. If one wants meat that badly then one will apply there. The company could also make it safer for their employees. The time is coming where those employers are going to have to raise their wages,etc or nobody is going to work in those conditions.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
why are they different from the staff's at grocery stores?

It is possible to maintain safe distancing in a grocery store, and in the ones where I am, employees are provide with ppe and even plastic barriers.

Typically meat packing plant working conditions are fairly tight and pay very low.

So I guess the real real question is: are employers providing appropriate safety protections?
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

Doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, transit workers, pot store workers, liquor stores workers, many essential workers out there work under the same conditions. Unless your doctor considers you high risk you need to go to work in the state of Washington or they will deny you unemployment benefits.

You have a right to sue anyone, never meant you’d automatically win.

You don't understand what I tried to say.

The answer isn't to close those places down and give up.

The answer is to make it safe for people to work there. Right now it's not safe in many of those meat plants. The workers aren't going not work because they don't want to work. They aren't going to work because they know it's not safe. The guidelines trump sent out are only voluntary. Not mandatory. So employers aren't following the guidelines. Which makes the employees not go to work until the plant has been made safe to work in.

Yes it's our constitutional right to sue. That never guarantees that the plaintiff will win. I never said anything beyond that mcconnell shouldn't take the right to sue away and that it's unconstitutional to try.

If someone gets sick and dies in one of those plants because the employer didn't make the work place safe, I believe the family and survivors should have the right to sue. Hopefully enough so that the owner sells with a better owner who is willing to put the lives of his employees over his own greed buying the place.

Yes it's our constitutional right to sue.

No, I disagree with that claim, in this context. I don't see "right to sue" in the constitution.

The only valid reason to sue, is if you have your rights violated, and you have no "Right" someone else's money.

If you take your car to a different mechanic, can your old mechanic sue you for loss of wages?

You would never agree that was logical if it applied to yourself. You only think that is logical when you apply it to other people suing someone else... not you.

The answer is to make it safe for people to work there.

So this is where you an I are going to completely disagree. And reason why is because there is no standard of "make is safe" that you can point to.

Effectively the only concept of "make it safe" is, no one gets infected, and no one dies.

That standard is impossible. We already know that the virus is far too contagious to be contained.

Moreover, JBS has already taken more than enough actions to try and limit the risk.

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Plastic separators, masks, hair nets, body gowns, aprons. What exactly do you plan to do, to all people to work this close together, and not spread the virus?

And you simply can't spread them out. This is the nature of the work.

So again I ask, the heck do you propose we do?

By the way, we already know that masks provide little to no mitigation of Corona anyway.

There are actually several reports that suggest that if there is any benefit to having these masks on, it is small, and most suggest there is zero benefit.

So again I ask you, what the heck do you want people to do?

There is no "Safe" way to do this. You either don't do it... or you do it with risk.

So you either go out and work and be productive and benefit society with risks, or we all stay at home and die of starvation.

There is no "safe way". If you have it, tell us what it is. Better yet, tell all the experts and companies across the planet first, and then tell us what it is.

This is why I've been skeptical of the lock down. When the lock down first came on, I though ok, we're going to lock this down, kill off the spread, and return to normal.

Then I looked around the planet, and not a single instance of lock down has worked. Not one. Japan and Sweden both didn't even engage in lock down, and their numbers have not been significantly worse than all those countries which engaged in lock downs.

Then I see people repealing their lock downs, and people say "look reported cases went up! So they ended their lock down too soon!"

But there is not long enough wait. Whenever the lock down ends, the reported cases will go up. So basically we are going to lock down until the end of time. Why? For what?

How many people are going to commit suicide, while we wait pointlessly in lock down? How people are going to be unemployed, end up homeless, all while we wait pointlessly in lock down?

And again, whenever the lock down ends, whether it is next week, next month, next year, or next decade.... infections are going to rise, and people will die.

So why are we doing this?
masks, gloves, hair nets have always been part of the HCCA since 1950. these are the safest bacteria buildings to work in as long as the HCCA is enforced. Modern Marvels The Butcher watch it.

finding the parrots and sheep is easy in here, they all avoid factual information.
Nobody on this forum is upset about people not reporting to pack meat. If nobody wants to work there then oh well. If one wants meat that badly then one will apply there. The company could also make it safer for their employees. The time is coming where those employers are going to have to raise their wages,etc or nobody is going to work in those conditions.
or there are others out there that will work for that money and now have an opportunity. right?
The employment decision, in this case, is in the hands of the employees.
There are several hundred Health Professionals in my community who are currently not getting a paycheck and are hoping they still have a job.
That does not include the hundreds of others who careers doe not allow for telecommuting.
After some research I see they make about $11 to start and a senior meat packer might make about $18 per hour. No wonder why people don't live me working there. Man that's rotten pay for awful conditions. I wouldn't consider that if I were desperate.

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