US is worse off now than it was a year ago

You mean the wall failed? Shocking, what a waste of money. Why do you want to keep workers out when we have a shortage btw?
The wall wasn't finished. And you changed the narrative. This thread is not about the wall. You're a dumb leftist.
I responded to your comment. Guess you don’t even believe the garbage you spew.
Nope. You didn't. You yell at the mailman for your cell phone bill. You're a fucking useless idiot. Fuck off, thread derailer. If you want to discuss the topic we may. 56% of Independents believe they are worse off. Period. Not my view. Theirs. Care to opine why?
The wall wasn't finished. And you changed the narrative. This thread is not about the wall. You're a dumb leftist.
You said maybe people are mad about the border. Trump spent billions building a wall to fix that issue. Guess he failed.

only repubs would want to keep workers out when we have a shortage anyhow.
Nope. You didn't. You yell at the mailman for your cell phone bill. You're a fucking useless idiot. Fuck off, thread derailer. If you want to discuss the topic we may. 56% of Independents believe they are worse off. Period. Not my view. Theirs. Care to opine why?
It’s cute how you can never defend anything. Ah well, typical trumper.
You said maybe people are mad about the border. Trump spent billions building a wall to fix that issue. Guess he failed.

only repubs would want to keep workers out when we have a shortage anyhow.
I said maybe they are and they don't share your views. Is that possible? Yes or no? And my OP was about Independents. Where did it mention Republicans? You're one dumb leftist.
It’s cute how you can never defend anything. Ah well, typical trumper.
Defend what? Why would I defend what 56% of Independents believe? Did they ask me to defend their views? Why are you so triggered by this thread? You are one moronic leftist.
TheDefiantOne said:
Nice left out the part where Obama inherited a country spiraling towards a second recession/near depression...the final actions of the Shrub's 8 year fuck up didn't end until 9 months into the Obama's first term...and a Republican congress lock step in making Obama "a one term President".

Yep, leave all that out and what you say is 100% on target.

Like I said...
proving that you ignore what you don't like, an stupid is as stupid does.
FACT America does better economically with Dems in power than pubs do
Fact NAS DOW S&P all at or near new highs Trumpettes hate seeing America succeed which is why you watch the swine bashing our leaders every day
Out of desperation caused by the fool who occupied the Oval Office before Biden, it is not surprising that Republicans are blaming our President for just about everything these days.

Biden is being blamed for the pandemic which in turn is responsible for the supply chain difficulties which is responsible for shortages of just about everything which is causing inflation. Without going into detail -- because there isn't any -- according to Republicans, our President is somehow responsible for the worldwide shortage of fuel which is driving prices still higher.

Unfortunately for Republicans the President is no more responsible for these temporary economic difficulties than Hoover being responsible for the Great Depression. In 2008, Bush was not responsible for the Great Recession, and Trump was not responsible for the pandemic induced recession during the spring and summer of 2020.

Unless our President loses a war, the President has little or no control over the largest economy in the world ... ours. Nevertheless, Americans blame our Presidents if the economy goes bad, and give credit to our Presidents if the economy is doing well.

Both the blame and the credit are undeserved. No one man is responsible for what our huge economy does. Our economy is in the hands of business leaders and the American worker.

That said, despite the lingering effects of the pandemic, our economy is doing quite well.

The stock market is a bellwether for future economic success or failure.

ABC News reports, "A broad rally for stocks on Wall Street sent the S&P 500 and Nasdaq to new highs Thursday, as the market more than made up for modest losses a day earlier.

"The S&P 500 rose 1%, posting its third all-time high this week. More than 80% of the stocks in the benchmark index closed higher. Technology stocks, banks and a mix of companies that rely on consumer spending accounted for much of the gains.

"The Nasdaq rose 1.4%, nudging the tech-heavy index above its previous record high set Sept. 7. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.7%, leaving it just shy of the all-time high it set on Tuesday.

"The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell to a pandemic low last week as the job market continues to recover from last year's coronavirus recession.

"Jobless claims dropped by 10,000 to 281,000, lowest since mid-March 2020, the Labor Department said Thursday. Since topping 900,000 in early January, weekly applications have steadily dropped, moving ever closer to pre-pandemic levels."

Does the President get any credit for our thriving economy?

As explained, hell no.
FACT America does better economically with Dems in power than pubs do
Fact NAS DOW S&P all at or near new highs Trumpettes hate seeing America succeed which is why you watch the swine bashing our leaders every day
56% of Independents believe you’re a traitor idiot. Facts.

Poor, unhinged ShortBus. Calling others dumb when he's the dumbest one here. Tsk, tsk, ShortBus. G'head, show where the poll state 56% of Independents believe eddiew37 is a "traitor." You won't be able to since it doesn't.
It was a joke. You’re such a stalker. Go troll elsewhere. Your OCD is off the charts again. I know You’re obsessed with me. So sad.
It was a joke. You’re such a stalker. Go troll elsewhere. Your OCD is off the charts again. I know You’re obsessed with me. So sad.

Poor, unhinged ShortBus. You're the joke. And now you're projecting obsession after I've pointed out you're the one who's obsessed...


ShortBus, I never said you type it in every post. What the fuck is wrong with your brain?? Seems defective. Regardless, you're so obsessed with me, you mention me in every one of your posts.

Poor, unhinged ShortBus. You're the joke. And now you're projecting obsession after I've pointed out you're the one who's obsessed...

Feel better now? Stalk elsewhere. This is getting boring. You are a loser and frankly I now feel sorry for you.

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