US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant

US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant


he Capitol Police absolutely refused to release the name of the officer. The media didn’t ask for a name and diverted all attention away from his murderous crime. The foreign newspaper The Sun even spit on Ashli’s grave by releasing a clickbait headline “Who shot Ashli Babbitt, the woman who died at the Capitol?” but refusing to even name the officer involved in the heinous killing in the entire article.
In the face of arson, looting, terror, and death by Black Lives Matter over the summer, the DC Council unanimously passed a ‘police reform’ law specifically requiring “the city to swiftly make public the names of officers who use force on citizens.”
Needless to say, the law is being illegally flaunted now when Republicans are victims of indiscriminate and barbaric police killing and violence.

We now know that Bailey had a motive to kill Ashli Babbitt. The now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat appointed DOJ and FBI have condoned the murder of Ms. Babbitt and give Mr. Bailey a license to kill white conservatives.
Cop Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is an Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant
This got moved quick. It's like Facebook purgatory
Not all but some of these mods are being paid by China to suppress threads like this moving it to this section where the shills from Langley like Donald troll.too much truth fir the mods destroying the official narrative of the governments to remain there.
So much CT.
OMG, I'm buying stock in Reynolds Corp.
So much for Back The Blue.
He is just being held to the same level of scrutiny that every other Cop in America is under today. Do you have a problem?
Not all ALL.
If they commit a crime, they should be held accountable.
Likewise, if Teachers, Lawyers, Doctors, etc commit a crime, they should be held accountable.

Most times, they are NOT held accountable.

I have an Uncle from OK. Yup, he is 75 years old now and far retired.
But when he patrolled the streets, HE WAS the LAW, and he could not be stopped.
He had free will to do whatever he felt, and he did. I heard the stories 1st hand.
He ended many, if not ALL stories with, I am the LAW. lolloolllol.

Did he stop a lot of criminal activity, probably NOT, because that only happens in (D) areas.
But he did steal/bribe/threaten from the rednecks caught in Drinking and Driving, Abuse, etc.

He owned his area, Literally.
So much for Back The Blue.
Unjustified homicide on unarmed people doesn't get any backing.
Except maybe from so called people like you.
Unarmed? They had a noose erected. They had non-lethal offensive weapons. They had bats and ziptie restraints, which is assault and battery. They were not unarmed.

The Capitol police were heroes, defending the lives of every legislator.

I thought you wingnuts liked 'stand your ground'. Only for Black kids, huh? How is this different than Trayvon Martin?

US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant​



Unfortunately the law is being illegally flaunted now when Republicans are victims of indiscriminate and barbaric police killing and violence.
We see the also with those that have been arrested being abused and tortured now languishing in D.C. Federal prison.

Just like the dems ran every patriot and conservative out of the FBI and the CIA and the US marshals office as well as the DOJ and capitol police and secret service they are now trying to weed them out of our military....this is done in third world nations when the leaders realize they are in the minority and may have to face a militant domestic freedom force....
Indeed,our last great president kennedy is rolling over in his grave after the way the dems have destoryed it. matter of fact speaking of that at my workplace we were talking about how the dems are ruining the country and i said "YEAH YOU GUYS ARE CORRECT AND THIS IS COMING FROM A GUY WHO HAS ALWAYS SAID BOTH PARTIES ARE CORRUPT AND ONE IN THE SAME SAYING THIS." then another worker chipped in and said, 'YEAH IM NOT AGAINST THE DEMOCRAT PARTY OR ANYTHING,HECK I LOVED KENNEDY WHEN HE WAS PRESIDENT.":cool::thup:
Unarmed? They had a noose erected. They had non-lethal offensive weapons. They had bats and ziptie restraints, which is assault and battery. They were not unarmed.

The Capitol police were heroes, defending the lives of every legislator.

I thought you wingnuts liked 'stand your ground'. Only for Black kids, huh? How is this different than Trayvon Martin?
The person murdered in cold blood, Ashley Babbitt, was unarmed! She was a threat to no one and was shot
at point blank range by an unnamed killer who was laying in wait.
Some hero, huh? Makes you wonder why the presstitutes and congress haven't had a big celebration
for this man who saved the lives of every legislator by heroically hiding and then bravely shooting
Babbitt in the neck when she wasn't looking and was completely unaware of him pointing his pistol
at her.

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi give her a medal? Why wasn't he interviewed by Jake Tapper Sunday morning?
Why wasn't he on the KImmel show? Why don't we know his name so we can honor him personally? Why didn't Joe Biden praise this savior of the Capitol in a national address?
Instead of hiding the name and face of this "hero" you'd think we would make a household name of this
noble defender of our threatened members of Congress.

But we STILL don't even know his name for sure. Do a Google search for him. See what you get.

His killing of a protestor was whitewashed, quickly, behind closed doors with no news or information about it.
It's almost like Biden and Pelosi colluded with the media to pretend this unnecessary cold blooded killing
never happened and to make sure no one would know about it.
I don't understand covering up such a brave wonderful act. It's almost like Joe Biden and whoever is pulling
the monkey's strings don't want people to know about the senseless killing on January 6th.

Usually we honor our heroes...not cover up their shameful deeds. And cretins like you approve heartily.
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Unarmed? They had a noose erected. They had non-lethal offensive weapons. They had bats and ziptie restraints, which is assault and battery. They were not unarmed.

The Capitol police were heroes, defending the lives of every legislator.

I thought you wingnuts liked 'stand your ground'. Only for Black kids, huh? How is this different than Trayvon Martin?
The person murdered in cold blood, Ashley Babbitt, was unarmed! She was a threat to no one and was shot
at point blank range by an unnamed killer who was laying in wait.
Trayvon Martin was unarmed. He was murdered in cold blood.

What's the difference again?
She was a threat to every legislator. She kept advancing against an armed officer of the law commanding her to stand down. She got exactly what she incited.
That's bullshit and hardly deserves the courtesy of a reply. You're like a lie spreading covid virus.
Trayvon Martin was unarmed. He was murdered in cold blood.

What's the difference again?
There are a lot of differences but Ashley Babbitt never got into a fight with the cop that murdered her,
for one thing.
In fact she likely never saw the man who killed her. Look at video of the incident.
Stop being an utter imbecile, if you can, which it looks like you can't.

If you got a beef with the whole Trayvon Martin thing take it up with John Holder and Obama's
DOJ. It's an unassociated whataboutism fucking idiots drag out when they have nothing of value
to add. Fuck off!
So much for Back The Blue.
Unjustified homicide on unarmed people doesn't get any backing.
Except maybe from so called people like you.
Unarmed? They had a noose erected. They had non-lethal offensive weapons. They had bats and ziptie restraints, which is assault and battery. They were not unarmed.

The Capitol police were heroes, defending the lives of every legislator.

I thought you wingnuts liked 'stand your ground'. Only for Black kids, huh? How is this different than Trayvon Martin?
They are thug-admirerers.

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