under no circumstance will I permit or approve of the appointment of a court appointed guardian over my estate or myself

Brick Layer

VIP Member
Jan 1, 2018
When you do your advanced directives when you do your end of life documents you must include a paragraph that says,

“Under no circumstance will I permit or approve of the appointment of a court appointed guardian over my estate or myself.”

Why is that important?

Because if it isn’t in there I am aware of judges who’ve said,

"well, there is nothing in here that says I can’t or shouldn’t appoint a guardian.”

These are not stupid people these are brilliant individuals…

minute marker 36:35


No matter the sum total of their case. Facts undisputed, undisclosed, unsubstantiated, mis-spoken, or not within the parameters of Common Law (language), stand as facts before the court of "public record". Also: The Syntax was inappropriate. (Sun Tax) as you "Are" the son of the estate. Your spiritual jurisdiction was "present" & "accounted" for. You for lack of a better descriptor "Worked within the light of day" not the light of controlled ILLUMINATION. You Rose from the dead... ~ Steve Baiocchi
When you do your advanced directives when you do your end of life documents you must include a paragraph that says,

“Under no circumstance will I permit or approve of the appointment of a court appointed guardian over my estate or myself.”

Why is that important?

Because if it isn’t in there I am aware of judges who’ve said,

"well, there is nothing in here that says I can’t or shouldn’t appoint a guardian.”

These are not stupid people these are brilliant individuals…

minute marker 36:35


No matter the sum total of their case. Facts undisputed, undisclosed, unsubstantiated, mis-spoken, or not within the parameters of Common Law (language), stand as facts before the court of "public record". Also: The Syntax was inappropriate. (Sun Tax) as you "Are" the son of the estate. Your spiritual jurisdiction was "present" & "accounted" for. You for lack of a better descriptor "Worked within the light of day" not the light of controlled ILLUMINATION. You Rose from the dead... ~ Steve Baiocchi

good to know, thanks.
In fact, if you are deemed non compos mentis by a doctor (it doesn't even have to be your regular doctor) then the court can appoint a guardian of you and your estate despite your wishes.

If they want you, they've got you.
I would love to appoint someone to look over me and my estate. Let someone else worry about if it's time to get my oil changed, or mow the grass. I'll sit on my porch swing, drink beer, go fishing, or anything else I damn well please.
it is not as easy as one might think....i had to take over my mother's life...it is a complex deal and guess what those papers dont mean a thing once the court is involved....
it is not as easy as one might think....i had to take over my mother's life...it is a complex deal and guess what those papers dont mean a thing once the court is involved....
I understand the specifics are complicated and less than ideal. I was just enamored with the silly idea of passing off my less enjoyable and tedious responsibilities to someone else.
mom has been dead since feb 4 th of 2020...and i am still filling out paperwork...still fighting with the va...and the irs...it just goes on and on...10 years of guardianship...followed by being executor of her will...into that for a year and half..and mom's will was easy...just divided everything between myself and my son..all i need is the irs refund from 2019...and i can settle the estate...all the irs can or will tell me ...is the refund is processing...
mom has been dead since feb 4 th of 2020...and i am still filling out paperwork...still fighting with the va...and the irs...it just goes on and on...10 years of guardianship...followed by being executor of her will...into that for a year and half..and mom's will was easy...just divided everything between myself and my son..all i need is the irs refund from 2019...and i can settle the estate...all the irs can or will tell me ...is the refund is processing...
Sounds horrible. I guess it doesn't have to make sense, but I'm sure it is frustrating, especially after all the other stuff you went through.
and i am touchie about it now...va made the mistake of asking why i havent settled the estate...they are on my shit list....manners are free good manners are priceless...they demanded and never ask politely so they got move to the zero fucks given file...which is the file for anyone giving me shit right now...esp over her estate....in reality its only the va and the irs.

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