UnConservatives: You Need My Help


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I am seriously considering voting this November.

I was not planning on it.

A superior cause will defeat an inferior one, unless the superior cause becomes complacent. And after more than a decade of winning, the conservative movement became fat, dumb, and stupid.

The fact the inferior Obama won the last election means it is the fault of the defectives who have taken over the superior cause of the conservative movement.

I stopped voting in 2006 because the conservative movement has been hijacked by hypocrites, retards, nazis, psychos, chickenhawks, leeches, liars, and thieves. Did I say hypocrites? Can't say that enough!

Bloated, big government, big spending, Big Brother paranoid schizophrenics.

I blame the assholes who call themselves "conservatives" these days for the election of Obama and passing of ObamaCare. It is their mental defectiveness which allowed the liberals to gain the upper hand. These mental midgets are not capable of understanding that you do not need to make shit up if your cause is just. But they make shit up on the fly so often their stench is intolerable. And they lose as a result. Big time.

Don't even think about retorting with a tu quoque fallacy. I am well aware of the liberals' faults. This is about us. This is about policing ourselves.

The drooling UnConservative mob does not understand you do not need to harp on Obama's golf game if you know a fricking thing about the contents of a liberal bill and can discourse on it at length and tear it to shreds.

These parroting bongwater drinkers have dumbed down the GOP to near oblivion. Whining about Michelle Obama's vacations, for fuck's sake!

So I am now faced with the paradox of voting this November to help elect politicians who will eliminate Obamacare and thus rewarding the very assholes who are to blame for its very existence, or sticking to my principles and continuing my boycott of the GOP and thus helping Obamacare to become entrenched.

Christ, this sucks!

You assholes better get your shit together, because we have just been kicked in the nuts. Hard. Very hard. And it is going to be a long, uphill battle.

We can win. We have a just cause on our side. You better figure out what it is, and stop parroting the bullshit which is dragging the entire country down. Start getting serious and widen your goddam intellectual bandwidth beyond that of a fucking bumper sticker!

Read the fucking liberals' bills. Don't take some asshole pundit's word for what's in it. Christ, they have been so consistently wrong you think you would have figured that out by now. Think "death panels". You stupid rubes fell for that one hook, line, and sinker. And YOU LOST!

Ask questions. Put on your critical thinking cap.

And stop the hate of people who are not like you. You are coming across as unmitigated assholes.

So if you are tired of getting kicked in the nuts over and over and over, I'm here to help.

Or you can tell me to fuck off and die and you will find yourself being seriously embarrassed and butt hurt by me from now until November when Obama is re-elected.

Your choice.

I'm not the only one who feels this way. You've been losing wide swathes of demographics. How's that feel?

When you lose, it's YOUR fault. You didn't bring your A-game. That's how it is in America.
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I am seriously considering voting this November.

I was not planning on it.

A superior cause will defeat an inferior one, unless the superior cause becomes complacent. And after more than a decade of winning, the conservative movement became fat, dumb, and stupid.

The fact the inferior Obama won the last election means it is the fault of the defectives who have taken over the superior cause of the conservative movement.

I stopped voting in 2006 because the conservative movement has been hijacked by hypocrites, retards, nazis, psychos, chickenhawks, leeches, liars, and thieves. Did I say hypocrites? Can't say that enough!

Bloated, big government, big spending, Big Brother paranoid schizophrenics.

I blame the assholes who call themselves "conservatives" these days for the election of Obama and passing of ObamaCare. It is their mental defectiveness which allowed the liberals to gain the upper hand. These mental midgets are not capable of understanding that you do not need to make shit up if your cause is just. But they make shit up on the fly so often their stench is intolerable. And they lose as a result. Big time.

Don't even think about retorting with a tu quoque fallacy. I am well aware of the liberals' faults. This is about us. This is about policing ourselves.

The drooling UnConservative mob does not understand you do not need to harp on Obama's golf game if you know a fricking thing about the contents of a liberal bill and can discourse on it at length and tear it to shreds.

These parroting bongwater drinkers have dumbed down the GOP to near oblivion. Whining about Michelle Obama's vacations, for fuck's sake!

So I am now faced with the paradox of voting this November to help elect politicians who will eliminate Obamacare and thus rewarding the very assholes who are to blame for its very existence, or sticking to my principles and continuing my boycott of the GOP and thus helping Obamacare to become entrenched.

Christ, this sucks!

You assholes better get your shit together, because we have just been kicked in the nuts. Hard. Very hard. And it is going to be a long, uphill battle.

We can win. We have a just cause on our side. You better figure out what it is, and stop parroting the bullshit which is dragging the entire country down. Start getting serious and widen your goddam intellectual bandwidth beyond that of a fucking bumper sticker!

Read the fucking liberals' bills. Don't take some asshole pundit's word for what's in it. Christ, they have been so consistently wrong you think you would have figured that out by now. Think "death panels". You stupid rubes fell for that one hook, line, and sinker. And YOU LOST!

Ask questions. Put on your critical thinking cap.

And stop the hate of people who are not like you. You are coming across as unmitigated assholes.

So if you are tired of getting kicked in the nuts over and over and over, I'm here to help.

Or you can tell me to fuck off and die and you will find yourself being seriously embarrassed and butt hurt by me from now until November when Obama is re-elected.

Your choice.

I'm not the only one who feels this way. You've been losing wide swathes of demographics. How's that feel?

When you lose, it's YOUR fault. You didn't bring your A-game. That's how it is in America.

With a two party system, it's unavoidable. There however is no substitute for Voice and Vigilance.
With a two party system, it's unavoidable. There however is no substitute for Voice and Vigilance.

I have examined some of the third parties in depth. Others I dismissed out of hand for their obvious marixst leanings.

Much of the Libertarian philosophy resonates with me, which is not surprising considering my boyhood idol was William F. Buckley. Unfortunately, I find the ratio of propellerheads to sane people in the Liberatarian party is greater than it is in the GOP.

I'm kind of a buffet politico now. I pick a little here from this kettle, a little there from that kettle, and leave the rest. I avoid the Kool-Aid and the bongwater as much as possible.

The Conservative kettle has not been replenished in some time. It has gone rancid and those who eat from it are scraping the bottom. Their explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting are really stinking up the place.

They killed my appetite.
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"Go fuck off and die."

Hey, someone had to do it. Seriously though, I appreciate the long winded whine, but if you're here to help, you have to have solutions, not tell others to come up with one. That has got to be the stupidest thing ive ever encontered and it is noxious with LOLberalism.
I am seriously considering voting this November.

I was not planning on it.

A superior cause will defeat an inferior one, unless the superior cause becomes complacent. And after more than a decade of winning, the conservative movement became fat, dumb, and stupid.

The fact the inferior Obama won the last election means it is the fault of the defectives who have taken over the superior cause of the conservative movement.

I stopped voting in 2006 because the conservative movement has been hijacked by hypocrites, retards, nazis, psychos, chickenhawks, leeches, liars, and thieves. Did I say hypocrites? Can't say that enough!

Bloated, big government, big spending, Big Brother paranoid schizophrenics.

I blame the assholes who call themselves "conservatives" these days for the election of Obama and passing of ObamaCare. It is their mental defectiveness which allowed the liberals to gain the upper hand. These mental midgets are not capable of understanding that you do not need to make shit up if your cause is just. But they make shit up on the fly so often their stench is intolerable. And they lose as a result. Big time.

Don't even think about retorting with a tu quoque fallacy. I am well aware of the liberals' faults. This is about us. This is about policing ourselves.

The drooling UnConservative mob does not understand you do not need to harp on Obama's golf game if you know a fricking thing about the contents of a liberal bill and can discourse on it at length and tear it to shreds.

These parroting bongwater drinkers have dumbed down the GOP to near oblivion. Whining about Michelle Obama's vacations, for fuck's sake!

So I am now faced with the paradox of voting this November to help elect politicians who will eliminate Obamacare and thus rewarding the very assholes who are to blame for its very existence, or sticking to my principles and continuing my boycott of the GOP and thus helping Obamacare to become entrenched.

Christ, this sucks!

You assholes better get your shit together, because we have just been kicked in the nuts. Hard. Very hard. And it is going to be a long, uphill battle.

We can win. We have a just cause on our side. You better figure out what it is, and stop parroting the bullshit which is dragging the entire country down. Start getting serious and widen your goddam intellectual bandwidth beyond that of a fucking bumper sticker!

Read the fucking liberals' bills. Don't take some asshole pundit's word for what's in it. Christ, they have been so consistently wrong you think you would have figured that out by now. Think "death panels". You stupid rubes fell for that one hook, line, and sinker. And YOU LOST!

Ask questions. Put on your critical thinking cap.

And stop the hate of people who are not like you. You are coming across as unmitigated assholes.

So if you are tired of getting kicked in the nuts over and over and over, I'm here to help.

Or you can tell me to fuck off and die and you will find yourself being seriously embarrassed and butt hurt by me from now until November when Obama is re-elected.

Your choice.

I'm not the only one who feels this way. You've been losing wide swathes of demographics. How's that feel?

When you lose, it's YOUR fault. You didn't bring your A-game. That's how it is in America.

How the hell do you think you're going to "win" anything if you don't vote?
the conservative movement has been hijacked by hypocrites, retards, nazis, psychos, chickenhawks, leeches, liars, and thieves. Did I say hypocrites? Can't say that enough!

Bloated, big government, big spending, Big Brother paranoid schizophrenics.

Bravo! I couldn't say it better myself :up: :clap2:
"Go fuck off and die."

Hey, someone had to do it. Seriously though, I appreciate the long winded whine, but if you're here to help, you have to have solutions, not tell others to come up with one. That has got to be the stupidest thing ive ever encontered and it is noxious with LOLberalism.

I have posted many solutions here. But they get drowned out in the noise over Obama's golf game and Mrs. Obama's vacations and other such unceasing dreck.
But you did manage to garner the support of a few rabid LOLberals. Nice work on the nonsolution, solution plan. You might want to vote Obama afterall. And no, im not voting for Romney.
How the hell do you think you're going to "win" anything if you don't vote?

My vote has to be earned. The GOP does not get my vote just because the other guy is more evil then they are.

I'm done with that flawed thinking.

If you want the GOP to win in November, you need to earn the votes of people like me.

Look at the numbers. Look how many people stay home on Election Day because they are just sick of both parties.

Elections are decided now by how many people your own party pisses off enough to stay home, not by the number of votes the other guy gets.

Well, the GOP has pissed me and many millions of others off.

I have yet to see anything which makes me feel like my vote has been earned back.
And after more than a decade of winning, the conservative movement became fat, dumb, and stupid..

a decade of winning?

you miss 2008 or something?

1994 to 2008. Congress, then the White House. Then fat, dumb, and stupid somewhere along the way.

The tide started turning in 2006 when we lost Congress.

Huh. The exact same time I stopped voting...

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OP Im sorry to hear you think upholding the constitution is a kick to your nuts
You're beginning to sound like a "Paultard". They have been alienated too. They just got pissed about it and got serious instead of sitting around whining. in the end, they got sold down the river of principle for a party line tow and what is now nothing more than a circus act.

It's broken beyond repair. So either jump in line and pick one of the two, or STFU liek the rest of us and sit on the sideline.
Putting yourself on a pedestal serves no purpose for the conservative cause.

The Conservative movement fell off the pedestal. Come on back. The view from up here is much clearer.

Used to be, a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Bill Buckley almost single-handedly created the movement with just his intellectual power alone.

You can do it! Come back from the Dark Side.
You either vote for Romney in the hopes that we also gain the senate or you don't. All the nonsense about birthplace and golf have nothing to do with your vote. Someone else being logical or not should have no bearing on your vote. Besides no one on this forum has any more or less power than you and your ONE vote.
You're beginning to sound like a "Paultard". They have been alienated too. They just got pissed about it and got serious instead of sitting around whining. in the end, they got sold down the river of principle for a party line tow and what is now nothing more than a circus act.

It's broken beyond repair. So either jump in line and pick one of the two, or STFU liek the rest of us and sit on the sideline.

I'd rather poke the jerks in the ribs. Make their butts hurt and get them to start thinking right.

And out here in real life, I am also building up some momentum. I have a ten year plan. ;)
You either vote for Romney in the hopes that we also gain the senate or you don't. All the nonsense about birthplace and golf have nothing to do with your vote. Someone else being logical or not should have no bearing on your vote. Besides no one on this forum has any more or less power than you and your ONE vote.

Do you think the Right is incapable of fucking up?

So let's say they get ObamaCare repealed.

Then what?

Tell me then what and I will see if it is vote-worthy.

If you repeal ObamaCare but then put in an even bigger fuckup to replace it, my having helped by voting for GOP again would be what's illogical.

So whaddya got, besides your opinion that Obama golfs too much?

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You either vote for Romney in the hopes that we also gain the senate or you don't. All the nonsense about birthplace and golf have nothing to do with your vote. Someone else being logical or not should have no bearing on your vote. Besides no one on this forum has any more or less power than you and your ONE vote.

Do you think the Right is incapable of fucking up?

So let's say they get ObamaCare repealed.

Then what?

Tell me then what and I will see if it is vote-worthy.

If you repeal ObamaCare but then put in an even bigger fuckup to replace it, my having helped by voting for GOP again would be what's illogical.

So whaddya got, besides your opinion that Obama golfs too much?


I got more that you. I've never posted about Obama golfing or where he was born or any other hysterical nonsense. In fact the only one bringing any of that up today has been you and you've done it all damn day. Give it a rest, no one is biting.

The GOP offered multiple ideas you just weren't listening because "poking both sides" was more important to you than actually listening for solutions.

Your pedestal is falling apart.

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