Ukraine is no longer able to continue combat operations. Russia only lost 1500 soldiers.


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2022
Don't take my word for it...this is the Congressional report.

It states that only about 1500 verified Russian casualties.

It also states that while Ukraine has been resilient and adaptive. They have sustained far more significant losses than Russia even if we count the Ukrainian claims of 20,000 Russian deaths.

We can verify this with the fact that 6,000 known Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol are now dead.

The congressional research report says without immediate support the Ukrainians can no longer conduct military operations.

No wonder they are whining and begging so bad now.

Initially, Russian forces made gains along all lines of advance. However, Russian forces ran into effective and likely unexpected levels of Ukrainian resistance from the invasion’s outset. In addition, many analysts and officials assess that the Russian military has performed poorly overall and has been hindered by specific tactical choices, poor logistics, ineffective communications, and command-and-control issues. The Ukrainian military, while at a quantitative and qualitative disadvantage in personnel, equipment, and resources, has proven more resilient and adaptive, including by using guerrilla tactics effectively, than Russia appeared to expect.
Russian forces allegedly have targeted and bombed civilian targets, including a maternity hospital in Mariupol. Russian forces also have been accused of causing indiscriminate killings, particularly after the discovery of mass graves and killed civilians following the Russian military’s withdrawal from the Kyiv suburb of Bucha.
f Russia’s Initial Military Performance
Despite Russian forces launching heavy attacks and advancing across Ukraine, the Russian military overall performed poorly during the initial phases of the invasion, surprising many observers and analysts.28 Reports indicated that Russia’s military and political
leadership appeared surprised by the military’s lack of progress and the level of resistance from Ukrainian forces.29 As Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines stated to Congress, “We assess Moscow underestimated the strength of Ukraine’s resistance and the degree of internal military challenges we are observing, which include an ill-constructed plan, morale issues and considerable logistical issues.”30
Don't take my word for it...this is the Congressional report.

It states that only about 1500 verified Russian casualties.

It also states that while Ukraine has been resilient and adaptive. They have sustained far more significant losses than Russia even if we count the Ukrainian claims of 20,000 Russian deaths.

We can verify this with the fact that 6,000 known Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol are now dead.

The congressional research report says without immediate support the Ukrainians can no longer conduct military operations.

No wonder they are whining and begging so bad now.

Everybody is guessing, no one knows for sure on the counts for either side.
I wouldn't put any money on either sides count.
One thing is clear, Putin did not expect this engagement to go this long.
Make no mistake on that.
Some Russian forces invaded with apparently little preparation. Captured Russian soldiers and intercepted communications revealed that many units were unaware they were to invade Ukraine until shortly beforehand.31 Reports also indicated that many in the Russian military were operating with poor morale, soon compounded by increasing casualties, poor leadership, and a lack of supplies.
Don't take my word for it...this is the Congressional report.

It states that only about 1500 verified Russian casualties.

It also states that while Ukraine has been resilient and adaptive. They have sustained far more significant losses than Russia even if we count the Ukrainian claims of 20,000 Russian deaths.

We can verify this with the fact that 6,000 known Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol are now dead.

The congressional research report says without immediate support the Ukrainians can no longer conduct military operations.

No wonder they are whining and begging so bad now.

If the reports are true..........losing one ship cost Ivan about 400 alone............

While I don't trust the media ........I've seen enough pics of burning Z tanks to say you ARE FULL OF IT.
The Russian military also appeared unprepared for many other critical aspects of the conflict. Observers documented Russian units operating without encrypted communications, often using civilian equipment to communicate.45 The lack of encrypted communications hampered the Russian military’s ability to coordinate its operations and allowed the Ukrainian military to listen and exploit intercepted information.46
The Russian military’s logistics issues limited its offensives in almost all sectors.47 Russian units appeared poorly supplied (for example, some captured Russian food appeared expired and inedible) and seemed to advance past available logistics support. Available logistics appeared too limited to sustain multiple simultaneous offensives.
Initially, Russian forces made gains along all lines of advance. However, Russian forces ran into effective and likely unexpected levels of Ukrainian resistance from the invasion’s outset. In addition, many analysts and officials assess that the Russian military has performed poorly overall and has been hindered by specific tactical choices, poor logistics, ineffective communications, and command-and-control issues. The Ukrainian military, while at a quantitative and qualitative disadvantage in personnel, equipment, and resources, has proven more resilient and adaptive, including by using guerrilla tactics effectively, than Russia appeared to expect.
Read the whole document dumb shit. Lolol
The Russian military also appeared unprepared for many other critical aspects of the conflict. Observers documented Russian units operating without encrypted communications, often using civilian equipment to communicate.45 The lack of encrypted communications hampered the Russian military’s ability to coordinate its operations and allowed the Ukrainian military to listen and exploit intercepted information.46
The Russian military’s logistics issues limited its offensives in almost all sectors.47 Russian units appeared poorly supplied (for example, some captured Russian food appeared expired and inedible) and seemed to advance past available logistics support. Available logistics appeared too limited to sustain multiple simultaneous offensives.
Yes. Doesn't change the document's conclusions.

It concludes after Mariupol falls then Russia will press its advantage against the majority of the remaining Ukrainian army stuck in the Donbas pocket where they are unable to use hit and run or guerrilla tactics. And that Dvornikov is much more integrated of a commander.

You cherry picking fuck tards are sad.
If the reports are true..........losing one ship cost Ivan about 400 alone............

While I don't trust the media ........I've seen enough pics of burning Z tanks to say you ARE FULL OF IT.
Russians said they got their sailors off and it sank while being towed so you bet your ass they evacuated lol.
Everybody is guessing, no one knows for sure on the counts for either side.
I wouldn't put any money on either sides count.
One thing is clear, Putin did not expect this engagement to go this long.
Make no mistake on that.
What makes you say that? Do you even know what Putin said before the invasion?
Reported Russian Casualties
Estimates of Russian casualties vary widely and may not be considered reliable. Due to the continuing state of war, verifying exact numbers of Russian casualties is nearly impossible. Below are some of the estimates that had been mentioned in various press reports by the end of March 2022.
Russia: Officially, the Russian government stated in late March that 1,351 soldiers had died and another 3,850 had been wounded. On March 20, 2022, the pro-Kremlin newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda appeared to mistakenly publish Russian Ministry of Defense figures that listed 9,861 deaths. This figure remains unconfirmed, and the newspaper reported that it had been hacked.
United States: The U.S. government has largely declined to release specific estimates, but U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated in an interview on March 29, 2022, that Russia had sustained “incredible” losses and “by our estimates, more than 10,000 Russians dead.”
NATO: NATO estimated that anywhere from 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers had been killed.

Ukraine: Ukraine estimated that it had killed nearly 20,000 Russian troops since the war began.
Sources: Emily Rauhala et al., “Russia Could Have Lost as Many as 15,000 Troops in
Initially, the Ukrainian military traded space to draw Russian forces in, as Russian units advanced without sufficient convoy protection and logistical support. As Russian units advanced, Ukraine emphasized guerrilla strategies, such as hit and run or ambushes, to attack supply lines.60 Ukraine also isolated Russian units in an effort to tire and deplete Russian forces. Ukraine leveraged key capabilities (such as the TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicle for direct attack and targeting for artillery strikes), security assistance, and knowledge to stymie Russian advances and undermine Russian advantages, such as airpower.61 Easily deployable weapons systems (including foreign and domestic anti-tank and anti-air systems) have been effective at stopping Russian forces and imposing losses in Russian personnel and equipment.
Reported Russian Casualties
Estimates of Russian casualties vary widely and may not be considered reliable. Due to the continuing state of war, verifying exact numbers of Russian casualties is nearly impossible. Below are some of the estimates that had been mentioned in various press reports by the end of March 2022.
Russia: Officially, the Russian government stated in late March that 1,351 soldiers had died and another 3,850 had been wounded. On March 20, 2022, the pro-Kremlin newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda appeared to mistakenly publish Russian Ministry of Defense figures that listed 9,861 deaths. This figure remains unconfirmed, and the newspaper reported that it had been hacked.
United States: The U.S. government has largely declined to release specific estimates, but U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated in an interview on March 29, 2022, that Russia had sustained “incredible” losses and “by our estimates, more than 10,000 Russians dead.”
NATO: NATO estimated that anywhere from 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers had been killed.

Ukraine: Ukraine estimated that it had killed nearly 20,000 Russian troops since the war began.
Sources: Emily Rauhala et al., “Russia Could Have Lost as Many as 15,000 Troops in
Lol you're so desperate to control the narrative. So 1500 deaths. Is all we can verify. And it certainly isn't Ukraines number.
Initially, the Ukrainian military traded space to draw Russian forces in, as Russian units advanced without sufficient convoy protection and logistical support. As Russian units advanced, Ukraine emphasized guerrilla strategies, such as hit and run or ambushes, to attack supply lines.60 Ukraine also isolated Russian units in an effort to tire and deplete Russian forces. Ukraine leveraged key capabilities (such as the TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicle for direct attack and targeting for artillery strikes), security assistance, and knowledge to stymie Russian advances and undermine Russian advantages, such as airpower.61 Easily deployable weapons systems (including foreign and domestic anti-tank and anti-air systems) have been effective at stopping Russian forces and imposing losses in Russian personnel and equipment.
Yes cute. Funny how you avoid the conclusion which is current.

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