U.S. May Need New Party For 'Moderate Republicans'.

There is a party for RINOs. It is called The Democrat Party. George Bush (both Jr and Sr) John McCain and Mitt Romney are all members. It looks like there will be a couple of more yahoos from Georgia that will be joining.
The top candidates for the 2024 GOP nomination? How about:
Ted Cruz (2nd in 2016)

Great post, thanks. Not many posters can make me look up words (oleaginous)

I'm perplexed by your calling so many candidates "Israel Firsters"??
All Republicans and most democrats suck for shekels, that's where the money is.

So refining the field, dropping out are Elon (citizenship), Rubio (Toady), Santorum (not popular enough), Pence (looks too small compared to Trump), Don Jr (the MSM would go nuts), Rand (too divisive), Noem (experience, but keep as VP), so that leaves:
Ted Cruz (a very solid GOP candidate, against Kamala?! No problem)
Nikki Haley (probably the most electable, the MSM would be muzzled)
Mike Pompeo (1st in his class at West Point does it for me, he's qualified)
There is a party for RINOs. It is called The Democrat Party. George Bush (both Jr and Sr) John McCain and Mitt Romney are all members. It looks like there will be a couple of more yahoos from Georgia that will be joining.
very true.so is mitch McConnel.
There is a party for RINOs. It is called The Democrat Party. George Bush (both Jr and Sr) John McCain and Mitt Romney are all members. It looks like there will be a couple of more yahoos from Georgia that will be joining.
very true.so is mitch McConnel.

It is a disgrace the way many Republicans didn't support Trump when the Democrats stole the election.

I guess they felt they were safe in their office so why make waves with the Negroes, Moon Bats and other Democrat scum?
There is a party for RINOs. It is called The Democrat Party. George Bush (both Jr and Sr) John McCain and Mitt Romney are all members. It looks like there will be a couple of more yahoos from Georgia that will be joining.
very true.so is mitch McConnel.

It is a disgrace the way many Republicans didn't support Trump when the Democrats stole the election.

I guess they felt they were safe in their office so why make waves with the Negroes, Moon Bats and other Democrat scum?

well there are many that are globalists as bush,romney and mcconell so they want their pal fellow globalist Biden in.RINOS are no differerent than the demorats. Bush and clinton were both in favore of nafta that was why the elite did not care which one got inas long as it was not independent ross perot sense he was against it,then obama lied to the people saying he would reverse bushs policys but instead expanded them. Bush and Obama are two peas in a pod.
There is nothing moderate about libertarianism. First off, ask 100 libertarians what it means to be libertarian and you'll end up with 100 answers and some of those might even be literate.
There is no "Democrat Party" any more. It is the Socialist Party and it is despicable.

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