U.S. Marshals told not to arrest protesters outside justices’ homes, documents reveal


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Everything we know about Merrick Garland points to him being a dangerous man and a danger to the Republic.

He must resign or be impeached. There is no other course.

Deputy U.S. marshals assigned to guard Supreme Court justices last year were directed to try not to make arrests, according to documents a U.S. senator revealed Tuesday, contradicting Attorney General Merrick Garland’s assurances to Congress.

Sen. Katie Britt, Alabama Republican, confronted Mr. Garland with the training package used for the marshals deployed to protect justices. It said arrests were “not” to be a priority.

Conservatives have argued the protests, which erupted after a draft of a major abortion-rights ruling leaked last spring, violate a federal statute that outlaws protesting against a judge’s home with the intent of influencing a ruling.

Nobody was charged under that statute.

Mr. Garland told senators earlier this month that his prosecutors couldn’t bring cases unless the marshals made arrests, and the marshals on the scene didn’t think there was a reason to do that.

Ms. Britt said the guidance documents show they were directed not to.

“They were actively discouraged from doing so,” she said.

One section of the guidance specifically said making arrests was “not the goal” of the deployment, and another section said arrests should be “a last resort to prevent physical harm.”


It is not illegal to protest. There was nothing to arrest people over for protesting. Look at how many places that had to pay out millions for arresting people while simply protesting.
Holy Shite - The US AG ordered US Marshalls NOT to enforce rhe law to protect USSC Justices and their families because tve Justices delivered a decision on abortions the Left did not like.

Not enforcing laws - PARTISANLY SELECTIVE law enforcement based on partisan leftist agenda - that's UN-American, dangerous....again, corrupt 3rd World Banana Republic stuff!
Biden's banana republic. This fascist administration only enforces laws that support their agenda.

U.S. Marshals assigned to guard Supreme Court justices during the controversy over Roe v. Wade last year were reportedly told not to arrest protesters that gathered outside their private homes.

Last year, individual Supreme Court Justices were targeted by protesters after an illegal leak of a draft decision aiming to overturn Roe v. Wade before it had been officially decided. At the time, even the left-wing Washington Post admitted such protests were likely illegal according to Title 18, Section 1507, of the U.S. Code.

“While protest is indeed ingrained in American democracy, legally speaking, the comparison between protesting a politician at home and a member of the judiciary at home is inexact. And experts say the latter category of protests is probably illegal regardless of how peaceful the demonstrations are,” the Post admitted.

“The law states that it is illegal, ‘with the intent of influencing any judge to: ‘picket or parade “’n or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer,'” it added, “‘or with such intent,’ to resort’“to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence.'”
To say Dems are soft on crime is a massive understatement. Group of Dem thugs who set a senior's hair on fire, then beat a reporter to the ground, released to parents with no further action. :oops:
I understand it perfectly fine.

You want people to be arrested for exercising speech you disagree with.

No, you're confused. What the protesters were doing is a crime, which was clearly explained in the article you didn't read. Your president, fascist that he is, ordered his AG to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law and arresting the criminals. That's how banana republics operate, and you support it.
Biden's banana republic. This fascist administration only enforces laws that support their agenda.

U.S. Marshals assigned to guard Supreme Court justices during the controversy over Roe v. Wade last year were reportedly told not to arrest protesters that gathered outside their private homes.

Last year, individual Supreme Court Justices were targeted by protesters after an illegal leak of a draft decision aiming to overturn Roe v. Wade before it had been officially decided. At the time, even the left-wing Washington Post admitted such protests were likely illegal according to Title 18, Section 1507, of the U.S. Code.

“While protest is indeed ingrained in American democracy, legally speaking, the comparison between protesting a politician at home and a member of the judiciary at home is inexact. And experts say the latter category of protests is probably illegal regardless of how peaceful the demonstrations are,” the Post admitted.

“The law states that it is illegal, ‘with the intent of influencing any judge to: ‘picket or parade “’n or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer,'” it added, “‘or with such intent,’ to resort’“to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence.'”
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