U.S. Army Ranger charged in beating death of female Tacoma security guard

You're 200 lbs. and 'can fight'. Big fucking whoop. Doesn't mean anything. You'd still be just as dead in that situation. Save your false bravado. Your point sucks out loud.

I could beat the shit out of 99% of the women out there.
You cant say that about your average woman when it comes to her fighting a man.
Men are just stronger and thats a fact.

It's pretty obvious. They dont have the strength of a man and are at a disadvantage when faced with a male attacker which puts the rest of her squad mates in danger.
It's no different than putting a WNBA team against an NBA team. The men are stronger and faster.
Hell, a Mens collage team would easily beat any team in the WNBA.

Men are murdered in the same way. It is very easy to kill. The social contract is that we must determine if your death is justified or not. If it is not we owe it to everyone to hold the murderer accountable.

Degrading it to an asinine proof of your sexist theories diminishes the crime and demonstrates your lack of integrity.

Who would be easier to kill in hand to hand combat?
Never understood why Rangers, Green Berets, Seals, etc. were always portrayed as great people. Being specially trained to kill is a useful skill in war, but it doesn't go very far in making you a good person.
We want a military that is good at killing
We want a military that is good at killing
Yes, and their training makes them good soldiers. It doesn't make them good representatives, or good at developing policies that help instead of harm his constituants, or determining what his constituants need, or even being a decent human being.
Tim McVeigh was a Veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star but it only took the Feds about 7 years from the date of the crime to execute him.
Training does't matter in most cases since there are very few people who are trained in hand to hand combat.
If both parties are trained the man will beat the women every time.

Good to know.

I mean. How many thugs take the time to learn a self defense technique?

But let’s stick to this case. The assailant was an Army Ranger. Trained in hand to hand. Your average rent a cop has no chance against him. A man could have. A man would have been beaten to death exactly the same way.

If the roles had been reversed. A trained female, especially a veteran, against an untrained male, she would have won.

So my point stands.
I could beat the shit out of 99% of the women out there.
You cant say that about your average woman when it comes to her fighting a man.
Men are just stronger and thats a fact.
That's why the courts allow women to use deadly force against a man even if he isn't armed because of the disparity of force. It is automatically assumed that she will be at a disadvantage when dealing with a male assailant who by virtue of biology is normally larger and stronger than her.
Tim McVeigh was a Veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star but it only took the Feds about 7 years from the date of the crime to execute him.

Only because he didn't appeal the conviction or sentence. He could have drug it out years more.

With the training he had he just as easily could have killed most men. Most people are not trained nor are their brains wired to fight. They panic and don't know what to do when confronted.

It's pretty simple, an attacker has to breathe and see, so you go for the throat and eyes. A sharp blow to the throat can hinder breathing and you go for the eyes like you're putting your fingers in a bowling ball, you push them in as deep as possible. Just those two things can give even a woman a chance to escape a man. Those are techniques I've taught my wife.

Yes, and their training makes them good soldiers. It doesn't make them good representatives, or good at developing policies that help instead of harm his constituants, or determining what his constituants need, or even being a decent human being.
I think you are describing elected leaders and saying that ex military should be disqualified from serving in government

naturally I disagree
I think you are describing elected leaders and saying that ex military should be disqualified from serving in government

naturally I disagree
I'm not saying they should be disqualified, butI don't see where it should be much of an advantage. How often is killing someone a skill needed in Congress?

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