Attorney: Jan. 6 Prisoners Brutally Beaten, Stripped, Hogtied, Humiliated by Guards – One Prisoner Blinded in One Eye – Worse Abuse Than Gitmo


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Who would have thought America would degenerate to the point where we now have a regime in power that exhibits all the traits of a totalitarian form of government....absolutely outrageous.

This is good to hear if true.

Have they installed the incinerators yet so their problems will go away magically?


Who would have thought America would degenerate to the point where we now have a regime in power that exhibits all the traits of a totalitarian form of government....absolutely outrageous.

How odd. A guy who helped give a female officer a concussion gets beat up by some other cops in jail! Why, I bet that NEVER happens to anyone who fights with the police~

It would appear that you have no idea of what it's like in jail, but stuff like this a regular thing...and the rule is, if you hit a will get given the black and blues. Is it
Is it real? You better is.


But it's nothing singling Gitmo. I would imagine he tried to fight back..he has a video showcasing some MMA skills..thus the hogtying.
Point is..he was leading the charge and someone got hurt--he buys the charge.

Especially given his record..which is why his bail is non-existant--he's on parole for a violent crime and has an arrest warrant out for another assault.

Pasqualini said she doesn't currently plan to file a motion asking for Samsel's release because the state of Pennsylvania has a detainer on him due to his status as a parolee on January 6.
Records show Samsel is on parole for an assault conviction from 2016 in Pennsylvania and that there's a separate warrant for his arrest related to an alleged 2019 assault in New Jersey.
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Who would have thought America would degenerate to the point where we now have a regime in power that exhibits all the traits of a totalitarian form of government....absolutely outrageous.

I see no pictures like Gitmo so it must not be that bad.
Who would have thought America would degenerate to the point where we now have a regime in power that exhibits all the traits of a totalitarian form of government....absolutely outrageous.

Trust me
Hopefully they've got good lawyers who have been collecting evidence and already captured CCTV, took statements etc.

You can bet your last dollar if this was blacks instead of Trump supporters, cities would burn to the ground.
They'll be wealthy when all this comes out.

We are dealing with people with a workers mentality of stupidity. To me, if you depend on another for a paycheck, you're parents did a hell of a bad job.
Who would have thought America would degenerate to the point where we now have a regime in power that exhibits all the traits of a totalitarian form of government....absolutely outrageous.

Lol, gateway Pundit what a laugh. Fakes of the fake news check out who owns it dumb fuck. Literally owned by the Chinese. Your an idiot.
Gitmo prisoners had the American media to look out for their welfare. Jan 6 gulag inmates were on their own as if they were incarcerated by a 3rd world regime. It shows what can happen when the media becomes the full time propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Who would have thought America would degenerate to the point where we now have a regime in power that exhibits all the traits of a totalitarian form of government....absolutely outrageous.

Pretty sure that's bullshit.
Blinded by prison guards? I want every last one of those prison guards and everyone involved with that "criminal justice" system put to death for their war crimes. Without exception. Moses said eye for an eye, and it's time to put those dirty cocksuckers to death. That's enough.

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