u couldn't pay me enough to teach ....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
An eighth-grade math teacher at Atherton's Selby Lane School rattled a table to get his students' attention Tuesday afternoon, police said.

He succeeded on that score.

But the demonstration landed him on paid administrative leave.

Officers went to the campus at 2:26 p.m. to check on reports of a teacher causing a disturbance in a classroom and possibly throwing objects, said Sgt. Tim Lynch of the Atherton Police Department. When officers arrived, however, they found a calm teacher with class in session and determined nothing had been thrown.

Lynch said it appears the teacher's table-rattling act startled a female student who left the class and called police from a cell phone.

"My impression by talking to her was that she was disturbed by what the teacher was doing," Lynch said.

Most of the students in the class weren't bothered by the teacher's actions, Lynch said. Though the teacher "dramatically" made his point, "it wasn't a teacher out of control," he added.

Student calls police after Atherton math teacher rattles table - San Jose Mercury News

apparently this is a low crime area...wtf.....a whining student calls the police...
The fear of litigation ties the hands of teachers because the school system rarely backs their actions. My son who is a senior came home last week telling me about a kid in one of his classes who was drunk off his butt and passed out in class. I asked what the teacher did. Nothing. I told him that when I was in school in the early to mid 70's, the principal would have been called down to the room, the kid removed to the office where his parents would be called and the kid expelled. Not today. Sad. A teenager drunk at school in the middle of the day has a problem that needs to be addressed.
and we wonder why kids have such a sense of entitlement...

how dare a teacher rattle the table at me....how dare he.....

this is just out of control
An eighth-grade math teacher at Atherton's Selby Lane School rattled a table to get his students' attention Tuesday afternoon, police said.
I remember my H.S. English teacher (An ex-Marine) getting our attention by throwing the top half of his lecturn across the room!

Of course he didn't get fired, back then the teacher was always right.
The parents of said student should be made to attend the class for a morning where they should be made to stand in the corner with their hands on their head!
Yet today teachers have become the scapegoats, characterized as greedy and generally incompetent. We've debated and discussed on several threads means and methods to improve education in America, but it's always easier to blame than it is understand cause and effect.
Seriously, if it were up to me, we would drop standardized testing. Teachers teach to the test in order to hit a mark so the school system will qualify for federal funds. They have quit educating students in the course subject in favor of teaching to pass a test. Uiforms would become mandatory and campuses closed. No leaving for lunch. Kids who sleep in class, get stoned, drunk, back talk, etc. are no longer allowed to do so. They go to detention and are still required to do their course work. If they fail, they fail and get set back a year....no moving them on and letting them be the next teachers problem. No food, drink or cell phones in class. You are in school to learn, it isn't a social club or a spa. The problems with education today only need one thing to fix it, a dose of common sense.
The girl should be suspended for leaving class without permission and the parents fined for her abusing the 911 system.

Kids now a days KNOW they have the upper hand. All they have to do is claim some kind of abuse.
When I was a kid, if I had pulled a stunt like the girl did by informing on a teacher, my parents would have read me the riot act.
False accusations against teachers are not uncommon. We have excellent disciplinarians who understand that 90 percent of what comes of out of a kid in trouble is a lie, but many teachers don't have that support.

And nearly all schools have given up on cell phones. I now have a box that they can put their phone in and take after class. If they choose not to use the box, and I see it out, its a zero for the day. So far, so good, but I'm sure if some brat challenged my policy, I'd be told to stop. Cell phone use in class must be in the Constitution or something.
Yet today teachers have become the scapegoats, characterized as greedy and generally incompetent. We've debated and discussed on several threads means and methods to improve education in America, but it's always easier to blame than it is understand cause and effect.

There is only one way to fix education, read my sig.
I taught for 2 years.

2 of the most fun, rewarding years of my life.

I'll do it again some day.

But no way in hell I'd ever teach in a public school.

No way in hell.
False accusations against teachers are not uncommon. We have excellent disciplinarians who understand that 90 percent of what comes of out of a kid in trouble is a lie, but many teachers don't have that support.

And nearly all schools have given up on cell phones. I now have a box that they can put their phone in and take after class. If they choose not to use the box, and I see it out, its a zero for the day. So far, so good, but I'm sure if some brat challenged my policy, I'd be told to stop. Cell phone use in class must be in the Constitution or something.

Good for you. :clap2:

Hopefully you won't get in trouble. At a private school, of course, this wouldn't be a problem, but private school teachers usually get paid less than their public school counterparts and certainly don't get the benefits.
I taught for 2 years.

2 of the most fun, rewarding years of my life.

I'll do it again some day.

But no way in hell I'd ever teach in a public school.

No way in hell.

I teach economics at the University level - private, obviously. I teach one class a quarter - mostly for the enjoyment. (I don't get paid very much for it.) This is in addition to my day job.

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