Two days after Biden sends VP Harris to solve the Ukraine crisis, Putin invades Ukraine.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Why did Biden send this idiot to solve the Ukraine crisis? She has ZERO foreign policy experience, and has botched everything she has touched.............just like her boss.

Do you realize how stupid and retarded it sounds to blame Harris for the invasion of Ukraine?
Why did Biden send this idiot to solve the Ukraine crisis? She has ZERO foreign policy experience, and has botched everything she has touched.............just like her boss.

Didga gear how Putin's asseater Trump blasted Biden today but said not a word about his buddy Putin?

Trump will never get the stink of Putin's ass off his breath.
Do you realize how stupid and retarded it sounds to blame Harris for the invasion of Ukraine?
There was a report that the new ambassador to Germany...Her name is Gettman wanted a ride on Air Force 2 as Harris was going back to the United States. Harris didn't want her on the plane. She took a commercial flight.
Do you realize how stupid and retarded it sounds to blame Harris for the invasion of Ukraine?
Putin has been playing your Vegetable Messiah for weeks.............he will get what he wants out of him, and he waited until he forced your Vegetable Messiah to send the Cackling Cock Holster over there to humiliate both of them on the world stage.

Your idiots are getting played bigtime, and you are too stupid to see it.
Didga gear how Putin's asseater Trump blasted Biden today but said not a word about his buddy Putin?

Trump will never get the stink of Putin's ass off his breath.
Didga gear? What, you lapsed into............................................. anybody's guess what language that is.
Putin has been playing your Vegetable Messiah for weeks.............he will get what he wants out of him, and he waited until he forced your Vegetable Messiah to send the Cackling Cock Holster over there to humiliate both of them on the world stage.

Your idiots are getting played bigtime, and you are too stupid to see it.
Your praise for Putin is noted.

I'm sure you Trump asseaters are jumping for joy at what Putin is doing as long as Biden is perceived to look bad.

You love Putin? Move to Moscow & you can take that cocksucker Trump with you..
When you are too fucking stupid to comment on a topic.....

ORANGE MAN BAD.............AND I WISH I COULD EAT HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have yet to hear one of you fuckers critisize Putin over this invasion but you got plenty of slams reserved for Biden.

Why did Biden send this idiot to solve the Ukraine crisis? She has ZERO foreign policy experience, and has botched everything she has touched.............just like her boss.

She encouraged them to
Biden has always looked bad, before he was president, before he was vice president, when he was a senator, before he was a senator

Biden has always looked bad

Many Democrats will see this for what it is. Biden is a very weak, pathetic president and they will not vote for biden again, that is if Biden makes it another 2 years.

I doubt Biden can keep popping enough pills to stay alive that long.

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