Tulsi Refuses To Shut Up & Go Away: Blasts Democrats & MSM Surrogates For Hypocrisy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Tulsi Gabbard blasts 'hypocrisy' of DNC and their media partners for not letting her debate

"There's a lot of "hypocrisy" within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and from media partners hosting the presidential debates when it comes to giving female politicians a fair shot

American voters have a right" to ask questions about the DNC and their partners' methods when making the rules for the debates."

Gabbard – the last remaining woman in the Democrats’ presidential race – has been shut out of the party’s next debate with a rule change that makes it mathematically impossible for her to claim a spot.

Under the party’s most recent set of debate rules, any candidate who had won at least one delegate in the party’s first 25 nomination contests had the right to take the stage."

In other words, the DNC, believed to still be controlled by Hillary Clinton ('Shadow', anyone?) rigged its Primaries in the middle of them to ensure the only ones left in the race were 2 old, Deep State, elitist White Men...

"The DNC's inconsistent rule-changing is a "greater disservice" to voters who will "not have the opportunity to make that best-informed decision about who our next commander-in-chief should be."

"Because, we're not seeing these other candidates bringing to the forefront the issues that I am about the need to bring this -- sea change in our foreign policy, to stop waging these wasteful regime change wars toppling dictators in other countries, the new Cold War nuclear arms race, all of which are not making us any safer. And, instead, redirect our taxpayer dollars towards really serving the very urgent pressing needs that the American people here at home all across the country are very concerned about. Things like the coronavirus, for example."
-- Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard also still has a multi-million dollar law suit against Hillary still going on, which won't help her get onto the DNC's debate stage....


Tulsi Gabbard blasts 'hypocrisy' of DNC and their media partners for not letting her debate

She whines a lot for running such a shitty campaign
It's taken a couple of Rule Changes to keep her off the debate stage. Any time you force the DNC to rig their primaries / to change the rules JUST FOR YOU, you are a threat....
The "party of diversity" is in love with two old white men, and brazenly discriminating against a non-white female with 100 fold more courage, more patriotism to America, more integrity.... and much much better LOOKING TOO!!!
The "party of diversity" is in love with two old white men, and brazenly discriminating against a non-white female with 100 fold more courage, more patriotism to America, more integrity.... and much much better LOOKING TOO!!!
Right? If she keeps her mouth closed she is hot. But when she opens it? Lol gross
How many times do they have to change The Rules to keep her off The Debate Stage?

The Democrat Party bent over backwards to get Bloomberg on and keep Tulsi off.

Why would any Democrat even trust their own party after what they did to Bernie last year and what they are doing to Tulsi this year and probably do to Bernie again?
Tulsi Gabbard is a much better candidate for the Democrat Party in a General Election than either The Bern or Low IQ Joe.

The Democrat Party would rather lose the White House than trust her....
She had her 15 minutes of fame...the only scenario she can succeed in is to get knocked up and have a kid....She's lost her House seat and has zero chance of a job in any next administration.

Tulsi Gabbard blasts 'hypocrisy' of DNC and their media partners for not letting her debate

"There's a lot of "hypocrisy" within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and from media partners hosting the presidential debates when it comes to giving female politicians a fair shot

American voters have a right" to ask questions about the DNC and their partners' methods when making the rules for the debates."

Gabbard – the last remaining woman in the Democrats’ presidential race – has been shut out of the party’s next debate with a rule change that makes it mathematically impossible for her to claim a spot.

Under the party’s most recent set of debate rules, any candidate who had won at least one delegate in the party’s first 25 nomination contests had the right to take the stage."

In other words, the DNC, believed to still be controlled by Hillary Clinton ('Shadow', anyone?) rigged its Primaries in the middle of them to ensure the only ones left in the race were 2 old, Deep State, elitist White Men...

"The DNC's inconsistent rule-changing is a "greater disservice" to voters who will "not have the opportunity to make that best-informed decision about who our next commander-in-chief should be."

"Because, we're not seeing these other candidates bringing to the forefront the issues that I am about the need to bring this -- sea change in our foreign policy, to stop waging these wasteful regime change wars toppling dictators in other countries, the new Cold War nuclear arms race, all of which are not making us any safer. And, instead, redirect our taxpayer dollars towards really serving the very urgent pressing needs that the American people here at home all across the country are very concerned about. Things like the coronavirus, for example."
-- Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard also still has a multi-million dollar law suit against Hillary still going on, which won't help her get onto the DNC's debate stage....

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Tulsi Gabbard blasts 'hypocrisy' of DNC and their media partners for not letting her debate

Despite being a paleoconservative, I happen to like Tulsi. That said, I don't completely trust her, particularly on abortion and the prevention of LGTBQ curriculum in public institutions. However, she is a fellow veteran—a combat veteran, and that's a quality absent for too long from the Oval Office. IF she came around on a few issues she'd maybe realize she's a conservative too, and I'd vote for her.
However, she is a fellow veteran—a combat veteran, and that's a quality absent for too long from the Oval Office. IF she came around on a few issues she'd maybe realize she's a conservative too, and I'd vote for her.

She's not a combat Veteran...she was at medical stations as a reserve for a few months. If you want a woman with the right stuff, check out Sen. Martha McSally from here in Arizona.
These topics inform me of just how scared shitless the pseudocons are of Joe Biden.
Despite being a paleoconservative, I happen to like Tulsi. That said, I don't completely trust her, particularly on abortion and the prevention of LGTBQ curriculum in public institutions. However, she is a fellow veteran—a combat veteran, and that's a quality absent for too long from the Oval Office. IF she came around on a few issues she'd maybe realize she's a conservative too, and I'd vote for her.

The only serious knock I have had against Tulsi is her 'stance' on Impeachment.

There's an old saying, "Lead, Follow, or GTF out of the way."

When it truly came time to take a stand on the Democrats/ / House's BS Impeachment, she did not stand against the BS crime-less / evidence-less / witness-less BS Impeachment ('Lead'), she did not faithfully support her Party ('Follow')....she 'ducked' into a 'side alley' to avoid the whole 'rumble'. The military does not teach us to run from a fight but instead to do the right thing. She shed her military side to demonstrate her 'Politician' side by voting 'Present' to avoid having been counted on either side.

These topics inform me of just how scared shitless the pseudocons are of Joe Biden.

We're really terrified of Biden and you're a savvy investor with a deep stake in the stock market. :laughing0301:
She whines a lot for running such a shitty campaign
It's taken a couple of Rule Changes to keep her off the debate stage. Any time you force the DNC to rig their primaries / to change the rules JUST FOR YOU, you are a threat....
Well yeah but her campaign still sucked.
Who are you kidding? She was not pushed. Biden has made some racist statements over the decades and he is forgiven. Whatever you say about Trump, you can not even want to see in a fraud like this.
just how scared shitless the pseudocons are of Joe Biden.

Many of the psuedocons aka the post 1998 GOP are 100% for Biden even if they don't admit it publicly like William Krystol.

Joe Biden is 100% owned and paid for by AIPAC. We'd have "another 911" and off to war we'd go again for the cause of Greater Israel.

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