Trump going off the rails right now outside courthouse.

Pay attention. You just may get your answer.
The answer is supposed to precede the trial.
BTW. The crime you’re waiting for does not need to have been charged or meet the reasonable doubt standard either.
That’s true in burglary cases in NY. It is dubious for these bullshit charges. But a dolt like you wouldn’t understand shit that isn’t spoon fed to you gullible assholes by propagandist media.
It only has to be shown to have occurred.
Wrong. And there are many reasons why.

You remain an idiot regardless. 👍
Celebrities aren't subject to election law and disclosure requirements.

Trump is.

All Trump was when he paid her off was a celebrity. He hadn't been elected yet. You seem to forget this didn't just happen, it happened EIGHT YEARS AGO.

Mic drop. This case is BOGUS.
And yet AGAIN, it is NOT illegal to pay a porn star hush money, even if you're Donald Trump.
They know that
They made up something to the effect that the cashed checks have an account number assumed as “Campaign funds”
The unfortunate truth is those checks don’t have that account number but that’s a fact reality and they reject reality
How did the whole country get wrapped around one orange shitgibbon and his inability to keep it in his pants.

Come on, you guys impeached Clinton for a blow job, full penetration into a porn star has to be worse.
Still can't tell what what the crime is?....
You can't convict because there is a probability Trump was involved with a might have been a crime....
WTF this is not China tards...

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