Tulsi Gabbard Says She Left Democratic Party Because "Above All" They Are 'Dragging Us to Nuclear War' (at 7 minutes)

The Democrats left US. I realized in '08 after Obama. Identity politics. When they voted for a 50/50 black, white but he was mostly BLACK because...why?
Let's hope she turns out to be the splash of cold water the nation needs. Pray for Tulsi.

at 7 minutes in


Democrats are now Nazis in the bunkers in 1945; they're all in for scorched earth.

Democrats are now Nazis in the bunkers in 1945; they're all in for scorched earth.
This is a very serious accusation, though.

You don't have to read too far between the lines.

Who's in charge of the Democratic Party? Neo-Libs. Nuland. ValJar. Susan Rice. Hillary

Tulsi is staying that THEY (the Neo-Libs) want a nuclear war.

Which is not too surprising, if you think about it. Neo-Libs are exactly like Neo-Cons. War mongering, nation building, the whole nine yards.

The arrogant fucks think they're going to get a world government with the US in charge.

What a bunch of dimwitted asswipes.

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