tucker carlson laughs at Cap Police as they tell their story

DemonRats love the Capitol police who protect their tyrannical government overlords, but hate and want to abolish the police that protect the common people.

You people are slaves who have come to worship the government while despising your own neighbors

BTW, maybe some of the Capitol Police can get a few acting gigs on a Soap Opera
You are well groomed, trump fluffer.
Hard to say that Chauvin was "overwhelmed" when he was just hanging out, kneeling on Floyd's back, not really worried about much, including Floyd's well being.

The officer in the capitol was facing an angry, violent mob just outside the doors of Congressmembers he was supposed to be protecting. It's really quite different.
Wait....he was comparing what Chauvin the Murderer was doing with what the Capitol Cops were dealing with on Jan 6th? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
No doubt there were lots of ASSHOLES there----there are always lots of assholes at
big DEMONSTRATIONS---considering the SIZE of the crowd, the only logical way
it can be described is A PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION -----if that number of BLM shit
gathered in one place, there would have been a body count in the hundreds
Excuse making by trump fluffers.
No one is yet charged with Sedation, Insurrection, or Treason. Just Vandalism and Trespassing.
Why is that?

Meanwhile, last summer freedom for businesses owners were trashed as looters burned their stores, folks were prevented by moving freely by morons on the Expressways, law and order were subverted and government and police buildings were burned. Authorities were attacked, injured and killed.
Now that's an Insurrection.
What is the criminal code number for "insurrection"? And since when is "sedation" a crime?
I've seen the the incident you're referring to. There was no imminent threat to anyone and I've explained why.

You just have a hard time recognizing reality.
yes lighting a building on fire is no threat to anyone.
Of course, i remember one of your cult leaders saying this isnt comparable to anything because it happened during the day. which makes less sense than your excuse. Wonder why he didnt try yours? :lol:
No one is yet charged with Sedation, Insurrection, or Treason. Just Vandalism and Trespassing.
Why is that?

Meanwhile, last summer freedom for businesses owners were trashed as looters burned their stores, folks were prevented by moving freely by morons on the Expressways, law and order were subverted and government and police buildings were burned. Authorities were attacked, injured and killed.
Now that's an Insurrection.
And looters and arsonists and rioters have been arrested for that when caught.....
yes lighting a building on fire is no threat to anyone.
Of course, i remember one of your cult leaders saying this isnt comparable to anything because it happened during the day. which makes less sense than your excuse. Wonder why he didnt try yours? :lol:
Did you see what "lighting the building on fire" looked like in this instance?
Did you see what "lighting the building on fire" looked like in this instance?
But they tried.
The "insurrection", the greatest threat to the country in 150 years (LMFAO) was a failure too. Hmmmmm
As far as protests go, it wasn't actually that large. Less than 30,000. There were BLM protests far greater and with far fewer violent incidents.

The point here is that some Trump supporters are lashing out at police for merely describing what happened. Trying to erase history.
They want to erase that it was a FAILED insurrection....
You have it all backwards, traitor boy. Democrats (and try calling me names to my face, ok, little incel punk coward?) love DEMOCRACY which you hate because you know you white-right scum can't win a fair national election (hence all the cheating).

I despise any neighbors who support Trump, and do everything I can to fuck them up. It's fun! Dirty-tricking Trumpoid-owned businesses is SO satisfying! I mean, those traitors advocate my death, and a violent fascist insurrection, so the gloves are off, mofos! Too bad for you, because we're a LOT smarter.
The entire meaning of liberal tolerance in one post. Even though the op is lying. You probably couldn't beat your way out of a paper bag.

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