Tucker Carlson Defends Fake Vaccine Cards


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

Breaking the law?

There is a law against fake vaccine cards? When did it pass? How many votes did it get? Link?
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

Vaccine cards are like ID cards to vote

They are racist

Are you a racist?
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

Do people need an ID to prove that the vacc card is theirs? Yes or No? If yes, then why cant those same people get an ID card to vote? Hmmm.....

If i need a vacc card, i will find a Joe Biteme voter, roll him for his card, and present it if asked, without an ID...fucking racist progs....
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

Since when is faking a vaccination card a "crime"? And how does it hurt anyone? If you believe in the vax, you should get the dam shot and them you don't have to worry about anyone else.

But this whole story is about the essence of slavery and liberalism. Both institutions are about telling other people what to do and expecting obedience. There really isn't any difference between ordering someone out into the fields to pick cotton or into a long queue at a stadium to get a vaccine shot.
Tucker will not say if he has been vaxxed himself. If he wasn't vaxxed he'd admit it, but like most all conservatives, he is a lying hypocrite. And like P.T. Barnum knows, there is nothing but suckers who tune in to listen.

Mr. Carlson recognizes the Right to Choose, that's the point. Whether he has been vaxed or not is irrelevant, he just appreciates the Right of the people to either accept or reject the vax, after all its their body.
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

There's no law, moonbat.
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

He's a criminal, like most RWNJ pundits.
What is with Carlson and defending criminals?

The man is on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

He said people are preserving their body autonomy while he celebrates the Texas abortion law.

He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.

All the anti vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people.

I support everyone's right to not be vaccinated. I agree people have the right to body autonomy but in the same breath I don't show I'm nothing but a hypocrite by celebrating taking body autonomy from women.

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

republicans are the law and order party? That has never been true.

..better than you people defending REAL criminals like:
etc etc etc
Tucker will not say if he has been vaxxed himself. If he wasn't vaxxed he'd admit it, but like most all conservatives, he is a lying hypocrite. And like P.T. Barnum knows, there is nothing but suckers who tune in to listen.
Of course Tucker's been vaxed. FOX HAS A MANDATORY VACCINATION POLICY.
Tucker will not say if he has been vaxxed himself. If he wasn't vaxxed he'd admit it, but like most all conservatives, he is a lying hypocrite. And like P.T. Barnum knows, there is nothing but suckers who tune in to listen.

fox so called news has very strict rules on the virus, masks and vaccinations.

Every fox so called news employee has to report their vaccination status with the company.

fox so called news requires masks too.

Yet they allow their employees to go on TV to lie so they can convince stupid people to not get vaccinated.

People are dying and fox so called news is making it worse.
fox so called news has very strict rules on the virus, masks and vaccinations.

Every fox so called news employee has to report their vaccination status with the company.

fox so called news requires masks too.

Yet they allow their employees to go on TV to lie so they can convince stupid people to not get vaccinated.

People are dying and fox so called news is making it worse.
And the death of a random "stupid unvaccinated person" hurts you...... how?...... precisely?
Promoting criminal behavior.
I just joined the conversation. What criminal behavior, precisely? What law is being broken? Please show evidence of legislative procedure having been followed to craft whichever law you're talking about. TIA.
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What is with the scum demonRATS and defending criminals?

The scum demonRATS are on TV defending people breaking the law and trying to justify breaking the law.

All the gullible, retarded vaxxers are doing is causing our nation to be held hostage by that virus and to kill more people....oh, and then required to get a booster, probably monthly after all said and done, of more foreign substance in your bodies...who knows what the consequences will be?.....but hey--gullible, scum demonRATS are good little sheep for obeying, and believing the propaganda..

and then the bail fund---kum-in-me harris--- set up for the criminals, like the 1 that recently killed someone, that was released with the twat harris's bail fund---how nice of that brainless twat

I don't support people who lie and break the law.

SCUM demonRATS are the law and order party?.... That has never been true.
He is defending people who if they get the virus will spread it to more people and some could die.
You are clueless. The jab, or the card, do not give you immunity. Those inoculated people can still contract and spread the virus among the populace. The jab is FALSE security and only makes an infection less severe while exposing the recipient to who knows what down the road. If you have been inoculated, you have as much chance to get the virus a spread it to more people and some could die. Do you understand now?

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