Tucker Carlson is crushing the ratings and lefties and the neo conservatives can’t stand it

Why is it that left-wingers and neo conservative lie about Tucker Carlson.
Ole Tuckems Carlson is not on my radar.
First time I've heard him mentioned in weeks is this LAME thread.

To say that tuckems ........

Tucker is perhaps the best journalist in America.
is laughable when you yourself complain about the corrupt MSM.

Tuckems is spoiled rich trash.
Most people Don't care about him.
Why is it that left-wingers and neo conservative lie about Tucker Carlson. They make things up about him on a daily basis. They call him a “white supremacist” they call all sorts of names ie “Russia stooge” It’s complete nonsense.

From what I've seen: when people lack the intelligence to argue the message, they attack the messenger.
Trolling^ you folks have resorted to posting one liners and exaggerations or just outright lies. And it will continue. I’ve seen how you’ve acted and threads like this.

LOL. Deflect from the lawsuit and loss all you want. It changes nothing.

Tucker did nothing that other journalists haven’t done. But you have bought the spin of a left-wing system in this country. Maybe it’s because you can’t stand the fact that Carlson is the number one rated journalist his videos on Twitter and YouTube get hundreds of millions of views. he interviews people from the left and from the right. Nobody is buying w/e it is that you’re trying to sell.

I heard it was billions and billions.

Left-wingers on CNN live every day about white homeless people being privileged. Don’t see you saying much about that.

Have a nice day buddy

Sue them.
LOL. Deflect from the lawsuit and loss all you want. It changes nothing.

I heard it was billions and billions.

Sue them.
Carlson is a great journalist..also balanced as he interviews the left and right

You can talk all you want about a lawsuit…it’s all you seem to bring up.

I’m happy the msm is losing.
Tucker is perhaps the best journalist in America. He interviews people from the right and from the left. He’s also not beholden to Israel or Ukraine, which upsets the neo conservatives and the BLM lefty.

Why is it that left-wingers and neo conservative lie about Tucker Carlson. They make things up about him on a daily basis. They call him a “white supremacist” they call all sorts of names ie “Russia stooge” It’s complete nonsense.

Carlson previously interviewed a lawyer who is highly critical of Russia.

Tucker recently interviewed Dave Smith a libertarian who is highly critical of Israeli policies and actions in Palestine.

^Hardly something that a die hard right winger would do.

^Hardly something that a white supremacist would do. Sometime ago Carlson interviewed a black left-winger who is being targeted by the justice department.

Tucker, much like FranklinRoosevelt, is now officially a Russian asset.
I caught Tucker’s interview of Aaron Rogers and he specifically says Erik Prince is a good friend of his. WTF!

Now he’s interviewed Prince. Probably a love fest.

Tucker Carlson on Rupert Murdoch in 2010 Radio Segment: “I’m 100 Percent His Bitch”​


“I only have, you know, American, white servants,” Carlson said in 2009. “It’s not because I’m racist, it’s because I’m not. It’s because I feel better beating them.”
March 12 2019, 9:27 p.m.

Tucker Carlson: The Elite Pedigree of a Brilliant Cosplaying “Populist”

February 25th, 2022

".. . She is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. She is also a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, The Economic Club of New York, and the Board of Governors of the Columbus Citizens Foundation.. . "

Tucker on NSA spying allegations: This is a huge problem for the country​

2,889,354 views Jul 7, 2021

Tucker Carlson on Rupert Murdoch in 2010 Radio Segment: “I’m 100 Percent His Bitch”​

View attachment 950914
“I only have, you know, American, white servants,” Carlson said in 2009. “It’s not because I’m racist, it’s because I’m not. It’s because I feel better beating them.”
March 12 2019, 9:27 p.m.

Tucker Carlson: The Elite Pedigree of a Brilliant Cosplaying “Populist”

February 25th, 2022

".. . She is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. She is also a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, The Economic Club of New York, and the Board of Governors of the Columbus Citizens Foundation.. . "

Tucker on NSA spying allegations: This is a huge problem for the country​

2,889,354 views Jul 7, 2021

His past is so sketchy it’s disgusting. Yet now he’s got this big following of his podcast. I’ve seen a few and he likes to say how wrong he was in the past on so many issues and claims to have apologized to his viewers. He tries to come off like a regular guy just seeking the truth. Lol.
His past is so sketchy it’s disgusting. Yet now he’s got this big following of his podcast. I’ve seen a few and he likes to say how wrong he was in the past on so many issues and claims to have apologized to his viewers. He tries to come off like a regular guy just seeking the truth. Lol.
Most of the major YouTube Podcaster are singing a tune, which I find sus, TBH.

I remember this pod-caster refused to sell out, a long time ago, a few months/years after google bought YouTube, when the grassroots organic nature of YouTube started changing.

SO I am suspect of the nature of YouTube, TBH. (There is even a channel which makes it hard to find his content now.)

"On October 9, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion in stock, which was completed on November 13. At that time it was Google's second-largest acquisition.[32] This kickstarted YouTube's rise to becoming a global media dominator, creating a multi-billion-dollar business that has surpassed most television stations and other media markets, sparking success for many YouTubers.[13]"

How the CIA made Google


. . . and this video was made, just a few years after that sale. .. (By someone who refused to become a content creator for YouTube. . .which I am sure, most of the folks who are, which we don't realize they are, working for Google when we post their vides.) Some of these rules, of course have changed over the years, but we know, they still have community standards.

YouTube is Dying (YouTube Exposed)​

1,117,534 views Nov 14, 2009

(If you watched that whole thing. . . you might be wondering. . . is Rumble, since it is run by a member of the same oligarchs, just a complex version of "faking the suspension?" Or how about that twitter take over? Could be eh? :tinfoil: )
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Most of the major YouTube Podcaster are singing a tune, which I find sus, TBH.

I remember this pod-caster refused to sell out, a long time ago, a few months/years after google bought YouTube, when the grassroots organic nature of YouTube started changing.

SO I am suspect of the nature of YouTube, TBH. (There is even a channel which makes it hard to find his content now.)

"On October 9, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion in stock, which was completed on November 13. At that time it was Google's second-largest acquisition.[32] This kickstarted YouTube's rise to becoming a global media dominator, creating a multi-billion-dollar business that has surpassed most television stations and other media markets, sparking success for many YouTubers.[13]"

How the CIA made Google

View attachment 950933

. . . and this video was made, just a few years after that sale. .. (By someone who refused to become a content creator for YouTube. . .which I am sure, most of the folks who are, which we don't realize they are, working for Google when we post their vides.) Some of these rules, of course have changed over the years, but we know, they still have community standards.

YouTube is Dying (YouTube Exposed)​

1,117,534 views Nov 14, 2009

(If you watched that who thing. . . you might be wondering. . . is Rumble, since it is run by a member of the same oligarchs, just a complex version of "faking the suspension?" Or how about that twitter take over? Could be eh? :tinfoil: )

The level propaganda we Americans are subject to is enormous. It makes me suspicious of every podcaster and platform.
I caught Tucker’s interview of Aaron Rogers and he specifically says Erik Prince is a good friend of his. WTF!

Now he’s interviewed Prince. Probably a love fest.

The comment tree on this comment was interesting. . .



The Prince And The Spy​

Erik Prince, the man behind Blackwater, recently teamed up with an Israeli spy, creating a front company with her to help Israeli defense technology providers exploit loopholes and sell their products to the American military.
The Prince And The Spy

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