TSA check point Charlie on Tennessee highways


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.
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We may have surreptious equipment that picks up locales on potential suitcase nukes, I heard back some time ago.

Perhaps intelligence brings reasonable precautions to be made to ensure the common defense.
Various police departments across the state, including large departments such as those in cities like Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and Memphis were involved in the checks at the weigh stations.

From one of the linked source articles.

Feds, state check trucks: Closer scrutiny involved weigh stations across state | The Jackson Sun | jacksonsun.com

Yes it boggles the mind how a red state like TN would voluntarially partner with federal officials to do this.
Could it be for federal tax money they got to do it? Pork?
It further boggles the mind on how Obama would be blamed for this.
Of course he is keeping us safe with the TSA that the Bush administration founded and championed?
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Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.

Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.

There is no hope for this country.
Various police departments across the state, including large departments such as those in cities like Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and Memphis were involved in the checks at the weigh stations.

From one of the linked source articles.

Feds, state check trucks: Closer scrutiny involved weigh stations across state | The Jackson Sun | jacksonsun.com

Yes it boggles the mind how a red state like TN would voluntarially partner with federal officials to do this.
Could it be for federal tax money they got to do it? Pork?
It further boggles the mind on how Obama would be blamed for this.
Of course he is keeping us safe with the TSA that the Bush administration founded and championed?

It boggles my mind that since obama is president and this is done on his watch you somehow think it George bushes fault for obama allowing this to happen.. It also boggles my mind how you would try to put a color code of red or blue, this is gray no matter what state it's happening in.
What exactly is this "news organization"? They seem to have blatantly plagiarized this story:

From the link, Tennessee News Press:

The random inspections really aren’t any more thorough normal, according to Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott who says paying attention to details can make a difference.

From one of their linked sources, News Channel 5:

The random inspections really aren't any more thorough than normal, according to Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott who says paying attention to details can make a difference. Trott pointed out it was an Oklahoma state trooper who stopped Timothy McVeigh for not having a license plate after the Oklahoma City bombing in the early 1990s.

The website seems to have lifted a sentence word for word from the news article, except for omitting "than" to make it ungrammatical.

As for the content, the program doesn't seem to be a terrifically good use of resources. It also seems to be a state initiative, not a federal one.
Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.


Why? thats what I keep asking why is the TSA being used to do check points on one of Americas highway.
What exactly is this "news organization"? They seem to have blatantly plagiarized this story:

From the link, Tennessee News Press:

The random inspections really aren’t any more thorough normal, according to Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott who says paying attention to details can make a difference.

From one of their linked sources, News Channel 5:

The random inspections really aren't any more thorough than normal, according to Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott who says paying attention to details can make a difference. Trott pointed out it was an Oklahoma state trooper who stopped Timothy McVeigh for not having a license plate after the Oklahoma City bombing in the early 1990s.

The website seems to have lifted a sentence word for word from the news article, except for omitting "than" to make it ungrammatical.

As for the content, the program doesn't seem to be a terrifically good use of resources. It also seems to be a state initiative, not a federal one.

Why is this the job for TSA? wHY DO THEY NEED TO DO CHECK POINTS IN THE FIRST PLACE? Hell the border states LEO's can't stop and ask a mexican for an ID.
What also boggles the mind is how those who eagerly gave up freedoms for Bush to keep us safe now complain when it is don while a demoncrat is president.
Do we no longer need to be kept safe?

On second thought it does not boggle my mind at all, but is an entirely predictable outcome or partisan right wingers.
As a matter of fact I did predict this type of behaviour from the right when Obama became president.
Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.


Why? thats what I keep asking why is the TSA being used to do check points on one of Americas highway.

As I qouted local police depts and state and federal TSA all are doing it.
I expect TN got a big chunk of fed money to do this.

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