Zone1 truth about Elohim

pure B.S.

The flood in 2900 BC inspired the Gilgamesh myth and later the Noah story. It was caused by snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and spring rains. There's a flood plain... Flood sediment.

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Only the wicked worry about using Gods name in vain, the righteous glorify that name. 1Kings 8:43--Gods name to be known by all. Jesus glorified his Fathers name-Lords prayer-at John 17:26--promised to keep on making his name known--What is a christian? One who trys to follow Jesus footsteps--thus will keep on making his Fathers name known.
But, you are then wicked? I think the way JWs tend to snub people is wickedness. We are to live in the world but not of the world. JWs don't do much of living in the world either. Christians are those who believe Jesus is the Son of God and God of this world.
The flood in 2900 BC inspired the Gilgamesh myth and later the Noah story. It was caused by snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and spring rains. There's a flood plain... Flood sediment.

Jesus Christ believed in your "so called myth" about Noah and how he built and ark which saved him and his family from the flood.

Matthew 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Peter the head apostle believed there was a flood of Noah's days also.

1 Peter 3:20
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

Paul, the Apostle, also believed in the story of Noah and the Flood.

Hebrews 11:7
7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

I put my trust in the Lord Jesus and his apostles before I put my trust in Thomas Swan.
But, you are then wicked? I think the way JWs tend to snub people is wickedness. We are to live in the world but not of the world. JWs don't do much of living in the world either. Christians are those who believe Jesus is the Son of God and God of this world.
As the bible teaches--Friendship with the world is enmity with God( James 4:4) ----means one becomes Gods enemy if they have friendship with the world. The bible also teaches-Bad association spoils useful habits.
Jesus even taught-the members of ones own household would be their enemies( spiritually) Matt 10:36
If Jesus is God then explain How God has a God, yet there is one God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Jesus Christ believed in your "so called myth" about Noah and how he built and ark which saved him and his family from the flood.

Matthew 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Peter the head apostle believed there was a flood of Noah's days also.

1 Peter 3:20
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

Paul, the Apostle, also believed in the story of Noah and the Flood.

Hebrews 11:7
7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

I put my trust in the Lord Jesus and his apostles before I put my trust in Thomas Swan.

It's didactic literature. It's a wonderful story of redemption not history. Jesus used parables to teach. There was no world wide flood.
It's didactic literature. It's a wonderful story of redemption not history. Jesus used parables to teach. There was no world wide flood.
1 Peter 3:18–20

New Testament

18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

Here we learn that Christ went and preached unto the spirits in prison who were disobedient in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared. If it was a myth, then why would Jesus go unto the dead who were destroyed by the flood to teach them the gospel if they never existed? No, you and Thomas Swan are absolutely wrong about Noah being a myth.
Lotsa hairy-ticks be posting in this thread.

Lotsa truth-tellers too.

Noah is easier to say than Utnapishtim.

Jesus told people to look for an abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel the Prophet. They did. And fled to Pella and elsewhere about 70 AD.

So there can be dual/multiple fulfillments of prophecy.

Sacrificing a pig on the altar by Antiochus Epiphanes was an abomination of desolation

Maybe another one coming.
Any minute now, or years.

All ye heretics best wise up, and except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
There was a Dan El in Ugaritic literature, I do not know if that was the Dan El or Daniel that Ezekiel referred to -
Daniel is a strange book, written in Hebrew, Aramaic and parts only in Greek; those Greek parts are in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, in what some Protestants call Apocrypha.
In Greek only parts of Daniel-Daniel is in the lion’s den A WHOLE WEEK- not just overnight as in the main account in all of our Bibles. They both cannot be true; just as the truth-tellers and hairy-ticks in this thread cannot both be true.

The ark settled “in the mountains of Ararat”.

There was no one “Mt Ararat”
Daniel is a SEALED BOOK; Revelation Is not so described; yet there are parts John heard that he was told NOT TO WRITE DOWN.

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.
Jesus promised to keep on making his God and Fathers name known( John 17:260 that name is Jehovah.
You haven't a clue on what you are reading. Your scholars have polluted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God the Father's name is not Jehovah. That would be His Son who is also known as Jesus Christ. I and others have proven this to you. Give up...:poke:
As the bible teaches--Friendship with the world is enmity with God( James 4:4) ----means one becomes Gods enemy if they have friendship with the world. The bible also teaches-Bad association spoils useful habits.
Jesus even taught-the members of ones own household would be their enemies( spiritually) Matt 10:36
If Jesus is God then explain How God has a God, yet there is one God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
The problem is you think Church that disagrees with your false prophets (scholars) are bad associations. So, your church refuses to let you even attend a family event in another religious building because they are afraid they may lose your money.
You haven't a clue on what you are reading. Your scholars have polluted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God the Father's name is not Jehovah. That would be His Son who is also known as Jesus Christ. I and others have proven this to you. Give up...:poke:

YHWH= Jehovah, or YHVH--They arent sure which is correct. One thing is for sure, the one religion that has Jesus as head of the congregation and gives holy spirit to guide them into all truth knows exactly what Gods name is= Jehovah. You have words of deceived men. Your translations contradict Jesus to the core. To fit false council teachings by Catholicism translating.
The problem is you think Church that disagrees with your false prophets (scholars) are bad associations. So, your church refuses to let you even attend a family event in another religious building because they are afraid they may lose your money.

No we know that Jesus is not with those religions, satan is. We would never enter his house. Your religions contradict Jesus to the core, basically calling him a liar. Why would a christian ever enter a place that does such things. Not to mention have closed up Gods kingdom to all who listen to them.
See i gave you answers from the bible in the last post and you cannot accept what the bible really teaches. Probably because you dont know what it teaches. So you have to invent bull to appease your false reasonings. I clearly showed you why.
Its not that they disagree with the JW teachers, they contradict Jesus and have proved they are false religions that do not listen to Jesus. What does the light have to do with darkness?
YHWH= Jehovah, or YHVH--They arent sure which is correct. One thing is for sure, the one religion that has Jesus as head of the congregation and gives holy spirit to guide them into all truth knows exactly what Gods name is= Jehovah. You have words of deceived men. Your translations contradict Jesus to the core. To fit false council teachings by Catholicism translating.
We aren't the Catholic Church. Jesus said do all things in His name. Yet, your prophets ignored Jesus Christ and named their church the Jehovah Witness Church. Catholics couldn't do it. Most Protestant churches couldn't do it. Your church couldn't do it. But, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did do it as instructed by Jesus Christ and the Father to the Prophet Joseph Smith. "Do all things in my name." So, how do you conclude that Jesus Christ is the head of your congregation when the church name is Jehovah Witness? Duh!!!
No we know that Jesus is not with those religions, satan is. We would never enter his house. Your religions contradict Jesus to the core, basically calling him a liar. Why would a christian ever enter a place that does such things. Not to mention have closed up Gods kingdom to all who listen to them.
See i gave you answers from the bible in the last post and you cannot accept what the bible really teaches. Probably because you dont know what it teaches. So you have to invent bull to appease your false reasonings. I clearly showed you why.
Its not that they disagree with the JW teachers, they contradict Jesus and have proved they are false religions that do not listen to Jesus. What does the light have to do with darkness?
Your quotes are from your bible that changed the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, it's in error what you post here. No one is contradicting Jesus except those who can't do all things in Jesus name, like naming a church with Jesus Christ in it. You do not know that Satan is in all churches. That's just dumb. But, for saying such a thing, trying to keep good people away from the real truth, I'd say that the Jehovah Witness Church is the church of Satan. Trying to keep Jesus as low as Satan and not a member of the Godhead as the Son of God in which even Jesus said he was. You deny the virgin birth and all his Glory. You say Jesus like by saying he is the great I Am in which he said he was in Psalms 82:6. You reject that mankind can be gods as well even though Jehovah and Jesus said we are while saying that they are one in the same persons. But, your false prophet scholars had to change the translation in order to spread the lie. And, we know who teaches lying, Satan. You do know that Jesus entered the house where Satanic works were going on in the house of ill-repute. Jesus also went to the lowest of places of sinners between his death and resurrection as well. So, who are you to say people in other churches are Satan worshippers?
We aren't the Catholic Church. Jesus said do all things in His name. Yet, your prophets ignored Jesus Christ and named their church the Jehovah Witness Church. Catholics couldn't do it. Most Protestant churches couldn't do it. Your church couldn't do it. But, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did do it as instructed by Jesus Christ and the Father to the Prophet Joseph Smith. "Do all things in my name." So, how do you conclude that Jesus Christ is the head of your congregation when the church name is Jehovah Witness? Duh!!!

Jesus serves Jehovah-John 5:30
Your quotes are from your bible that changed the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, it's in error what you post here. No one is contradicting Jesus except those who can't do all things in Jesus name, like naming a church with Jesus Christ in it. You do not know that Satan is in all churches. That's just dumb. But, for saying such a thing, trying to keep good people away from the real truth, I'd say that the Jehovah Witness Church is the church of Satan. Trying to keep Jesus as low as Satan and not a member of the Godhead as the Son of God in which even Jesus said he was. You deny the virgin birth and all his Glory. You say Jesus like by saying he is the great I Am in which he said he was in Psalms 82:6. You reject that mankind can be gods as well even though Jehovah and Jesus said we are while saying that they are one in the same persons. But, your false prophet scholars had to change the translation in order to spread the lie. And, we know who teaches lying, Satan. You do know that Jesus entered the house where Satanic works were going on in the house of ill-repute. Jesus also went to the lowest of places of sinners between his death and resurrection as well. So, who are you to say people in other churches are Satan worshippers?

All 34,000 religions claiming to be christian use the name Jesus--All 34,000 claim to have holy spirit--Then why all the confusion?
Jesus doesnt mention i am at Psalm 82:6, and as well in verse 8 Jesus calls on the true God to judge the earth, proving he is not God. One needs the ability to understand english to see that.
The Hebrew scholars say i will be what i will be is the correct translation of the statement i am that i am found only in trinity translations is error to mislead.

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