Zone1 truth about Elohim

Well, he hasn't been able to show you yet. It's because of the hardness of your heart that the Holy Ghost cannot teach you.

There is no holy ghost-Holy spirit is the correct translation of that. Your bibles have so many errors its pitiful. Like in revelation. The Greek word to the 7 (congregations), not Church as many bibles have mistranslated. You are being mislead by your altered and error filled translation.
There is no holy ghost-Holy spirit is the correct translation of that. Your bibles have so many errors its pitiful. Like in revelation. The Greek word to the 7 (congregations), not Church as many bibles have mistranslated. You are being mislead by your altered and error filled translation.
The only mistranslation is your New Version Bible of bull crap. Spirit, Ghost, who cares. It means the same to any sane Christian. Of course, you aren't Christian.
The only mistranslation is your New Version Bible of bull crap. Spirit, Ghost, who cares. It means the same to any sane Christian. Of course, you aren't Christian.
All supporting satans will by using the altered versions by his will of having Gods name removed condemn the ones who put it back. Which shows support of Gods will. having his name put back where he wants it or condemning the ones who put it back? One way supports Gods will the other supports satans will= bottom line reality.
It's a name in Christian usage. You aren't Christian so go and play with Satan some more. Change some more of the Word of God...

I didnt change anything. I learned the facts. Catholicism mistranslated certain things by satans will to mislead one to not enter Gods kingdom. Their own translating still exposes them as false religion. Thus if Jesus was not with them, you know satan was.
They cant even understand simple bible milk after 1750 years give or take.
Example--No Israelite male had long hair,( 1Cor 11:14) it was a dishonor. God made a special covenant with the Nazarites( Samson) only they could have long hair. Jesus was a Nazarene not a Nazarite thus did not have long hair. But to this day in their pictures of Jesus show him bringing dishonor to his Fathers name. Because they do not know him. Catholicism = tree trunk-protestants = 33,999 branches---A good tree produces good fruit, a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
In Ezekial God assurred all that at the end--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah)
All supporting satans will by using the altered versions by his will of having Gods name removed condemn the ones who put it back. Which shows support of Gods will. having his name put back where he wants it or condemning the ones who put it back? One way supports Gods will the other supports satans will= bottom line reality.
So, let's use your New corrupt version of Genesis chapter 3. 1 Just the first few versus will do: "Now the serpent was the most cautious* of all the wild animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it said to the woman: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?”

Now, for Jehovah (Lord) God, the Hebrew is Jehovah or Yahweh meaning Lord. And, "God" is Elohim (Most High or Father of us all) Together, Lord of the Father or Son of the Father. And, "God" alone is Elohim or Elohiym in Hebrew, without the Jehovah or Lord or Son.

2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. 3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’ 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.” 8 Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden. "

Note how the passage goes from Lord (Jehovah) God to God. What is the difference between the two Gods? Here is the difference: Jehovah (Lord) God and Elohim (Father or Most High) God. Lord God is simply "I AM" God or the Lord's name given to Moses. As where the singular "God" is then Elohim or the name given for the Most High God. The Hebrew proves this. Two members of the Godhead with the Holy Spirit (Ghost) as the third member. Case closed. You were slammed dunked on by the Hebrew words themselves.
So, let's use your New corrupt version of Genesis chapter 3. 1 Just the first few versus will do: "Now the serpent was the most cautious* of all the wild animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it said to the woman: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?”

Now, for Jehovah (Lord) God, the Hebrew is Jehovah or Yahweh meaning Lord. And, "God" is Elohim (Most High or Father of us all) Together, Lord of the Father or Son of the Father. And, "God" alone is Elohim or Elohiym in Hebrew, without the Jehovah or Lord or Son.

2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. 3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’ 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.” 8 Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden. "

Note how the passage goes from Lord (Jehovah) God to God. What is the difference between the two Gods? Here is the difference: Jehovah (Lord) God and Elohim (Father or Most High) God. Lord God is simply "I AM" God or the Lord's name given to Moses. As where the singular "God" is then Elohim or the name given for the Most High God. The Hebrew proves this. Two members of the Godhead with the Holy Spirit (Ghost) as the third member. Case closed. You were slammed dunked on by the Hebrew words themselves.
Thats right Jehovah God-There is no other. Even Jesus points all to his Father-John 4:22-24
The name Elijah translates-EL(OHIM) IS YHWH(Jehovah)
Thats right Jehovah God-There is no other. Even Jesus points all to his Father-John 4:22-24
The name Elijah translates-EL(OHIM) IS YHWH(Jehovah)
You are wrong. I got this from a Hebrew translator. Elijah does not translate to Elohim. Your scholars and false prophets belittle and take the name of the Most High God in vain.
Elijah = EL is YHWH---El is Elohim--YHWH is Jehovah. You need new scholars.
No it doesn't. The name Elijah goes back to the Old Testament of the Bible, and derives from a Hebrew phrase meaning “Jehovah is my God.
Elijah = EL is YHWH---El is Elohim--YHWH is Jehovah. You need new scholars.
You are the one that needs new scholars. Actually, your buffoon scholars, the ones that claimed to be prophets then disavowed their lies, are the only ones who can't understand Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English or anything else pertaining to spiritual things of the Bible. I gave you the meanings an you still want to fight.
No it doesn't. The name Elijah goes back to the Old Testament of the Bible, and derives from a Hebrew phrase meaning “Jehovah is my God.

You are the one that needs new scholars. Actually, your buffoon scholars, the ones that claimed to be prophets then disavowed their lies, are the only ones who can't understand Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English or anything else pertaining to spiritual things of the Bible. I gave you the meanings an you still want to fight.
I know 100% Jesus is with my teachers and no others. They arent prophets. They made errors not lies. No one purposely lies concerning God--Except those like in that campmeeting farse of a show.
I know 100% Jesus is with my teachers and no others. They arent prophets. They made errors not lies. No one purposely lies concerning God--Except those like in that campmeeting farse of a show.
When you get people all riled up about the end of the world, they get nervous, anxiety sets in, people panic, die of heart attacks and all other issues by claiming tomorrow is the end of the world and most will die. That is a huge monumental LIE. Not errors. Yes, people purposely lie concerning God all the time. Especially your scholars. The only ones who think they know Hebrew. And, no, Jesus is not with your teachers. They deny his glory as the Son of God.
You're right. IM makes it masculine plural. Like goy and goyim.

Does it make 'water' - masculine plural? What is the singular?
That's what happens when you think you understand a word,
and then also pretend to know the language.

So much for that "private education"
you keep bragging about...

The laws of Physics are a pantheon?

Gravity and Volume are different entitles?

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