Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

If only that were so! :lol:

I used to underestimate the stupidity of the rube herd, too.

Someday you will learn there is no bottom to their credulousness.

They are already back in line for refills of their piss cups.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You're sounding more and more like those you ridicule. Oh the irony.
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

Because he made it up with NO EVIDENCE, just like his wiretapping claims.

The Russia Investigation was begun with evidence from the Australian embassy in London, continued with meetings the FBI had with Carter Paige and others. And the wiretapping of Russian spies who kept getting phone calls from members of the Trump campaign.

The Russian Investigation has resulted in 75+ charges, 5 guilty pleas, 4 cooperating witnesses, more to come.

Yep - and a) the FISA warrants for Carter Page were signed off on by 4 separate Republican judges b) Obama had absolutely NOTHING to do with it and c) the fact that Trump campaign was under investigation was not leaked prior to the election (unlike the far lesser news of the possibility of Hillary emails being on the Weiner laptop).

Ya, Obama and the Deep State sure were sure out to get poor old Donald :)
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
Mueller's investigation has only been going on for one year.

You guy's need to get your stories straight. On the one hand, you claim Obama did nothing about Russia's interference. In the next breath, you claim Obama was investigating the Russian interference during the Trump campaign!

Positively schizophrenic.

Of course, the rube herd used to deny there even was any Russian interference. Then you changed your story to Obama didn't do anything about the interference you all claimed didn't exist!

You guys suffer from multiple personalities!

And as a last defense, when all this cognitive dissonance begins to overwhelm you, you scream, "LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!"
Nobody is gonna fall for Donald and Devin's crap anymore.
If only that were so! :lol:

I used to underestimate the stupidity of the rube herd, too.

Someday you will learn there is no bottom to their credulousness.

They are already back in line for refills of their piss cups.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You're right - I try to remain an optimist but Trumptards have proven again and again that their thirst for Trump pee is unquenchable.
Nobody is gonna fall for Donald and Devin's crap anymore.
If only that were so! :lol:

I used to underestimate the stupidity of the rube herd, too.

Someday you will learn there is no bottom to their credulousness.

They are already back in line for refills of their piss cups.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You're right - I try to remain an optimist but Trumptards have proven again and again that their thirst for piss is unquenchable.
I have waited for over a decade for the pseudocons' stupidity and gullibility to hit bottom.

Still waiting.
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

Weird how the Trumpsters are all too willing to believe this, yet believe virtually anything that makes the FBI or Democrats look bad.
The Russia investigation- started in part because of claims by Trump own campaign member that Russia had something on Clinton, and on one of Trump's campaign members being watched as a potential spy for Russia- has been going on now for two years, and has already resulted in multiple guilty pleas and indictments.

Meanwhile Trump has proclaimed that there is a spy- and even though there is absolutely no evidence of such a spy- the Trumpsters have complete faith that Trump must be telling the truth.
Have any of the Trumpbots noticed the FBI used a guy who was in the Reagan admin, and who allegedly was involved in Debategate, and went on to help fund Ollie North's defense? LOL
Nobody is gonna fall for Donald and Devin's crap anymore.
If only that were so! :lol:

I used to underestimate the stupidity of the rube herd, too.

Someday you will learn there is no bottom to their credulousness.

They are already back in line for refills of their piss cups.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You're right - I try to remain an optimist but Trumptards have proven again and again that their thirst for piss is unquenchable.
I have waited for over a decade for the pseudocons' stupidity and gullibility to hit bottom.

Still waiting.
Oh we're nowhere near the end. Remember when everyone including Trump thought he'd lose - before Comey flipped the election - and Trump was threatening to spice up his planned TV channel with conspiracy theories of how the elections was "stolen" from him. LOL
Can you just imagine how insane it would drive all the Lefties here if the media constantly supported the Conservative views to the extent it covers for Progressive LeftWing views?
They'd be jumping off buildings faster than bunnies can reproduce.

The RightWing takes it in stride.

That is pretty funny considering that Fox News is essentially a house organ for Donald Trump.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

I don't see it ending anytime soon, just lyin adam schiff trying to cover his own ass for his obvious criminal activity. But hey, whatever makes you feel good go for it!
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

Weird how the Trumpsters are all too willing to believe this, yet believe virtually anything that makes the FBI or Democrats look bad.
The Russia investigation- started in part because of claims by Trump own campaign member that Russia had something on Clinton, and on one of Trump's campaign members being watched as a potential spy for Russia- has been going on now for two years, and has already resulted in multiple guilty pleas and indictments.

Meanwhile Trump has proclaimed that there is a spy- and even though there is absolutely no evidence of such a spy- the Trumpsters have complete faith that Trump must be telling the truth.
Have any of the Trumpbots noticed the FBI used a guy who was in the Reagan admin, and who allegedly was involved in Debategate, and went on to help fund Ollie North's defense? LOL

Yep, posted earlier. He was also part of the GHWB and Nixon administrations. Boy, they surely do hate Obama's Deep State when neither Obama not the Deep State had anything to do with it and nothing was leaked or announced as to the fact that Trump campaign was under investigation prior to the election.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

I don't see it ending anytime soon, just lyin adam schiff trying to cover his own ass for his obvious criminal activity. But hey, whatever makes you feel good go for it!

Wa-WA-WAAAAT!??? Schiff is now a criminal? Boy you guys are sure on cue with the Pee Wee Herman schtick.

You ain't a gaslighter is ya Westy? :)

Why Gaslighters Accuse You of Gaslighting
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

I don't see it ending anytime soon, just lyin adam schiff trying to cover his own ass for his obvious criminal activity. But hey, whatever makes you feel good go for it!

Wa-WA-WAAAAT!??? Schiff is now a criminal? Boy you guys are sure on cue with the Pee Wee Herman schtick.

You ain't a gaslighter is ya Westy? :)

Why Gaslighters Accuse You of Gaslighting

Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.
No indictments will be handed out because no one is investigating Clapper, Comey, Brennan or Yates
See? you do not pay attention...the IG is investigating them for the Clinton cover up and Mueller for the Flynn indictment...CNN is not your friend...turn it off...
And when indictments are not handed out will you quit this board?
Why do you want me to quit the board? because I make you libs look like the tools that you are? If I was wrong all the time rather than right all the time you wouldn't care if I stayed or left....So no I won't but I know I'm right.....someone will have to take the fall for Obama....I'm guessing it will be his cabinet members...
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
You think comments by three notorious liars are going to end the controversy?

Man, you are so fucking gullible.
Those indictments will never happen. Those people are untouchable. It’s past time Americans figure out that many of the elites in this country are above the law and can get away with things the average person would never get away with.
Does Trump strike you as the kind of man that will turn the other cheek after you try to ruin him?...there is a new game in town that says you do wrong it doesn't get forgotten...that is why the swamp is so terrified of Trump....
Hmmmm how long have you been predicting indictments of everyone who dares oppose Trump?

What since January 2017?
No actually I never thought justice would be served but the last two weeks have changed my mind....its way to stop it now...the people know too much...
Have you recorded the 5 guilty pleas, and 22 indictments in your bookmark, of the Mueller investigation so far in just one year?
The Mueller witch hunt has got nothing on Trump and no COLLUSION with the Russians.....dream on libtard....
Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

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