Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

Yes, smart people DO think that schiff has been leaking. Leaking like a sieve in point of fact.

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...
Any day now....any day now...any day now...

That's what all you turds keep saying about Herr Mewler's witch hunt.
The spy's name was made public already. Failed thread.

Not hardly. Now we just have to figure out who's going to jail.

Top House Democrat Requests Probe Into How FBI Source's Name Was Leaked

And I notice Nunes and Gowdy got real quiet all of a sudden.

God help their sorry asses when the Democrats win control of the House in November. You Dotards are going to get to watch your boys be trotted in front of those committees now being controlled by Democrats, and by the end of the Trump crime syndicates first and only term he and a lot of those Republicans are probably going to be doing time at the same correctional facility.
You must be joking. Brennan and Clapper leaked so many details about the guy that everyone in Washington cold easily guess who he was. Do you turds actually believe you're going to impeach Trump? I doubt even most Democrats have the stomach for that.
Uh-huh. And the Russian collusion thing is an anti-Trump invention.

Remember those text messages that were publicized between two dems who were having an affair? They spoke about an “insurance policy” in case Trump won... this was before the Russia investigation was started... what do you think this “insurance policy” was?

I’m not saying this means it was dreamed up by democrats, but it looks awfully suspicious. One would think if they’ve found something of merit regarding Trump Russia collusion, they’d have wrapped things up... Two years seems like plenty of time, given all the people who believe Trump is guilty. If it was THAT obvious, it probably wouldn’t take them two plus years to nail him.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Thread bookmarked so in a couple weeks we can see how many indictments have been handed out

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Have you recorded the 5 guilty pleas, and 22 indictments in your bookmark, of the Mueller investigation so far in just one year?
Which ones were for collusion? The Russians indictments will be dismissed because Herr Mewler didn't even have a case against them prepared. Furthermore, it's not illegal for foreigners to post on Facebook, so what are the guilty of? All the other cases have serious problems, like tainted evidence and proscutorial abuse.
And when indictments are not handed out will you quit this board?
Why do you want me to quit the board? because I make you libs look like the tools that you are? If I was wrong all the time rather than right all the time you wouldn't care if I stayed or left....So no I won't but I know I'm right.....someone will have to take the fall for Obama....I'm guessing it will be his cabinet members...

Not exactly.

I think it's the lies coming from the right that hurt this board the most, it's become a haven for dim bulbs who complain about #fakenews while spreading it themselves. So, I'm just asking you to be accountable to your own words.

If there are no indictments issued due to the latest wingnut conspiracy between now and the end of June will you leave the board?
And when indictments are not handed out will you quit this board?
Why do you want me to quit the board? because I make you libs look like the tools that you are? If I was wrong all the time rather than right all the time you wouldn't care if I stayed or left....So no I won't but I know I'm right.....someone will have to take the fall for Obama....I'm guessing it will be his cabinet members...

Not exactly.

I think it's the lies coming from the right that hurt this board the most, it's become a haven for dim bulbs who complain about #fakenews while spreading it themselves. So, I'm just asking you to be accountable to your own words.

If there are no indictments issued due to the latest wingnut conspiracy between now and the end of June will you leave the board?
What precisely has rambunctious chimed in warranting this? Spygate is hilarious in that Trump will be wearing it if the allegations of collusion are borne out, and it appears they will be at least in part.

Yes we have angrychild and even westwall who is a mod doing nothing but distracting "shiff leaked." So fucking what. LOL. Team Trump is the champion leaker and then they complain about leaks.

But Trump just fell on his face complaining about the informant. The ultimate facts will be the facts in Mueller's report, and I suspect family members may well be indicted for at least lying.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

Yep, that's the spin the Permanent Fusion Party wishes everyone to believe.

But, it's not true. Just wait until all of the IG reports are made public.
Uh-huh. And the Russian collusion thing is an anti-Trump invention.

Remember those text messages that were publicized between two dems who were having an affair? They spoke about an “insurance policy” in case Trump won... this was before the Russia investigation was started... what do you think this “insurance policy” was?

I’m not saying this means it was dreamed up by democrats, but it looks awfully suspicious. One would think if they’ve found something of merit regarding Trump Russia collusion, they’d have wrapped things up... Two years seems like plenty of time, given all the people who believe Trump is guilty. If it was THAT obvious, it probably wouldn’t take them two plus years to nail him.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Thread bookmarked so in a couple weeks we can see how many indictments have been handed out

Sent from my iPhone using

Have you recorded the 5 guilty pleas, and 22 indictments in your bookmark, of the Mueller investigation so far in just one year?
Which ones were for collusion? The Russians indictments will be dismissed because Herr Mewler didn't even have a case against them prepared. Furthermore, it's not illegal for foreigners to post on Facebook, so what are the guilty of? All the other cases have serious problems, like tainted evidence and proscutorial abuse.
Those indictments will never happen. Those people are untouchable. It’s past time Americans figure out that many of the elites in this country are above the law and can get away with things the average person would never get away with.
Does Trump strike you as the kind of man that will turn the other cheek after you try to ruin him?...there is a new game in town that says you do wrong it doesn't get forgotten....

Oh certainly Trump is a vindictive bully. Which is why the Trumpsters like him.

Trump will take offense at the slightest hint of a slight. I am certain he is plotting his revenge against every law enforcement officer that is part of the investigation.
Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

Yes, smart people DO think that schiff has been leaking. Leaking like a sieve in point of fact.

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Leaking more than Nunes?

I doubt it.
Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

Yes, smart people DO think that schiff has been leaking. Leaking like a sieve in point of fact.

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Leaking more than Nunes?

I doubt it.

Based on the fact that nearly every leak has been anti trump you would be incredibly wrong.
Oh certainly Trump is a vindictive bully. Which is why the Trumpsters like him.

Trump will take offense at the slightest hint of a slight. I am certain he is plotting his revenge against every law enforcement officer that is part of the investigation.
I wouldn't want to be Clapper Comey or Brennan right now....
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

No, Trump makes Trump look bad.
So you're saying they didn't happen is that right pudding?
Not yet but it will....Trump will not go easy on these treasonous do not have the right to use government agencies as a political weapon and that is exactly what Obama did....not just the FBI and the CIA and the State Dept. but he weaponized the IRS as well...remember Lois Lerner?

Do you think Trump won because of his orange color or his money or his tweets?
He won because of how badly and corruptly Obama ran our government...the people are not stupid...Look how defiant the DOJ has become...Obama implanted that kind of hubris....
People do not want an over powering heartless government and that is what Obama gave us and the people knew Hillary would be as bad or worse.....

Look up all of the companies that were investigated over nothing until they went bankrupt under Barry...
and now they are using that same tactic on the President of the United States....

Wake up man.....

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