Trump's Noble Virtue

As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Anyone who causes snowflakes butthurt can't be all bad.
Petulance is now virtuous according to the ethics of the Trumpians
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Anyone who causes snowflakes butthurt can't be all bad.
Petulance is now virtuous according to the ethics of the Trumpians
Control you emotions - give facts.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.
Seems that when President Obama used them Reactionaries went ballistic
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, discrimination based on religion is not.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, discrimination based on religion is not.
/—-/ Good to know, because there was none. Stop buying in to the liberal spin fake news.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.
Seems that when President Obama used them Reactionaries went ballistic
Obama violated the Constitution by using Illegal his DACA Edict that even he admitted was un-Constotutional
To me it's enough that he makes America great again and saves the west.
"In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?"

Grabbing strange pussy; what else?
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, discrimination based on religion is not.
/—-/ Good to know, because there was none. Stop buying in to the liberal spin fake news.

The more you know, the more reason you have to fix your ignorance.

You heard that right? A "total and complete shutdown of Muslims". Not just a "total" shutdown, not just a "complete" shutdown, but actually both.


Now let's see him try to justify. Notice here how his entire "reasoning" is Appeal to Emotion and Association Fallacies:

Then he tries to wiggle it with "I'm talking about temporary", as if that makes it alright. THAT ALONE lets us know he knows it's wrong. And note again how, as in the original above, his objective is the oh-so-specific "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on", as if that could ever be quantified. Then he REPEATS it AGAIN. Then he starts whining "why isn't the current POTUS swimming in the same Fearmongering I am? Waaah". Yeah, wonder why.

Oh and not to be limited by his own quiver of dumbass fallacies, he then moves to Argumentum ad Populum ("I spoke before a massive audience, thousands of people"). He does not specify if these "thousands" were dancing on rooftops like the previous "thousands and thousands" he pulled out of his ass and then started gyrating like a retard to mock a reporter who wouldn't back up his fabrication. Finally near the end of what is apparently an attempt to set the Guinness world record for fallacies per minute he slips in a Strawman ("mastermind") to further muddle his mendacious bullshit. Eight minutes of making no rational argument at all. NONE. ZERO.

And finally note the appearance of the Philadelphia Inquirer, a Republican newspaper, and its front page.

Of course, his inability to make any rational argument is not the original point here, blind as Rumpbots may be to that inability. The original point was pissing on the Constitution, which specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, among other things. And as demonstrated he cannot justify it in the least. He has nothing to back it up except an orange snow job.

Shirley this ain't rocket surgery. Know a pandering con artist when you see one.
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He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, discrimination based on religion is not.
/—-/ Good to know, because there was none. Stop buying in to the liberal spin fake news.

The more you know, the more reason you have to fix your ignorance.

You heard that right? A "total and complete shutdown of Muslims". Not just a "total" shutdown, not just a "complete" shutdown, but actually both.


Now let's see him try to justify. Notice here how his entire "reasoning" is Appeal to Emotion and Association Fallacies:

Then he tries to wiggle it with "I'm talking about temporary", as if that makes it alright. THAT ALONE lets us know he knows it's wrong. And note again how, as in the original above, his objective is the oh-so-specific "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on", as if that could ever be quantified. Then he REPEATS it AGAIN. Then he starts whining "why isn't the current POTUS swimming in the same Fearmongering I am? Waaah". Yeah, wonder why.

Oh and not to be limited by his own quiver of dumbass fallacies, he then moves to Argumentum ad Populum ("I spoke before a massive audience, thousands of people"). He does not specify if these "thousands" were dancing on rooftops like the previous "thousands and thousands" he pulled out of his ass and then started gyrating like a retard to mock a reporter who wouldn't back up his fabrication. Finally near the end of what is apparently an attempt to set the Guinness world record for fallacies per minute he slips in a Strawman ("mastermind") to further muddle his mendacious bullshit. Eight minutes of making no rational argument at all. NONE. ZERO.

And finally note the appearance of the Philadelphia Inquirer, a Republican newspaper, and its front page.

Of course, his inability to make any rational argument is not the original point here, blind as Rumpbots may be to that inability. The original point was pissing on the Constitution, which specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, among other things. And as demonstrated he cannot justify it in the least. He has nothing to back it up except an orange snow job.

Shirley this ain't rocket surgery. Know a pandering con artist when you see one.

Yoh totally skip the part where the Muslims were coming from a known historic terrorist hot spot where the records / identities for these people were almost non-existent.

While Liberals were saying in essence who cares who they are send them here, the President was calling for a temp ban on them com I g over so we could do proper thorough bAckground checks on them....NOT an unreasonable request ... Espe orally since Barry mocked American concerns for our safety, claiming Americans were just afraid of Orphans and widows, only to have a terrorist that he helped obtain a Visa murder 7 Americans in California just weeks later and a terrorist attack, proving those Americans' concerns were valid.

I find it interesting how every time a snowflake tells that story they leave out that most important part in the end.
Executive orders not withstanding
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, discrimination based on religion is not.
/—-/ Good to know, because there was none. Stop buying in to the liberal spin fake news.

The more you know, the more reason you have to fix your ignorance.

You heard that right? A "total and complete shutdown of Muslims". Not just a "total" shutdown, not just a "complete" shutdown, but actually both.


Now let's see him try to justify. Notice here how his entire "reasoning" is Appeal to Emotion and Association Fallacies:

Then he tries to wiggle it with "I'm talking about temporary", as if that makes it alright. THAT ALONE lets us know he knows it's wrong. And note again how, as in the original above, his objective is the oh-so-specific "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on", as if that could ever be quantified. Then he REPEATS it AGAIN. Then he starts whining "why isn't the current POTUS swimming in the same Fearmongering I am? Waaah". Yeah, wonder why.

Oh and not to be limited by his own quiver of dumbass fallacies, he then moves to Argumentum ad Populum ("I spoke before a massive audience, thousands of people"). He does not specify if these "thousands" were dancing on rooftops like the previous "thousands and thousands" he pulled out of his ass and then started gyrating like a retard to mock a reporter who wouldn't back up his fabrication. Finally near the end of what is apparently an attempt to set the Guinness world record for fallacies per minute he slips in a Strawman ("mastermind") to further muddle his mendacious bullshit. Eight minutes of making no rational argument at all. NONE. ZERO.

And finally note the appearance of the Philadelphia Inquirer, a Republican newspaper, and its front page.

Of course, his inability to make any rational argument is not the original point here, blind as Rumpbots may be to that inability. The original point was pissing on the Constitution, which specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, among other things. And as demonstrated he cannot justify it in the least. He has nothing to back it up except an orange snow job.

Shirley this ain't rocket surgery. Know a pandering con artist when you see one.

Yoh totally skip the part where the Muslims were coming from a known historic terrorist hot spot where the records / identities for these people were almost non-existent.

While Liberals were saying in essence who cares who they are send them here, the President was calling for a temp ban on them com I g over so we could do proper thorough bAckground checks on them....NOT an unreasonable request ... Espe orally since Barry mocked American concerns for our safety, claiming Americans were just afraid of Orphans and widows, only to have a terrorist that he helped obtain a Visa murder 7 Americans in California just weeks later and a terrorist attack, proving those Americans' concerns were valid.

I find it interesting how every time a snowflake tells that story they leave out that most important part in the end.

A bit early in the day to be so smashed on snorting lighter fluid that you can't work the keyboard, but I find it interesting that those who traffic in Association Fallacy are continually blind to it and keep running it out on the field expecting different results.

Oh and I like the psycho-reversal idea of blaming the victim. Nice touch there. Very original. (<<< SARCASM)

Know who else we should ban? Jews. Because of that whole Holocaust thing. (<<< ANALOGY)
/——/ EOs are Constitutional, Elmo.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, discrimination based on religion is not.
/—-/ Good to know, because there was none. Stop buying in to the liberal spin fake news.

The more you know, the more reason you have to fix your ignorance.

You heard that right? A "total and complete shutdown of Muslims". Not just a "total" shutdown, not just a "complete" shutdown, but actually both.


Now let's see him try to justify. Notice here how his entire "reasoning" is Appeal to Emotion and Association Fallacies:

Then he tries to wiggle it with "I'm talking about temporary", as if that makes it alright. THAT ALONE lets us know he knows it's wrong. And note again how, as in the original above, his objective is the oh-so-specific "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on", as if that could ever be quantified. Then he REPEATS it AGAIN. Then he starts whining "why isn't the current POTUS swimming in the same Fearmongering I am? Waaah". Yeah, wonder why.

Oh and not to be limited by his own quiver of dumbass fallacies, he then moves to Argumentum ad Populum ("I spoke before a massive audience, thousands of people"). He does not specify if these "thousands" were dancing on rooftops like the previous "thousands and thousands" he pulled out of his ass and then started gyrating like a retard to mock a reporter who wouldn't back up his fabrication. Finally near the end of what is apparently an attempt to set the Guinness world record for fallacies per minute he slips in a Strawman ("mastermind") to further muddle his mendacious bullshit. Eight minutes of making no rational argument at all. NONE. ZERO.

And finally note the appearance of the Philadelphia Inquirer, a Republican newspaper, and its front page.

Of course, his inability to make any rational argument is not the original point here, blind as Rumpbots may be to that inability. The original point was pissing on the Constitution, which specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, among other things. And as demonstrated he cannot justify it in the least. He has nothing to back it up except an orange snow job.

Shirley this ain't rocket surgery. Know a pandering con artist when you see one.

Yoh totally skip the part where the Muslims were coming from a known historic terrorist hot spot where the records / identities for these people were almost non-existent.

While Liberals were saying in essence who cares who they are send them here, the President was calling for a temp ban on them com I g over so we could do proper thorough bAckground checks on them....NOT an unreasonable request ... Espe orally since Barry mocked American concerns for our safety, claiming Americans were just afraid of Orphans and widows, only to have a terrorist that he helped obtain a Visa murder 7 Americans in California just weeks later and a terrorist attack, proving those Americans' concerns were valid.

I find it interesting how every time a snowflake tells that story they leave out that most important part in the end.

A bit early in the day to be so smashed on snorting lighter fluid that you can't work the keyboard, but I find it interesting that those who traffic in Association Fallacy are continually blind to it and keep running it out on the field expecting different results.

Oh and I like the psycho-reversal idea of blaming the victim. Nice touch there. Very original. (<<< SARCASM)

Know who else we should ban? Jews. Because of that whole Holocaust thing. (<<< ANALOGY)

Aside from the personal attack, your post boils down to 'NUH-UH'.

Grow up, learn to discuss, leave you unstable emotion at the door...or at the kid's table.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Anyone who causes snowflakes butthurt can't be all bad.
How did provocation become virtuous?
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Anyone who causes snowflakes butthurt can't be all bad.
How did provocation become virtuous?

I will take Trump over the last five admins every day of the week and twice on Sunday. The commie leftists totally ignored what was revealed in the Wikileaks data dump, the crimes of the Barrypuppet, Hildebeast, Comey, Mueller, Eric Holder , Loretta Lynch, etc, etc and if you idiots REALLY believe that Lynch and Bill "drop trou" meeting in private on a tarmac was simply to catch up on old times? Then you really are an idiot. Child trafficking, money laundering, outright treason by selling diplomacy for donations to slush funds lamely disguised as charitable foundations, toppling governments and then funding the very mercenary/proxy army that allegedly was responsible for 9/11/01 that has put all of us in this police state gulag with imprisonment with no due process...and you have the UNMITIGATED gall to pass judgement on Trump whom has done NONE of those things?

Get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Anyone who causes snowflakes butthurt can't be all bad.
How did provocation become virtuous?

Not sure when those magnetic poles shifted but said "virtue" value was in ready evidence a week and a half ago in Smirkgate.

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