Trump's 12 Impeachable Offenses


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Putting aside ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity...

The End of the Rule of Law

"Bruce Fein a former senior official in the Department of Justice and a constitutional scholar, has identified 12 impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump.

"But, as he notes, many of these constitutional violations are not unique to the Trump administration. They have been normalized by Democratic and Republican administrations..."

As far as Trump's unique brand of criminality goes:

"The 12 impeachable offenses committed by Trump and singled out by Fein are:

"1. Contempt of Congress

"Trump made clear his contempt of Congress when he boasted, '… I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"
At the end of the day, the only thing they have on The President, the only thing they've ever had, is that they don't like his hair.

Personally, I think his hair rocks.

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Putting aside ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity...

The End of the Rule of Law

"Bruce Fein a former senior official in the Department of Justice and a constitutional scholar, has identified 12 impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump.

"But, as he notes, many of these constitutional violations are not unique to the Trump administration. They have been normalized by Democratic and Republican administrations..."

As far as Trump's unique brand of criminality goes:

"The 12 impeachable offenses committed by Trump and singled out by Fein are:

"1. Contempt of Congress

"Trump made clear his contempt of Congress when he boasted, '… I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"
Here's the countdowahhhhhahhhhh WahhhhhWahhh Wahhhhhwahh Wahhhh
The 12 Days of Impeachment

On the first day of impeachment my liberal said to me Trump won so we must impeach.

On the second day of impeachment my liberal said to me.....
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The emotional lib goo train never ends. Never any substance.
You would have to read the link to judge substance.
Here's a head start:

The End of the Rule of Law

2. Abuse of the Powers of the President and Abuse of Public Trust

“Unlike prior presidents, he has made presidential lies as routine as the rising and setting of the sun, confounding civil discourse, truth and public trust,” the memo to Pelosi reads. 'He has disrespected, belittled, and serially preyed upon women, mocked the disabled, incited violence against the mainstream media and critics, and encouraged and displayed bigotry towards minorities and minority Members of Congress, including intercession with Israel in serious violation of the Speech or Debate Clause, Article I, section 6, clause 1, to deny two Members visitor visas.'"
The emotional lib goo train never ends. Never any substance.
You would have to read the link to judge substance.
Here's a head start:

The End of the Rule of Law

2. Abuse of the Powers of the President and Abuse of Public Trust

“Unlike prior presidents, he has made presidential lies as routine as the rising and setting of the sun, confounding civil discourse, truth and public trust,” the memo to Pelosi reads. 'He has disrespected, belittled, and serially preyed upon women, mocked the disabled, incited violence against the mainstream media and critics, and encouraged and displayed bigotry towards minorities and minority Members of Congress, including intercession with Israel in serious violation of the Speech or Debate Clause, Article I, section 6, clause 1, to deny two Members visitor visas.'"

All subjective and I'm seeing nothing here that past presidents haven't done.
At the end of the day, the only thing they have on The President, the only thing they've ever had is that they don't like his hair.

Personally, I think his hair rocks.

The End of the Rule of Law

"3. Appropriations Clause, Revenue Clause

“Congress has consistently voted much less money than President Trump requested to build an extensive, multi-billion-dollar wall with Mexico,” the memo reads. 'In violation of the Clause and the criminal prohibition of the Anti-Deficiency Act, President Trump has committed to spending billions of dollars far in excess of what Congress has appropriated for the wall. The congressional power of the purse is a cornerstone of the Constitution’s separation of powers.'

"Article I, Section 7, Clause 1 of the Constitution requires all revenue measures to originate in the House of Representatives...."
All the Democrats impeachment articles are going to be so stupid.

Article 1: Orange man bad. No like orange man... derp...

Article 2: derp... derp... orange man bad
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This is nothing more than the liberal bitch and whine thread.

Y'all want some cheese with that whine?
The emotional lib goo train never ends. Never any substance.
You would have to read the link to judge substance.
Here's a head start:

The End of the Rule of Law

2. Abuse of the Powers of the President and Abuse of Public Trust

“Unlike prior presidents, he has made presidential lies as routine as the rising and setting of the sun, confounding civil discourse, truth and public trust,” the memo to Pelosi reads. 'He has disrespected, belittled, and serially preyed upon women, mocked the disabled, incited violence against the mainstream media and critics, and encouraged and displayed bigotry towards minorities and minority Members of Congress, including intercession with Israel in serious violation of the Speech or Debate Clause, Article I, section 6, clause 1, to deny two Members visitor visas.'"

All subjective and I'm seeing nothing here that past presidents haven't done.
All subjective and I'm seeing nothing here that past presidents haven't done.
Which other POTUS has defied the Emoluments Clause?
Which other recent POTUS has failed to reveal his tax returns?

The End of the Rule of Law

"4. Emoluments Clause

“Article I, section 9, clause 8 prohibits the President (and other federal officers), without the consent of Congress, from accepting any ‘present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatsoever, from any King, Prince, or foreign state.’

"'President Trump has notoriously refused to place his assets in a blind trust,' the memo reads. 'Instead, he continues to profit from opulent hotels heavily patronized by foreign governments. He has permitted his family to commercialize the White House. He has compromised the national interest to enrich family wealth on a scale unprecedented in the history of the presidency.'"
Jingle Bells, Swalwell smells
AOC laid an egg.
Pelosi says Trump has lied
and Boot-edge-edge is a fag.
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The emotional lib goo train never ends. Never any substance.
You would have to read the link to judge substance.
Here's a head start:

The End of the Rule of Law

2. Abuse of the Powers of the President and Abuse of Public Trust

“Unlike prior presidents, he has made presidential lies as routine as the rising and setting of the sun, confounding civil discourse, truth and public trust,” the memo to Pelosi reads. 'He has disrespected, belittled, and serially preyed upon women, mocked the disabled, incited violence against the mainstream media and critics, and encouraged and displayed bigotry towards minorities and minority Members of Congress, including intercession with Israel in serious violation of the Speech or Debate Clause, Article I, section 6, clause 1, to deny two Members visitor visas.'"

All subjective and I'm seeing nothing here that past presidents haven't done.
All subjective and I'm seeing nothing here that past presidents haven't done.
Which other POTUS has defied the Emoluments Clause?
Which other recent POTUS has failed to reveal his tax returns?

The End of the Rule of Law

"4. Emoluments Clause

“Article I, section 9, clause 8 prohibits the President (and other federal officers), without the consent of Congress, from accepting any ‘present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatsoever, from any King, Prince, or foreign state.’

"'President Trump has notoriously refused to place his assets in a blind trust,' the memo reads. 'Instead, he continues to profit from opulent hotels heavily patronized by foreign governments. He has permitted his family to commercialize the White House. He has compromised the national interest to enrich family wealth on a scale unprecedented in the history of the presidency.'"

Substance gp, substance. Lol, the memo about a president making money. Ah yes, thats never happened, lol. And, it doesnt state anywhere in the constitution that a nominee or president has to to show their tax returns. Come on man. This is weak.
If the limbs didn't spend all their time making up crazy stories about Trump they might actually try and get something passed in congress. Imagine how screwed we would all be then. I hope they keep their little temper tantrum going. At least that way we are all safe from them crashing the economy and throwing out running the country into ruin.
Putting aside ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity...

The End of the Rule of Law

"Bruce Fein a former senior official in the Department of Justice and a constitutional scholar, has identified 12 impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump.

"But, as he notes, many of these constitutional violations are not unique to the Trump administration. They have been normalized by Democratic and Republican administrations..."

As far as Trump's unique brand of criminality goes:

"The 12 impeachable offenses committed by Trump and singled out by Fein are:

"1. Contempt of Congress

"Trump made clear his contempt of Congress when he boasted, '… I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"
Here's the countdowahhhhhahhhhh WahhhhhWahhh Wahhhhhwahh Wahhhh
The End of the Rule of Law

"5. Treaty Clause

"Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 requires Senate ratification of treaties by two-thirds majorities. The text is silent as to whether treaty termination requires Senate ratification, and the Supreme Court held the issue was a non-justiciable political question in Goldwater v. Carter, 444 U.S. 996 (1979).

"'President Trump flouted the Treaty Clause in terminating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia unilaterally,' the memo reads. 'The treaty assigned the termination decision to the ‘United States.’ The President alone is not the United States under the Treaty Clause.'"
Let's take it from the top:

(1) "He has disrespected, belittled, and serially preyed upon women..." Only a moron equates criticism of a particular woman as an indication of misogyny; the women Trump has criticized as President have been eminently worthy of each and every word of criticism he bestowed. Some examples of the object of his criticisms: AOC, Tlaib, Maxine Waters. Case closed. "Preyed upon women"? As President? Ridiculous.

(2) "...mocked the disabled..." This preposterous claim has been thoroughly debunked. The gestures used in his mocking of the reporter in question have no relationship whatsoever with the infirmity of the reporter, were commonly used by Trump in mocking others, and the reporter's problem is completely controlled with medication, which is why Trump was not even aware of the problem.

(3) "...incited violence against the mainstream media and critics..." Really? When? Where? Examples of any media members being harmed by Trump-inspired violence...didn't think so. Want to talk about how many Trump-supporting public speakers have been attacked and violently silenced by the TDS brigades?

(4) "...encouraged and displayed bigotry towards minorities and minority Members of Congress..." Total bullshit. Bigotry toward minorities? Examples?...didn't think so.

(5) "...intercession with Israel in serious violation of the Speech or Debate Clause, Article I, section 6, clause 1..." Total and utter nonsense.

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