Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

You're going to see lots of women in your state are ghouls. Who cares that you cry and call us names. You tried to pass something that 39% of Americas agree with. And you went too far. That was your mistake. Now, the blood is on your hands. LOL My blood. Period blood.
I have no doubt there are many indecent ghouls such as yourself, interested in killing their offspring because they couldn't show restraint, or at least be responsible enough to make sure pregnancy didn't occur!
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.

It tells us the shitlibs care more about an untrainable dog than they do human life.

Not sure a no-kill shelter would have taken a serial biter.
I'd rather 1000 women get an abortion than 1 woman do what she did to that dog.

Here is another example of the Republicans defending the indefensible. No she didn't have to shoot that dog. I know a guy who told me some people who buy hunting dogs will MURDER them if they aren't good hunting dogs. She could have got rid of that dog. She should be up on charges. No excuse. It's like Michael Vick is running to be VP
She didn’t shoot it because it wasn’t a good hunter…read the rest of the story..
Humans can far outweigh animals in scum.
They have proved it.
In thousands of years, one another.
Animals do not think on the same plane as humans, they are by definition animals some eat their own feces.
Everything is about realities of where we live. An episode of Everyone loves Raymond had their family visit the house of the oldest son's wife who is from rural Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving. A bird flew into a window of the home and injured its wing. Raymond's city family was concerned. The oldest son's wife's mother snapped the neck of the bird without them seeing it. in fact, she told them. They all got upset and there was a drawn-out argument with sides taken. The logic given was that the costs to go to a vet or to repair were too expensive and this was rural living. So, after it was over they talked on who was going to get a wing or white meat from the Turkey. We live in a culture where we need a ten-thousand-page specific detailing account for ear everything. We have people destroying others getting them to sign paperwork documents even. So perhaps the whole detailed story is needed, and the culture understood.
She didn't have to write about it.
It should have been a decision left to Kristi, the dog, and the gun.

Leftist women are encouraged to do shout outs when they kill their baby.
Kristi fell into that trap.

Kristi is a Superior Governor, would have made a spectacular VP, but the bad judgement was thinking that the act belonged documented for the world.

That was bad judgement -
She will not be VP.
I have no doubt there are many indecent ghouls such as yourself, interested in killing their offspring because they couldn't show restraint, or at least be responsible enough to make sure pregnancy didn't occur!
No one gives a fuck what you think. We already know. Even if you are raped, you gotta have the baby. I'm so glad the real you is finally out of the closet.
a women getting an abortion is killing a human being,, shooting a dog is just shooting a dog,,
No that's a living thing. It has a right to life. And we have laws that say animal cruelty is a crime. We all agree. Well, everyone except Republicans. Republicans seem to take the wrong side of every issue. Add murdering dogs to the list.

A fetus is not a human being. Life isn't that precious. If it is, have your child. Even if it's retarded. Live that life. I hope it gets you into heaven. But don't shoot a dog. God doesn't allow dog murderers into heaven.

Also, we put dogs down. We should be able to put people down too. If you are sick and going to suffer in the next 6 months, you should be allowed to be put down. Why do dog's have the right but we don't?

Once you own a dog, it's sort of like your child. You can't murder it after it's born.

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