Trumpers lose and lose again


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
In the final analysis, Trump is the biggest loser ever. Unfortunately it has cost his followers dearly. They lost their president, they lost their dignity and self-respect because in following a habitual liar they have all but admitted they are fools. And following his advice about covid they are now risking their very lives. The old covid had a .04125 fatality rate. The Delta variant has a .08 fatality rate and it spreads twice as fast. Unfortunately we are seeing breakthrough cases for the vaccinated. By the time the epsilon zeta strain evolves no one will be safe. The task at hand was to get everyone in in the world vaccinated, we can't even get everybody in America vaccinated when it's free. I'm sorry but I believe the human race is going to endure unbelievable suffering because of this. Human beings are losing, the virus is winning. There is no doubt about this. Our ignorance is destroying us.
In the final analysis, Trump is the biggest loser ever. Unfortunately it has cost his followers dearly. They lost their president, they lost their dignity and self-respect because in following a habitual liar they have all but admitted they are fools. And following his advice about covid they are now risking their very lives. The old covid had a .04125 fatality rate. The Delta variant has a .08 fatality rate and it spreads twice as fast. Unfortunately we are seeing breakthrough cases for the vaccinated. By the time the epsilon zeta strain evolves no one will be safe. The task at hand was to get everyone in in the world vaccinated, we can't even get everybody in America vaccinated when it's free. I'm sorry but I believe the human race is going to endure unbelievable suffering because of this. Human beings are losing, the virus is winning. There is no doubt about this. Our ignorance is destroying us.
Thanks for that, Jake.
..the losers are Americans and you..Biden is turning the US into the USA = United States of Africa = shithole
In the final analysis, Trump is the biggest loser ever. Unfortunately it has cost his followers dearly. They lost their president, they lost their dignity and self-respect because in following a habitual liar they have all but admitted they are fools. And following his advice about covid they are now risking their very lives. The old covid had a .04125 fatality rate. The Delta variant has a .08 fatality rate and it spreads twice as fast. Unfortunately we are seeing breakthrough cases for the vaccinated. By the time the epsilon zeta strain evolves no one will be safe. The task at hand was to get everyone in in the world vaccinated, we can't even get everybody in America vaccinated when it's free. I'm sorry but I believe the human race is going to endure unbelievable suffering because of this. Human beings are losing, the virus is winning. There is no doubt about this. Our ignorance is destroying us.
In the final analysis, Trump is the biggest loser ever. Unfortunately it has cost his followers dearly. They lost their president, they lost their dignity and self-respect because in following a habitual liar they have all but admitted they are fools. And following his advice about covid they are now risking their very lives. The old covid had a .04125 fatality rate. The Delta variant has a .08 fatality rate and it spreads twice as fast. Unfortunately we are seeing breakthrough cases for the vaccinated. By the time the epsilon zeta strain evolves no one will be safe. The task at hand was to get everyone in in the world vaccinated, we can't even get everybody in America vaccinated when it's free. I'm sorry but I believe the human race is going to endure unbelievable suffering because of this. Human beings are losing, the virus is winning. There is no doubt about this. Our ignorance is destroying us.

There is no doubt that you are a liar and a traitor.
In the final analysis, Trump is the biggest loser ever. Unfortunately it has cost his followers dearly. They lost their president, they lost their dignity and self-respect because in following a habitual liar they have all but admitted they are fools. And following his advice about covid they are now risking their very lives. The old covid had a .04125 fatality rate. The Delta variant has a .08 fatality rate and it spreads twice as fast. Unfortunately we are seeing breakthrough cases for the vaccinated. By the time the epsilon zeta strain evolves no one will be safe. The task at hand was to get everyone in in the world vaccinated, we can't even get everybody in America vaccinated when it's free. I'm sorry but I believe the human race is going to endure unbelievable suffering because of this. Human beings are losing, the virus is winning. There is no doubt about this. Our ignorance is destroying us.

Own it commie.
Penelope illegals/etc POURING over the border, along with more taxes, along with Biden/etc saying FU to cops/law-order/etc...yes--a shithole like Africa
Biden is not for open borders and he doesn't want to defund the police. He wants to hire more police and the only wall he stopped was tramps , he fine with the other walls.
In the final analysis, Trump is the biggest loser ever. Unfortunately it has cost his followers dearly. They lost their president, they lost their dignity and self-respect because in following a habitual liar they have all but admitted they are fools. And following his advice about covid they are now risking their very lives. The old covid had a .04125 fatality rate. The Delta variant has a .08 fatality rate and it spreads twice as fast. Unfortunately we are seeing breakthrough cases for the vaccinated. By the time the epsilon zeta strain evolves no one will be safe. The task at hand was to get everyone in in the world vaccinated, we can't even get everybody in America vaccinated when it's free. I'm sorry but I believe the human race is going to endure unbelievable suffering because of this. Human beings are losing, the virus is winning. There is no doubt about this. Our ignorance is destroying us.

Biden is not for open borders and he doesn't want to defund the police. He wants to hire more police and the only wall he stopped was tramps , he fine with the other walls.

  • The majority of crossings are still single adults, most of whom are subject to Title 42.
The policy has continued under the Biden administration.

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