Trump to Social Security: Drop Dead

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I confess I am mystified why Trump has persisted in demanding a Payroll Tax Cut, which will easily, and I believe rightly, be portrayed as an attack on Social Security, and another giveaway to wealthy employers and corporations. It seems a rather absurd thing to do for a “populist” politician in an election year. But who am I to figure out what goes on in Trump’s mind? Does he think Democrats will capitulate on this issue in order to get another round of emergency benefits for laid-off working people? Anyone have any ideas?

“As Congress and the White House focus on crafting another rescue measure for Americans struggling with the coronavirus, the most important question may be: Can't someone find a way to distract President Trump from his stupid obsession with a payroll tax cut?

“We've explained before why a payroll tax cut is always an absurd and harmful idea, never more so than in the current crisis.

“It would undermine the finances of Social Security and Medicare while failing to deliver succor to the Americans who need it most.

“‘By pushing to cut off the program’s funding stream, President Trump is taking the first step toward dismantling Social Security.’ —Max Richtman, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

“Trump hasn't been too specific about the cut he demands, but even with a partial reduction in the payroll tax the poorest Americans would receive a few percent of the benefits, and the richest 20% would pocket half to two-thirds of the gains.

“Trump has been fixed on this idea virtually since the start of his Presidential term. Occasionally he has toyed with the idea of eliminating the payroll tax entirely, which would pile stupidity upon stupidity. Never has he offered a thoughtful, logical rationale for cutting the tax wholly or in part....“

Column: Trump to Social Security: Drop dead
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I confess I am mystified why Trump has persisted in demanding a Payroll Tax Cut, which will be easily, and I believe rightly, portrayed as an attack on Social Security, and another giveaway to wealthy employers and corporations. It seems a rather absurd thing to do for a “populist” politician in an election year. But who am I to figure out what goes on in Trump’s mind? Does he think the Democrats will capitulate on this issue to get another round of emergency benefits to layer off working people? Anyone have any ideas?

“As Congress and the White House focus on crafting another rescue measure for Americans struggling with the coronavirus, the most important question may be:

“Can't someone find a way to distract President Trump from his stupid obsession with a payroll tax cut?

“We've explained before why a payroll tax cut is always an absurd and harmful idea, never more so than in the current crisis.

“It would undermine the finances of Social Security and Medicare while failing to deliver succor to the Americans who need it most.

“‘By pushing to cut off the program’s funding stream, President Trump is taking the first step toward dismantling Social Security.’ —Max Richtman, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

“Trump hasn't been too specific about the cut he demands, but even with a partial reduction in the payroll tax the poorest Americans would receive a few percent of the benefits, and the richest 20% would pocket half to two-thirds of the gains.

“Trump has been fixed on this idea virtually since the start of his Presidential term. Occasionally he has toyed with the idea of eliminating the payroll tax entirely, which would pile stupidity upon stupidity. Never has he offered a thoughtful, logical rationale for cutting the tax wholly or in part....“
Column: Trump to Social Security: Drop dead
We're gonna survive this.
Yeah that's one I can't get on board with. Social Security and Medicare are already essentially bankrupt and the benefit to workers would be minimal.

Rump is entering into a more dangerous period now. If you think he's insane now, check him out after November 3rd whether he wins or loses. Another "'Here, hold by beer Moment" by Rump.
I confess I am mystified why Trump has persisted in demanding a Payroll Tax Cut, which will easily, and I believe rightly, be portrayed as an attack on Social Security, and another giveaway to wealthy employers and corporations. It seems a rather absurd thing to do for a “populist” politician in an election year. But who am I to figure out what goes on in Trump’s mind? Does he think Democrats will capitulate on this issue in order to get another round of emergency benefits to laid-off working people? Anyone have any ideas?

“As Congress and the White House focus on crafting another rescue measure for Americans struggling with the coronavirus, the most important question may be: Can't someone find a way to distract President Trump from his stupid obsession with a payroll tax cut?

“We've explained before why a payroll tax cut is always an absurd and harmful idea, never more so than in the current crisis.

“It would undermine the finances of Social Security and Medicare while failing to deliver succor to the Americans who need it most.

“‘By pushing to cut off the program’s funding stream, President Trump is taking the first step toward dismantling Social Security.’ —Max Richtman, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

“Trump hasn't been too specific about the cut he demands, but even with a partial reduction in the payroll tax the poorest Americans would receive a few percent of the benefits, and the richest 20% would pocket half to two-thirds of the gains.

“Trump has been fixed on this idea virtually since the start of his Presidential term. Occasionally he has toyed with the idea of eliminating the payroll tax entirely, which would pile stupidity upon stupidity. Never has he offered a thoughtful, logical rationale for cutting the tax wholly or in part....“

Column: Trump to Social Security: Drop dead
What a great huge pile of horse shit. Someone must have shoveled out a large stable to get so much of it in one place.
Yeah that's one I can't get on board with. Social Security and Medicare are already essentially bankrupt and the benefit to workers would be minimal.
....and the benefit to workers would be minimal.

WTF?...That's always the prog bullshit excuse for refusing to lower/eliminate taxes.

How about: "it's their money in the fist place, not The State's"?

....and the benefit to workers would be minimal.

WTF?...That's always the prog bullshit excuse for refusing to lower/eliminate taxes.

How about: "it's their money in the fist place, not The State's"?

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Considering it's your Great Orange Whale that wants to do it. Sorry, but he won't get away with this "Here, hold my beer" moment no matter how you try and cover for him. Outside of you Party of the Rumpers, I can't think of one other group that he's not threatened yet.
Considering it's your Great Orange Whale that wants to do it. Sorry, but he won't get away with this "Here, hold my beer" moment no matter how you try and cover for him. Outside of you Party of the Rumpers, I can't think of one other group that he's not threatened yet.
So you're only against it because Trump is fot it...I'd ask the rhetorical question of "could you get any more petty?", but you'd take it as a challenge.
The government took part of our paychecks when we were working to pay retirement for the elderly. When we got to retirement age, they told US most of that money that we are made to contribute will not be available so they granted US a tax deferred way to save which is the 401K. Why don't they let US roll our payroll tax into such an account and forget about government distribution of SSI payments?
So you're only against it because Trump is fot it...I'd ask the rhetorical question of "could you get any more petty?", but you'd take it as a challenge.

And you are for it because Rump wants it? II have already seen the results of his last Tax Break. I am on SS. He used Medicare to offset and then some, his tax break to his rich buddies. I get a 3 buck tax break but lose 10 on my Part B. Meanwhile, his buddies get to buy more Mercedes Benz luxury cars and really big boats.
The government took part of our paychecks when we were working to pay retirement for the elderly. When we got to retirement age, they told US most of that money that we are made to contribute will not be available so they granted US a tax deferred way to save which is the 401K. Why don't they let US roll our payroll tax into such an account and forget about government distribution of SSI payments?

The sad part is,, I paid that money. It appears that you may be right. Get the Feds hands off it completely and make they stand on their own instead of stealing from us.
"• The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, the same as reported last year. At that time, the fund’s reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 76 percent of scheduled benefits."
So unless SS is "fixed" we only get 76% of promised benefits after 2034.


Medicare is projected to be bankrupt in 2026, only (6) years from now, unless its "fixed".

If Trump and the Republicans do not fix SS and Medicare, and only whine about tax cuts, then they will lose in November.
Another Trump-bash thread. Since the proposal isn't going anywhere, why talk about it ?

Answer: to bash Trump. Ho hum. Yawn****
What a great huge pile of horse shit. Someone must have shoveled out a large stable to get so much of it in one place.

I certainly agree. This is a gross mis-representation of the intention and the effect of the Payroll Tax Cut. It is for people who will go out and earn a paycheck---not for example, those on welfare and not working anyway. How were they hurt by the massive job losses sustained during the Covid Shutdown. They didn't have to lose or quit a job they never had---and their welfare kept a coming.

Or, those on Social Security. Not working. Why did they need an extra $1,200 each.

The OP is for the very young (and ignorant) or the very stupid---in other words--to motivate the Democrat Base.

Social Security is a Government Run Ponzi Scheme and it should never have been started in the first place.
Trump isn't out to lose, so the payroll cuts wont' come out of SS, they will come by other means, such as raising the personal deductions. the right wing scare stories over SS all failed years ago; some just quit reading the memos and keep repeating the fake news they like instead of the real news. All those IOU's from the bailouts of big corporations, banks, and Wall Street will just have to come out of the unearned income scams, where they should have been coming from all along. You want 'corporate personhood' and 'limited liability', you can pay for it.

LOl at 'privatizing' it; it would all be embezzled off in no time via assorted fake 'management fees' and pump and dump scams, and there aren't nearly enough legit investments to absorb all that cash. there is so much cash just sitting around now not being used for anything interest rates are essentially negative. Want to move your factory overseas? Then we should still tax them on the jobs they outsourced as if they were still here.
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