Trump Tells Putin Not to Meddle, Media Has a Cow!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Trump has to be the GREATEST TROLL of all wonder his TV show was consistently #1 for years....practice makes perfect!..ROTFLMFAO

Rush ^ | June 28, 2019 | Rush Limbaugh

RUSH: Then there’s Trump. You gotta love Donald Trump. Donald Trump is over at the G20, and he’s sitting there and he’s talking to Vladimir Putin of Russia. And the media, the Drive-By Media is covering it over there. “Mr. President, Mr. President, are you gonna tell Putin not to meddle in the election in 2020?”


So Trump smiles and leans over to Putin, says, “Hey, don’t meddle in the election, Mr. President.” And they both start laughing about it, and the media just had a cow. They’ve been having a cow all day. The tech blogs I read are beyond their ability to control themselves with this. Trump mocking this, Trump making fun of this. How dare he! This is outrageous.

Meanwhile, what happened last night don’t bother anybody. But here’s Trump having a little fun. The media started it. “Are you gonna tell Putin to stop meddling?” “Sure. Mr. President, stop meddling and don’t do it in 2020.” The media’s livid. We have some audio of this, grab sound bite number 21. This is the female reporter, unidentified. I’m told this is hard to hear if I understand that right. But let’s listen together.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: (crosstalk) Mr. President, will you tell Russia not to meddle in the 2020 election? (reporters shouting loudly)

TRUMP: Yes. Of course we will. (to Putin) Don’t meddle in the election, Vlad. Don’t meddle in the election.


RUSH: Were you able to understand? You weren’t. All right, here’s the transcript. Female reporter: “Mr. President, will you tell Russia not to meddle in the 2020 election?” And the reporters are shouting like the candidates were last night. It was a cacophony of media shouting.

So Trump is not close to a microphone. He says, “Yeah. Of course we will.” Then he turns to Putin, says, “Don’t meddle in the election, Vlad. Don’t meddle in the election.” And the media’s going bonkers. Now, how is this any different — grab sound bite number 22. This is December 16th, 2016. This is after the presidential election in 2016 that elected Trump. Here’s Obama at a press conference at the White House.

OBAMA: When I saw President Putin in China, I felt that the most effective way to ensure that that didn’t happen was to talk to him directly and tell him to cut it out.


RUSH: So here’s Obama, “I told Putin to cut it out.” And the media applauded. That’s our boy, that’s our guy, that’s Obama telling Putin to cut it out, and Obama is such an imposing figure. Oh, he’s so intimidating. When Obama tells you to cut it out, you cut it out. You stop. That was the way they portrayed it.

So Trump tells Putin to stop meddling. Media’s outraged. Trump’s smiling the whole time, leaning over. Putin’s smiling the whole time. “Don’t meddle in the election, Vlad.” This is the thing these people have taken so seriously. And this was the thing that was gonna get rid of Donald Trump and they were gonna prove it. Now here’s Trump mocking them.

It’s Donald Trump that makes you smile. It’s Donald Trump that has characteristics that are real. It’s Donald Trump that connects with people. There’s not a single one of these people last night, not even Mayor Pete.


RUSH: If you missed it, President Trump was asked by the media if he was gonna ask Putin to not meddle in the election in 2020. So he leaned into Putin, said, “Hey, buddy, don’t meddle in the elections in 2020.” Putin said, “Okay.” They had a big laugh about it. The Drive-Bys are livid. It was funny as hell.
To Putin, Trump, and his childishly stupid supporters, it is a big joke. The rest of the country sees it differently.
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:
He does it so naturally. Greatest president of all time. He loves poking at these guys.
I wouldn't say greatest of all time, but in the top ten easily.

Trump knows how to play modern media to his advantage and they don't even get it.
How ? Cause the media poke fun at him daily, everyone but his base think he is a clown, the whole world thinks he is a joke. His party lost the mid terms by 9 million votes. Comedians are thriving because of him.
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:
He does it so naturally. Greatest president of all time. He loves poking at these guys.
I wouldn't say greatest of all time, but in the top ten easily.

Trump knows how to play modern media to his advantage and they don't even get it.
Trolling is underrated. Hes the master. "Maybe Putin can find those missing emails" and the left never gets it (or at least they pretend not to), as the rest of us just laugh at them.
You seem to think being obscenely childish is a good thing. What a fool you are.
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:

Abusing Democrats is great. It's the troll part that turns me off. Pathetic attention whore who gets off on offending people. What's to love?
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:

Abusing Democrats is great. It's the troll part that turns me off. Pathetic attention whore who gets off on offending people. What's to love?
How is any one offended?

They asked him to tell Putin to "cut it out." He did. You get mad. We laugh at you.

I just don't think Trump's antics are funny. He's an assclown and a troll. I get that a lot of Republicans like him because he pisses off Democrats, but we need more from a leader than that.
You seem to think being obscenely childish is a good thing. What a fool you are.

Why is it you expect he has not discussed in private talks? When Obama told you that he stood up to Putin and "told him to cut it out" ---- you didn't even get to see or hear that exchange... So WHY do assume differently here?

What did the media want? To have Putin publicly swear an oath??? We can't even keep our OWN govt from meddling with elections... HERE or abroad...
I saw that. It was pure Donald Trump. It was so sly and obviously poking democrats. I loved every delicious second. If you want to know why we vote for Trump there it is. Right there.
I saw that. It was pure Donald Trump. It was so sly and obviously poking democrats. I loved every delicious second. If you want to know why we vote for Trump there it is. Right there.

I know. I totally get it. It's just such a petty reason to support a bad president.
What did the media want? To have Putin publicly swear an oath??? We can't even keep our OWN govt from meddling with elections... HERE or abroad...

The media was mad mostly because Trump wont take their bullshit seriously, nor should he.

Our media is full of a bunch of leftwing sanctimonious nitwit narcissists .
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:

Abusing Democrats is great. It's the troll part that turns me off. Pathetic attention whore who gets off on offending people. What's to love?
Political correctness is a scourge on the planet. Donald Trump is anti-PC to his core, which is great. Maybe people shouldn't be offended so easily.
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:

Abusing Democrats is great. It's the troll part that turns me off. Pathetic attention whore who gets off on offending people. What's to love?
Political correctness is a scourge on the planet. Donald Trump is anti-PC to his core, which is great. Maybe people shouldn't be offended so easily.

Totally agree. But again, we need more than that. We need someone who actually knows what they're doing. I don't believe Trump does. He's all ego, and our society has a thing for bravado - but he's running things into the ground. I really wish the Republicans would man up and replace him. Democrats clearly don't want to.
How do you not love this guy!? He just abuses the Democratic butt kissing Media. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:

Abusing Democrats is great. It's the troll part that turns me off. Pathetic attention whore who gets off on offending people. What's to love?

The press wanted a breaking story created right there on the spot so that ONE reporter saved the 2020 elections from Putin... You can't EXPECT shit like that to happen at an instant presser... So who's naive and flippant here.

Stupid questions from the press at pressers or stupid questions from Congress critters at one of their "non-investigation" investigations.. Someone NEEDS to poke fun at that kind of simpleton act... So that we don't have to sit thru increasingly STUPIDER questions...

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