Trump takes aim at Scientology tax exemption !

Back to topic . Those Scientology guys are tenacious . They annoyed there way to tax exempt status .
What happened to “freedom of religion”. I guess it’s OK to believe what you want as long as you’re a Christian but if you’re not, if you’re a Muslim, or a Scientologist or some other fringe religion, your beliefs don’t matter.

When you start saying one religion gets special favours over another, or is subject to special scrutiny like “extreme vetting” then you don’t have freedom of religion. The US was founded by Puritans seeking to escape religious persecution and now Donald Trump is re-introducing the idea that it is acceptable to persecute Jews, Muslims and now Scientologists, in the US.

Scientology is not a religion.
Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.

do you know what would happen if Congress had a big new source of revenue? The LAST thing they would do is pay down the debt. We would need the Newt Gingrich Congress to do that.

I wish I had confidence they would pay down the debt, but I don't.
Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.

Since when do you far left drones care about the debt?

You never complained under Obama, now suddenly you care about the debt?

If you truly cared about the debt, you would never vote or support the far left!

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Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.


Let’s not forget all these colleges that gobble up so much land and city services and are tax exempt .

Yes, but you far left drones will never allow that to happen.

If you really wanted these things, you would never support or vote far left!

You had your chance at campaign finance reform as well, but you voted for Obama.
Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

lol the above from the same poster who the other day was defending excessive unnecessary defense spending because it sustained UNION JOBS.

See the far left never lets a good debunked religious narrative go to waste!

The people who build the ships, airplanes, etc. Are union jobs.

So why do the far left hate unions?
Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.

do you know what would happen if Congress had a big new source of revenue? The LAST thing they would do is pay down the debt. We would need the Newt Gingrich Congress to do that.

I wish I had confidence they would pay down the debt, but I don't.

It would need to be spelled out in the bill and go directly to the source. But, your response is serious and the money would need to be followed to its legally required source. Even then an independent audit would need to make sure the Congress didn't play three card monte with the taxpayer.

Gingrich was the Oz behind the curtain, he was and remains the most corrupt, narcissistic and divisive Speaker in my lifetime.
Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.

do you know what would happen if Congress had a big new source of revenue? The LAST thing they would do is pay down the debt. We would need the Newt Gingrich Congress to do that.

I wish I had confidence they would pay down the debt, but I don't.

It would need to be spelled out in the bill and go directly to the source. But, your response is serious and the money would need to be followed to its legally required source.

Gingrich was the Oz behind the curtain, he was and remains the most corrupt, narcissistic and divisive Speaker in my lifetime.

See the far left never lets a debunked far left religious narrative go to waste!

So you vote for and support the far left which would never do anything you suggest here.

So why support the far left religion which will never do anything like this?
Back to topic . Those Scientology guys are tenacious . They annoyed there way to tax exempt status .

Yes the far left religion that you support is far worse, but you do not seem to care about that!

Hey Kosh, please define in detail "far left". Using the phrase three times in a row strongly suggest you can do so. Define it or STFU.
Back to topic . Those Scientology guys are tenacious . They annoyed there way to tax exempt status .

Yes the far left religion that you support is far worse, but you do not seem to care about that!

Hey Kosh, please define in detail "far left". Using the phrase three times in a row strongly suggest you can do so. Define it or STFU.

You are far left and this has been done many, many times. You did not get it years ago and you prove that you do not want to understand!

Obama is far left, but only a far left drone would not see that!

You support the far left religion without question or hesitation.

You claim you want certain things, yet you vote for the far left which would never do those things.

If you can not understand how far to the left you are, that is on you and no one else!
Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.


Let’s not forget all these colleges that gobble up so much land and city services and are tax exempt .

And the NFL is listed as a non profit! Anybody care to guess how many hundreds of millions go into the black hole yearly?

Yep, and all those lobbyist will once again convince members of congress to screw the wage earner and give breaks to Corporations and Institutions and special interests who donate to their reelection campaign.
I have no objection to going after tax cheats. And I think college football players should get healthcare via the college!

I think college athletes need to get paid a % of the revenue collected at Football and Basketball games. Since only family and friends go to our baseball games and other minor sports it should be spread out on an equal basis to all performers - male and female - in every sport. Same thing for performers in the arts.
Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.


Let’s not forget all these colleges that gobble up so much land and city services and are tax exempt .

And the NFL is listed as a non profit! Anybody care to guess how many hundreds of millions go into the black hole yearly?

Yep, and all those lobbyist will once again convince members of congress to screw the wage earner and give breaks to Corporations and Institutions and special interests who donate to their reelection campaign.
I have no objection to going after tax cheats. And I think college football players should get healthcare via the college!

I think college athletes need to get paid a % of the revenue collected at Football and Basketball games. Since only family and friends go to our baseball games and other minor sports it should be spread out on an equal basis to all performers - male and female - in every sport. Same thing for performers in the arts.

Most of them get a free ride at the school and get to take special classes so not to bog them down as they play football at school..

But as the far left shows they want things that their religion will not support!

Let’s not forget all these colleges that gobble up so much land and city services and are tax exempt .

And the NFL is listed as a non profit! Anybody care to guess how many hundreds of millions go into the black hole yearly?

Yep, and all those lobbyist will once again convince members of congress to screw the wage earner and give breaks to Corporations and Institutions and special interests who donate to their reelection campaign.
I have no objection to going after tax cheats. And I think college football players should get healthcare via the college!

I think college athletes need to get paid a % of the revenue collected at Football and Basketball games. Since only family and friends go to our baseball games and other minor sports it should be spread out on an equal basis to all performers - male and female - in every sport. Same thing for performers in the arts.

Most of them get a free ride at the school and get to take special classes so not to bog them down as they play football at school..

But as the far left shows they want things that their religion will not support!
It's not a free ride when you blow out a knee and get booted. Then it's a burn and dispose. Schools should cover football related injury costs AND re training. They promised to educate them and they should have to keep that promise.
Why should any religion receive a tax exemption. Why not change that to a tax credit when the money received is used to provide tangible services to the needy, believers or not.

Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.


Let’s not forget all these colleges that gobble up so much land and city services and are tax exempt .

If colleges are taxed, that cost is passed on in increased tuition to the students who are now picking up their diplomas and massive 5-figures of debt which is impeding their ability to marry, buy a home or start a family.

I’d rather the next generation not be saddled with school debt it will take years to repay. These kids attended school through one of the worst economiv

Lack of taxes doesn’t seem to stop college costs from rising .

Exactly and many colleges are struggling to keep enough students to pay the bills. In my day, we lived in dread of “flunking out of college”, of having marks so low, we get expelled. That doesn’t happen today. When a student flunks and is in danger of leaving, instructors are blamed and shamed into getting these kids a passing mark so they can continue to collect that tuition.
What happened to “freedom of religion”. I guess it’s OK to believe what you want as long as you’re a Christian but if you’re not, if you’re a Muslim, or a Scientologist or some other fringe religion, your beliefs don’t matter.

When you start saying one religion gets special favours over another, or is subject to special scrutiny like “extreme vetting” then you don’t have freedom of religion. The US was founded by Puritans seeking to escape religious persecution and now Donald Trump is re-introducing the idea that it is acceptable to persecute Jews, Muslims and now Scientologists, in the US.

Scientology is not a religion.

Yeah it is. It a scam and a cult but it is a religion. I don’t think “prosperity Christians” like Joel Osteen should have a tax exempt status either but as long as they’re not doing blood sacrifice or sexually abusing children, I guess were OK with it.

Oh wait - Catholics and Warren Jeffs and friends, and Witnesses. Scratch the abusing children part. Just no blood sacrifice.
Cool as long as unions are no longer tax exempt as well, I am with you!

Fine with me, as long as every political donation across the board is taxed, and every purchase of a stock or bond - no matter its size - is taxed .25 cents to reduce the national deficit and some of the debt.


Let’s not forget all these colleges that gobble up so much land and city services and are tax exempt .

If colleges are taxed, that cost is passed on in increased tuition to the students who are now picking up their diplomas and massive 5-figures of debt which is impeding their ability to marry, buy a home or start a family.

I’d rather the next generation not be saddled with school debt it will take years to repay. These kids attended school through one of the worst economiv

Lack of taxes doesn’t seem to stop college costs from rising .

Exactly and many colleges are struggling to keep enough students to pay the bills. In my day, we lived in dread of “flunking out of college”, of having marks so low, we get expelled. That doesn’t happen today. When a student flunks and is in danger of leaving, instructors are blamed and shamed into getting these kids a passing mark so they can continue to collect that tuition.

Yes the far left has made going too college to expensive. After passing the biggest tax in American History, you can not expect those to shell out the money to support the far left in the universities today!

There are far left teachers that give good grades for walking out of school in protest, giving good grades for blasting anyone not far left.

The unions do not care about educating anyone, they only care about their pockets and power.

As the NFL starts to loose viewership, the Saturday audience may go up substantially. All the money the schools get go back into the school of the broadcasting rights. Where that money goes can be a mystery.
Back to topic . Those Scientology guys are tenacious . They annoyed there way to tax exempt status .

Yes the far left religion that you support is far worse, but you do not seem to care about that!

Hey Kosh, please define in detail "far left". Using the phrase three times in a row strongly suggest you can do so. Define it or STFU.

You are far left and this has been done many, many times. You did not get it years ago and you prove that you do not want to understand!

Obama is far left, but only a far left drone would not see that!

You support the far left religion without question or hesitation.

You claim you want certain things, yet you vote for the far left which would never do those things.

If you can not understand how far to the left you are, that is on you and no one else!

Obama retained the Patriot Act, didn’t close Gitmo, and killed terrorists without trial. Hardly leftwing at all. Very hard right wing positions on immigration, deporting more illegals and at a faster pace than Donald is doing now.

The only truly left wing positions he took was to regulate Wall Street and pass the Affordable Care Act. Every thing else was centre right or right wing.

You’re supporting Roy Moore’s candidacy despite him being a totally unsuitable candidate both morally and constitutionally. His failure to abide by the laws of the country, despite his sworn duty to do so, shows an utter lack of integrity.

His job is not to decide what laws he will or will not obey any more than you or I can. And less so because he promised God and Country he would uphold State and Federal laws in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. He has violated that oath on numerous occasions.

Judges are not permitted to decide they don’t like a law and just stop obeying or enforcing it. Or that they’re going to decide cases not on the State or Federal laws, but rather their Sunday School teachings.

No. Moore is incapable of serving in the Senate. He has broken his vow to uphold the Constitution too many times to count. This is not yet a theocracy.

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