Oh what a night...

As with other videos I've seen of this night, they're not even trying to hide their partisanship.

"Reporter" (ha) Martha Radditz sounded like Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And I guarantee you, none of them sees the irony, none of them sees that they're illustrating part of why he won.
Yes...so true.

Amazingly millions of Americans believe news reports from these very same partisan assholes today.
Edward R Murrow and Walter Cronkite were journalists who reported the news. They had ethics.

Today's bunch are in the business of manufacturing opinion and have none.
Edward R Murrow and Walter Cronkite were journalists who reported the news. They had ethics.

Today's bunch are in the business of manufacturing opinion and have none.
Cronkite lied about Vietnam. He went from a news reporter to an opinion writer, he just wasn't honest enough to tell people.
As with other videos I've seen of this night, they're not even trying to hide their partisanship.

"Reporter" (ha) Martha Radditz sounded like Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And I guarantee you, none of them sees the irony, none of them sees that they're illustrating part of why he won.

...and part of that is their conviction of the righteousness of their Cause. 'doesn't matter if we do the wrong thing if it's for the 'right' reasons.' Hillary's basket of deplorables comment was a comment too far for me...as it was for many. That was no way to win an election.

Her defeat was well earned.

Donna Brazile's recent tell-all is intriguing...rather than revealing of the DNC's corruption, it may be a sleight of hand to preserve it. There's an old proverb - tell me a lie I want to hear, and I will be deaf to the truth.
One has to ask the basic question: Why does one go into Journalism?

Someone very close to me is a journalist with the highest ethical standards - which he was taught in J-school. His stories never include opinion, and he would never publish a "fact" that had not been corroborated by reliable sources.

But a lot of journalists get into it because they want to INFLUENCE PUBIC OPINION, which is a crime against the public. Media outlets that commingle news with opinion should be called out regularly and emphatically.
Donna Brazile's recent tell-all is intriguing...rather than revealing of the DNC's corruption, it may be a sleight of hand to preserve it. There's an old proverb - tell me a lie I want to hear, and I will be deaf to the truth.
Yep, and that's one of the primary problems with partisan politics, and it's only getting worse.

If we can't be honest and not just spin for our "side" (whichever that may be) and buy into everything it says without question, then this decay can only continue.
One thing that always happens on Election Day is that the people who vote during the day are mainly people WHO DO NOT WORK for a living. Yes, there are people (like me) who used to get up early before work and vote, but preliminary results from, say 6pm, reflect a SKEWED sampling that over-represents retired people and non-working people, thus giving Democrat candidates a higher share of the votes. People who vote after 6pm are working people, who generally trend Republican.
One has to ask the basic question: Why does one go into Journalism?
I was in the business for a little over 18 years, and the answer to that question changed over time within the industry.

It used to be that we were fascinated with reporting, loved writing, loved how the job was never the same, loved investigating and discovering things and putting facts together into a cohesive narrative. It took an organic, innate, honest, humble intellectual curiosity.

Now, it's far more advocacy-driven. You'll hear journalists often say that they're after "the truth", which simply means THEIR truth. It means they will start with the point of the "story", and then work backwards, ignoring/avoiding/distorting all information that is contrary to the point. This has only been exacerbated by the proliferation of the internet and endless "news" sources, which only motivates "journalists" to stretch all KINDS of boundaries.

The obvious exception is local news, where I still see a fairly benign, sincere approach.
One has to ask the basic question: Why does one go into Journalism?

Someone very close to me is a journalist with the highest ethical standards - which he was taught in J-school. His stories never include opinion, and he would never publish a "fact" that had not been corroborated by reliable sources.

But a lot of journalists get into it because they want to INFLUENCE PUBIC OPINION, which is a crime against the public. Media outlets that commingle news with opinion should be called out regularly and emphatically.
Agreed. The bigger problem are the millions of Americans who must know the majority of the MSM is liberally biased and tied to the DParty, but don’t care.
[Yep, and that's one of the primary problems with partisan politics, and it's only getting worse.

If we can't be honest and not just spin for our "side" (whichever that may be) and buy into everything it says without question, then this decay can only continue.

I agree. Partisan politics in the form of the unquestioning lock-step with party policy is not good for the country.

Just an observation - I still believe most Americans want to achieve 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness'. There is division over how well that can be provided by centralizing power in a federal government...and on perhaps an even larger scale - the ungenerous invalidation of intent. We can agree on so many things person to person. Who wants children starving in the streets, or the sick dying on sidewalks?...or police shooting innocent unarmed people? Who doesn't want the poor to be able to raise themselves out of poverty? The differences arise from disagreement over solutions, results vs intentions...and rather than take the time to learn of other positions - it seems to be easier to demonize them.

From my perspective, as a life long registered Democrat - I see the ideological leaders of one as masters of manipulation, demonization of dissent and identity politics to the detriment of all...and it ain't the 'other' one. ;)
The liberal media convinced itself they were the king makers who elected presidents, they found out different when the American people elected Trump.
The liberal media convinced itself they were the king makers who elected presidents, they found out different when the American people elected Trump.
True. Watching them cry on election night was so fun. Has to be one of the best nights of my life, even though I don’t care for Trump. Close to my wedding night and the birth of my children.
Well the media has been far left for a long time, before the age of the internet they were able to hide it better.

Now they just openly support the far left, that is why CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Huffington Post, Washington Post, NYTimes, etc. just register as 527's as they are no loner in the journalism business!
As with other videos I've seen of this night, they're not even trying to hide their partisanship.

"Reporter" (ha) Martha Radditz sounded like Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And I guarantee you, none of them sees the irony, none of them sees that they're illustrating part of why he won.
Yes...so true.

Amazingly millions of Americans believe news reports from these very same partisan assholes today.

So what 'non-partisans' do you get your news from?
I hadn't realized how bad liberals had become until Nov. 9, 2016. I walked into the office with about 40 desks and you could hear a pin drop. The tension could be cut with a knife.

A guy and I talked about the election results, and a snowflake rushed over to my desk and told us DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE ELECTION. Next thing you know the liberal establishment sent out an email instructing us not to discuss it (because it was too harmful). So much for free speech. Imagine if Hillary had won, balloons and party hats. Trump is this, Republicans are that, we won because conservatives suck etc. etc.

I HAD what I thought was a "friend" who I treated VERY WELL. She had already told me I was a womanizer because I wouldn't support Hillary. I couldn't get a word in. Stupid bitch came into work crying. She looked like she was on a week's drunk. She disowned me, unfriended me on Facebook etc. Wholly shit good residence.
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As with other videos I've seen of this night, they're not even trying to hide their partisanship.

"Reporter" (ha) Martha Radditz sounded like Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And I guarantee you, none of them sees the irony, none of them sees that they're illustrating part of why he won.
Yes...so true.

Amazingly millions of Americans believe news reports from these very same partisan assholes today.

So what 'non-partisans' do you get your news from?
I go to Drudge, Lew Rockwell, Washintongsblog, economic policy journal and few others most every day.

The thing is and I know you won't get it, I am suspicious of all media, but particularly I KNOW that most of the MSM is pushing the D Party party line. So, I do my best to ignore them.

You would never accept your news from the R party, but you do from the D party. Why?
I never realized how bad liberals had become until Nov. 9, 2016. I walked into the office with about 40 desks and you could hear a pin drop, and you could cut the tension with a knife.

A guy and I talked about the election results, and a snowflake rushed over to my desk and told us DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE ELECTION. Next thing you know the liberal establishment sent out an email instructing us not to discuss it (because it was too harmful). So much for free speech. Imagine if Hillary had won, balloons and party hats, and Trump is this, Republicans are that etc. etc.

I HAD what I thought was a "friend" who I treated VERY WELL. She had already told me I was a womanizer because I wouldn't support Hillary, and wouldn't allow me to speak. Stupid bitch came into work crying. She looked like she was on a week's drunk. She disowned me, unfriended me on Facebook etc. Wholly shit good residence.
I walked into the office and did a dance for all to see.

Got fired the next day. Liberals...:(:mad::confused::eek:o_O:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

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