Trump still campaigning instead of governing

When did Obama ever stop campaigning?
Check out BONOBO's computer. You'll find lots of Google searches for 'Non-extradition' countries.
He was behind the biggest political scandal in US history.
Rest assured every fucking Obama 'mole' who leaked classified information to the LIB MSM WILL be soon standing in a federal courtroom listening to their years long sentences be read.
Some of these 'moles' AKA seditious traitors are already 'rolling' on those above them.
Lynch, Rice, Rhodes, Clapper to name a few ARE going to end up serving hard time.
Take that to your bank!

Just like Trump was going to hire a Special Prosecutor to go after Clinton?

I won't hold me breath.

don't hold your breath-----he would be under very intensive criticism if he chose
to PURSUE-----your darling Hillary I agree that he will NOT go after that bitch
. My darling Hillary eh ?? LOL.. I may have misread your post thinking that you were bashing Trump, but I could have been wrong.
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down time be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!

These idiots don't get it, Trump mocked Obama for goofing off on the golf course, that's not what Trump is doing.
Trump works 12 hour days, what you libwits should be worried about is the 11 hours he spends on things you now nothing about :badgrin:
He has spent a quarter of his presidency golfing. Yeah he's a hard worker:lol:
Demon-crats need to start assimilating to the fact that they LOST
When is Trump going to assimilate to the fact that he won? Why is he holding a campaign rally not 100 days into his presidency?

Failing poll numbers? Trying to distract from the comedic roast that's about to happen to him? His thin skin is getting in the way of him doing his job as commander in chief
Trump works 12 hour days, what you libwits should be worried about is the 11 hours he spends on things you now nothing about :badgrin:
He has spent a quarter of his presidency golfing. Yeah he's a hard worker:lol:
Awe he plays a round of golf!

Shit stain loaded up coon 1 and took those welfare sucking leeches to Africa!
Ah there's the racism we all know you Trump supporters have festering underneath
He has spent a quarter of his presidency golfing. Yeah he's a hard worker:lol:

Trump hasn't "closed a deal" yet. Trump talked a good game about how he's able to get things done, yet he's gotten very little done. Repeal/replace obamacare - NOPE, Tax retorm - see obamacare, Muslim ban - NOPE, Mexico paying for the wall - NOPE. His only accomplishment was getting the logest running supreme court vacancy filled.
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!

These idiots don't get it, Trump mocked Obama for goofing off on the golf course, that's not what Trump is doing.
Obama just spent 2 months getting high and screwing off. At least while he was POTUS he had to get up every morning and give a speech just to let everyone know he was still alive. The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.
I'm glad Trump is still getting out to remind people he's working for them. People enjoy these rallies, and the message it sends.
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!

These idiots don't get it, Trump mocked Obama for goofing off on the golf course, that's not what Trump is doing.
Obama just spent 2 months getting high and screwing off. At least while he was POTUS he had to get up every morning and give a speech just to let everyone know he was still alive. The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.
And what supports this claim of Obama's laziness? Thus far in his presidency Obama had golfed 0 times. Trump is nearly 20. Obama had passed several important piece of legislature, regardless of repub obstructionism. Nearing the end of trumps 100 days he has not passed a single piece without doing an executive order. The record implies that rump is the lazy one.. unless you're suggesting Obama is so much smarter than trump he was more successful without any effort?
The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.

You claim Obama didn't do much. And then in the next breath say how hard Trump has to work to reverse all the EO's, laws, regulations and treaties that Obama put into place.
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!

These idiots don't get it, Trump mocked Obama for goofing off on the golf course, that's not what Trump is doing.
Obama just spent 2 months getting high and screwing off. At least while he was POTUS he had to get up every morning and give a speech just to let everyone know he was still alive. The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.
And what supports this claim of Obama's laziness? Thus far in his presidency Obama had golfed 0 times. Trump is nearly 20. Obama had passed several important piece of legislature, regardless of repub obstructionism. Nearing the end of trumps 100 days he has not passed a single piece without doing an executive order. The record implies that rump is the lazy one.. unless you're suggesting Obama is so much smarter than trump he was more successful without any effort?
I think you had better post links that support this.
I'm not even gonna try to correct your lies till you do.
When did Obama ever stop campaigning?
Check out BONOBO's computer. You'll find lots of Google searches for 'Non-extradition' countries.
He was behind the biggest political scandal in US history.
Rest assured every fucking Obama 'mole' who leaked classified information to the LIB MSM WILL be soon standing in a federal courtroom listening to their years long sentences be read.
Some of these 'moles' AKA seditious traitors are already 'rolling' on those above them.
Lynch, Rice, Rhodes, Clapper to name a few ARE going to end up serving hard time.
Take that to your bank!

Just like Trump was going to hire a Special Prosecutor to go after Clinton?

I won't hold me breath.
President Trump's first term has just begun asshole!
If you think President Trump has decided to forget about the Clinton 'pay-for-play' criminal enterprise you're fucking delusional.
Are you aware that the FBI is currently conducting an ongoing investigation into the Clinton (cough) 'Foundation'?
After what the Obama administration has been up to don't be surprised to see a dozen top people in his administration end up in federal prison serving maximum sentences.
Remember when Trump said he was going to all of these great things? Somebody should inform him that he won the election, and it's time to govern and stop campaigning.

His lagging poll numbers must be hurting his fragile ego.

While he's being made fun of down the street, he'll be standing on stage in one of his Made in China 'Make America Great Again' hats talking about bigly things :lol:

Trump to hold rally on night of White House correspondents' dinner

President Trump will hold a rally in Pennsylvania the night of the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, he said Saturday.

"Next Saturday night I will be holding a BIG rally in Pennsylvania. Look forward to it!" Trump wrote on Twitter
If people are taught correct principles they should be able to govern themselves.
If Hillary had won she would be president.
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!

These idiots don't get it, Trump mocked Obama for goofing off on the golf course, that's not what Trump is doing.
Obama just spent 2 months getting high and screwing off. At least while he was POTUS he had to get up every morning and give a speech just to let everyone know he was still alive. The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.
And what supports this claim of Obama's laziness? Thus far in his presidency Obama had golfed 0 times. Trump is nearly 20. Obama had passed several important piece of legislature, regardless of repub obstructionism. Nearing the end of trumps 100 days he has not passed a single piece without doing an executive order. The record implies that rump is the lazy one.. unless you're suggesting Obama is so much smarter than trump he was more successful without any effort?
Trump got an American aid worker freed from a prison in Iran who had been there three years and shit stain got nonel
Trump got the killer of a Arizona border agent and shit stain in six years got nothing.

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