Trump still campaigning instead of governing

A major difference between President Trump and Obama is that Trump said time and time again that he is the President of the United States. Obama seemed to be confused about the whole thing and apparently thought he was president of the whole world. He even forgot how many States there were. It's hard to get a handle on what the angry border line psychotic left wants from President Trump. They whine when he gets things done and they whine when he doesn't.
Remember when Trump said he was going to all of these great things? Somebody should inform him that he won the election, and it's time to govern and stop campaigning.

His lagging poll numbers must be hurting his fragile ego.

While he's being made fun of down the street, he'll be standing on stage in one of his Made in China 'Make America Great Again' hats talking about bigly things :lol:

Trump to hold rally on night of White House correspondents' dinner

President Trump will hold a rally in Pennsylvania the night of the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, he said Saturday.

"Next Saturday night I will be holding a BIG rally in Pennsylvania. Look forward to it!" Trump wrote on Twitter
One thing he's carried over is his ability to keep on lying And maybe just maybe he can give some of those jobs at his golf course in Fla to Americans
The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.

You claim Obama didn't do much. And then in the next breath say how hard Trump has to work to reverse all the EO's, laws, regulations and treaties that Obama put into place.
#1, Obama had 8 years to put all of that junk in place.
#2 Obama didn't actually work. His people were the ones busy destroying our country. Obama simply took the credit.
#3 Some of you on the left always felt that Obama reading a speech off of a teleprompter was a solution to the problem....which it never is. Obama spent 30 mins reading some silly speech somebody else wrote for him and then he would be off to the golf course. This has been well documented as a common occurrence with Obama. Obama often had to be pulled off of the golf course so they could get a photo of him working. The OBL raid was a prime example of this. He was wearing a golf shirt under a blazer, one pant-leg still partially tucked into a pair of dress socks he hastily threw on.


I think you had better post links that support this.
I'm not even gonna try to correct your lies till you do.

What about all the posts saying how hard Trump has to work to undo all the EO's, laws, regulations and treaties that Obama put into place.
Are you aware that the FBI is currently conducting an ongoing investigation into the Clinton (cough) 'Foundation'?.

Are you aware that the IRS is currently conducting an ongoing investigation into Trumps taxes (cough)
Trump got an American aid worker freed from a prison in Iran who had been there three years and shit stain got nonel
Trump got the killer of a Arizona border agent and shit stain in six years got nothing.

North Korea just took an american hostage, under Trumps watch. Can we expect the president to do something about it. The guy was on his way out of the country when they arrested him at the airport.
Trump got an American aid worker freed from a prison in Iran who had been there three years and shit stain got nonel
Trump got the killer of a Arizona border agent and shit stain in six years got nothing.

North Korea just took an american hostage, under Trumps watch. Can we expect the president to do something about it. The guy was on his way out of the country when they arrested him at the airport.
Yeah I just read about that. Not sure why he was there.
He has spent a quarter of his presidency golfing. Yeah he's a hard worker:lol:

Trump hasn't "closed a deal" yet. Trump talked a good game about how he's able to get things done, yet he's gotten very little done. Repeal/replace obamacare - NOPE, Tax retorm - see obamacare, Muslim ban - NOPE, Mexico paying for the wall - NOPE. His only accomplishment was getting the logest running supreme court vacancy filled.
. And what if the Demon-crats would have united with Republicans to fix the long term problems of this nation instead of acting like the losers that they have become ? I mean Tom Perez thinks that he can win by cursing in front of little children for whom the parents just stand there allowing that idiot to carry on like the non- ethical and/or immoral slime that he is.
Trump works 12 hour days, what you libwits should be worried about is the 11 hours he spends on things you now nothing about :badgrin:
He has spent a quarter of his presidency golfing. Yeah he's a hard worker:lol:
Awe he plays a round of golf!

Shit stain loaded up coon 1 and took those welfare sucking leeches to Africa!
Ah there's the racism we all know you Trump supporters have festering underneath
. The racism that they have or the racism you create within them ?? Hmmm.
The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.

You claim Obama didn't do much. And then in the next breath say how hard Trump has to work to reverse all the EO's, laws, regulations and treaties that Obama put into place.
. Didn't do much good is what he meant. Made Trump's job alot harder that's for sure.
. And what if the Demon-crats would have united with Republicans to fix the long term problems of this nation instead of acting like the losers that they have become ? .

As republicans like to point out. The democrats aren't in charge of any of the government. The republicans have a majority in both houses and the white house. They don't need a single democratic vote to get anything passed.

YUP, you guys are in charge, and bitching that you still can't get shit done.
Are you aware that the FBI is currently conducting an ongoing investigation into the Clinton (cough) 'Foundation'?.

Are you aware that the IRS is currently conducting an ongoing investigation into Trumps taxes (cough)
Let's see what the FBI's investigation turns up.
When the IRS releases their 'investigation' results we'll see.
You stink! You've been sitting on the dead horse called 'Trump colluded with the Russians' for too long.
Another LIB LOSER!!!!!!
You stink! You've been sitting on the dead horse called 'Trump colluded with the Russians' for too long.
Another LIB LOSER!!!!!!

I didn't say anything about Russians. Why do you have russians on the brain? This is the Trump campaign mode thread.
Remember when Trump said he was going to all of these great things? Somebody should inform him that he won the election, and it's time to govern and stop campaigning.

His lagging poll numbers must be hurting his fragile ego.

While he's being made fun of down the street, he'll be standing on stage in one of his Made in China 'Make America Great Again' hats talking about bigly things :lol:

Trump to hold rally on night of White House correspondents' dinner

President Trump will hold a rally in Pennsylvania the night of the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, he said Saturday.

"Next Saturday night I will be holding a BIG rally in Pennsylvania. Look forward to it!" Trump wrote on Twitter
One thing he's carried over is his ability to keep on lying And maybe just maybe he can give some of those jobs at his golf course in Fla to Americans
. Give it time, because Trump was a smart business man just doing what every other smart business man was dealing with in America, but now that he is in charge of the power that can change things, it will show up in his promises to reverse the policies in which he and others were subjected to as business people. Everything you see was a result of Demon-crat policies, and it continues to this day with sanctuary cities, support for illegals, and open borders for all. Can't point the finger without it curving back at you, so why all the hipocritical stances you people keep taking on this stuff ?
Demon-crats need to start assimilating to the fact that they LOST
When is Trump going to assimilate to the fact that he won? Why is he holding a campaign rally not 100 days into his presidency?

Failing poll numbers? Trying to distract from the comedic roast that's about to happen to him? His thin skin is getting in the way of him doing his job as commander in chief

Trump has filed papers with the FEC for the 2020 election.
Why can't he campaign?
. And what if the Demon-crats would have united with Republicans to fix the long term problems of this nation instead of acting like the losers that they have become ? .

As republicans like to point out. The democrats aren't in charge of any of the government. The republicans have a majority in both houses and the white house. They don't need a single democratic vote to get anything passed.

YUP, you guys are in charge, and bitching that you still can't get shit done.
. Yes the infighting needs to stop, and people riding the fence need to fall to one side or the other.
The media keeps up a barrage of liberal lies. The direct approach has to be taken. We've never had a presidency under total fabrication by the media. Literally everything Trump does or says is taken, twisted and regurgitated by the liberal media. These appearances are a way of forcing the media to broadcast the event without the liberal fiilter.

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