Trump still campaigning instead of governing

You stink! You've been sitting on the dead horse called 'Trump colluded with the Russians' for too long.
Another LIB LOSER!!!!!!

I didn't say anything about Russians. Why do you have russians on the brain? This is the Trump campaign mode thread.
You're the stupid cocksuckers who have been screaming about how Trump HAD TO HAVE COLLUDED WITH THE RUSSIANS FOR HILLARY TO LOSE!!!!!!!!
Now it's turned out your stupid wet dream is once again turning into a monumental embarrassment?
The media keeps up a barrage of liberal lies. The direct approach has to be taken. We've never had a presidency under total fabrication by the media. Literally everything Trump does or says is taken, twisted and regurgitated by the liberal media. These appearances are a way of forcing the media to broadcast the event without the liberal fiilter.

The media quotes Trump directly, and the republicans then have to spin, trying to explain what Trump really meant by 'wiretap' or "largest ever', or 'on day one'
Trump got an American aid worker freed from a prison in Iran who had been there three years and shit stain got nonel
Trump got the killer of a Arizona border agent and shit stain in six years got nothing.

North Korea just took an american hostage, under Trumps watch. Can we expect the president to do something about it. The guy was on his way out of the country when they arrested him at the airport.
Why was the dummy there?
The media keeps up a barrage of liberal lies. The direct approach has to be taken. We've never had a presidency under total fabrication by the media. Literally everything Trump does or says is taken, twisted and regurgitated by the liberal media. These appearances are a way of forcing the media to broadcast the event without the liberal fiilter.

The media quotes Trump directly, and the republicans then have to spin, trying to explain what Trump really meant by 'wiretap' or "largest ever', or 'on day one'
Considering the forum he used, it doesn't make a heck of alot of sense for Trump to explain in detail precisely what it was in less than 140 characters. A reasonable person wouldn't be calling him a liar when in fact Obama did spy on his communications. Wiretapping is a word that should be self-explanatory, but we're dealing with compulsive liars here. Anyone who says Trump is lying about it is himself, or herself, a liar.

After all of the incontestable evidence of it actually taking place, I don't care what else they have to say, because whatever it is, it is at best highly dubious.
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Moderation Message:

The topic of this thread about whether Trump is spending TOO much time in campaign mode. Most of the thread is completely on the mark. But all the other side discussions are really off-topic. Please refrain...
It's already been proven his hats are made in America. The fake ones were sold were pirated copies.
That makes you lying mother fucker.

What he does on his down be it lunch or weekends is up to him and no more your damn concern then what any member of this board does.

Please grow the fuck up!

These idiots don't get it, Trump mocked Obama for goofing off on the golf course, that's not what Trump is doing.
Obama just spent 2 months getting high and screwing off. At least while he was POTUS he had to get up every morning and give a speech just to let everyone know he was still alive. The Dems spend all of this time talking about Trump yet Obama was the laziest SOB ever to grace the White House.
And what supports this claim of Obama's laziness? Thus far in his presidency Obama had golfed 0 times. Trump is nearly 20. Obama had passed several important piece of legislature, regardless of repub obstructionism. Nearing the end of trumps 100 days he has not passed a single piece without doing an executive order. The record implies that rump is the lazy one.. unless you're suggesting Obama is so much smarter than trump he was more successful without any effort?
I think you had better post links that support this.
I'm not even gonna try to correct your lies till you do.

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