Trump should not concede

Al while trump sites in his 34’ X 20’prison cell at San Quentin

View attachment 428354

He can become King of the west wing as

I have a feeling that if Trump is convicted of a federal crime (presumming Pence doesn't pardon him) that Biden might commute his sentence.

If Trump is convicted of state crimes, he's on his own. I think they'd create a Spandau Prison just for him.

I think that's a fair assessment. I think for the sake of national unity, Biden may do just that.

But if NY gets him, Trump is on his own.
I think that's a fair assessment. I think for the sake of national unity, Biden may do just that.

But if NY gets him, Trump is on his own.
Actually Trump would be in the hands of Andrew Cuomo.

That's a conversation i'd give anything to overhear.
Al while trump sites in his 34’ X 20’prison cell at San Quentin

View attachment 428354

He can become King of the west wing as

I have a feeling that if Trump is convicted of a federal crime (presumming Pence doesn't pardon him) that Biden might commute his sentence.

If Trump is convicted of state crimes, he's on his own. I think they'd create a Spandau Prison just for him.
and exactly how would pence pardon anyone??

you fuckers get crazier by the comment,,
and exactly how would pence pardon anyone??

you fuckers get crazier by the comment,,
Even fox news is recommending that Trump resign right before the inauguration. Hand the presidency to Pence, just so Pence could grant him a full pardon, since most legal opinion is that a president can't pardon himself.
and exactly how would pence pardon anyone??

you fuckers get crazier by the comment,,
Even fox news is recommending that Trump resign right before the inauguration. Hand the presidency to Pence, just so Pence could grant him a full pardon, since most legal opinion is that a president can't pardon himself.
so now you fucking nutjobs are siding with fox news,,, your hypocrisy knows no bounds,,
Trump might as well resign, pending finishing the hundreds of pardons he has to give out like parting gifts. He's not doing any governing since losing the election.
Even fox news is recommending that Trump resign right before the inauguration. Hand the presidency to Pence, just so Pence could grant him a full pardon, since most legal opinion is that a president can't pardon himself.
so now you fucking nutjobs are siding with fox news,,, your hypocrisy knows no bounds,,
I'm not siding with fox news. CNN says the same thing.

It's an almost universal legal opinion on how Trump can keep his ass out of the jurisdiction of the SDNY.
Trump is like Kahn from the Wrath of Kahn. When Kirk dropped the Reliants shields.

The SDNY is waiting for Trumps shields to drop at noon on January 20th 2021.
and exactly how would pence pardon anyone??
Simple, Trump well just make it an executive order giving pence the power to do so.
and the crazy continues,,,

You know they're ready to indict "individual 1" as soon as that becomes legally possible.

whats that got to do with an EO to give pence pardon authority???

theres only so much room for crazy and you guys have reached that limit,,
GREAT idea, lets let only Republicans vote, then we can have a king for life. No need for the rest of you to worry, we will provide the boats so you can go to Cuba or China. roll up the flag & put a sign trump palace on the white house. THE plus, things can't get much crazier than that.
GREAT idea, lets let only Republicans vote, then we can have a king for life. No need for the rest of you to worry, we will provide the boats so you can go to Cuba or China. roll up the flag & put a sign trump palace on the white house. THE plus, things can't get much crazier than that.
We pretty much have it set up for a monarchy right now. The Kings and Queens have made elections moot. We are all serfs now to the corrupt lifers. If you don't think this is true, watch how any attempt to ensure election security is blocked for the next four years.
Biden Derangement Syndrome.

It can strike so quickly.
its not BDS when we can talk about actual policy,,

unlike the TDS we have seen the last 4 yrs...
It’s BDS when you make up phony allegations of fraud because you’re brain can’t accept Trump lost the election.
thats not what its all about,,

just remember that going forward,,
while TDS caused 4 yrs of complaining about tweets, if biden gets in we will talk about policy and the fact our president is in the pocket of china,,,

In other words, you’ll still be spouting conspiracy theories and nonsense that no sane reasonable person believes.
I would never do that,, dems dont like the competition,,

Republicans ran 7 Benghazi Investigations without finding a recommending a single charge against any member of the Obama Administration. Republicans spent 2 years investigating Donald Trump and filed over 100 charges, resulting in 9 convictions/guilty pleas, and numerous.

Notice how neither Obama, nor Clinton found it necessary to pardon any members of their Administrations, staffers or family on their way out the door.
Biden Derangement Syndrome.

It can strike so quickly.
its not BDS when we can talk about actual policy,,

unlike the TDS we have seen the last 4 yrs...
It’s BDS when you make up phony allegations of fraud because you’re brain can’t accept Trump lost the election.
thats not what its all about,,

just remember that going forward,,
while TDS caused 4 yrs of complaining about tweets, if biden gets in we will talk about policy and the fact our president is in the pocket of china,,,

In other words, you’ll still be spouting conspiracy theories and nonsense that no sane reasonable person believes.
I would never do that,, dems dont like the competition,,

Republicans ran 7 Benghazi Investigations without finding a recommending a single charge against any member of the Obama Administration. Republicans spent 2 years investigating Donald Trump and filed over 100 charges, resulting in 9 convictions/guilty pleas, and numerous.

Notice how neither Obama, nor Clinton found it necessary to pardon any members of their Administrations, staffers or family on their way out the door.
when did that happen???
Al while trump sites in his 34’ X 20’prison cell at San Quentin

View attachment 428354

He can become King of the west wing as

I have a feeling that if Trump is convicted of a federal crime (presumming Pence doesn't pardon him) that Biden might commute his sentence.

If Trump is convicted of state crimes, he's on his own. I think they'd create a Spandau Prison just for him.

I think that's a fair assessment. I think for the sake of national unity, Biden may do just that.

But if NY gets him, Trump is on his own.
Most Trump voters want Progs dead.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
He should never concede. "In fact I think he should put out the call as Washington did prior to the 1st Revolutionary War. That makes me proud to think of that. Thousands of Patriots heeding Washington's call coming to Valley Forge during one of the harshest winters in history to preserve a coutry in the making against the British and their traitorous Whig political supporters in the American colonies. We have basically the same problem now with his faux election. I, as many others have NO desire to live under liberal rule. NONE WHATSOEVER!!!!

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair.
A duly elected President of this Nation is empowered to legislate jack squat under the existing Constitution.[ see Articles I & II] Trump NEVER had and NEVER will have the power to change existing law by fiat!

He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise.
Earth to DustyInfinity...Trump has been and forever will be the Divider-in-Chief and could never display the necessary leadership for such even if he had the desire or the platform for such exercise. He's an idiot interested in his personal well being and gives little about the electorate, as proven for the last four years by his conduct! Besides, directly below you claim voting will not be needed. You appear very confused!

There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires.
And just how is the absence of voting to be reconciled with the Constitution and the bicameral Legislature and the Executive Branch? Have you really thought that through??

If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and [the] ruling class will have absolute power.

Are you aware that on Monday the electors who comprise the Electoral College will vote 306 for Biden and Biden will be sworn in on Jan 20 at noon? There is not a thing Trump can LAWFULLY do to steal the election from the PRESIDENT-ELECT once the electors give the MAJORITY VOTE to Biden as they are sworn to do! Besides, you would place Trump at the pinnacle of power and he would keep that power once obtained
If Trump tried to make a stand, would the left go to war to prevent election security. That would look pretty bad, especially if Trump agreed to resign after a secure election. That horrible dictator, we must start the war so that elections will never be secure. In your hurry to make the government bigger and more powerful, I can only caution that you previde some safeguard for citizens to protect themselves from becoming irrelevant.
Notice how neither Obama, nor Clinton found it necessary to pardon any members of their Administrations, staffers or family on their way out the door.

You need a correction:

But Roger Clinton no longer has a criminal record. On Jan. 20, 2001, the day that Bill Clinton left office, Roger was pardoned by his half-brother.

Clinton was granted a controversial presidential pardon for a 1985 cocaine possession in Arkansas

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