Trump: Revoke Passports For Those Who Go To Fight For ISIS, Would ‘Look At’ Closing Certain Mosques’

Still waiting for the evidence we are in a war which would allow us to do whatever we want regardless of the Constitution. Any of you jackbooted thugs care to give it a shot?
Shall we start with Afghanistan? If that's not a war, then why do we have troops there getting killed?
But there's that silly constitution standing in his way !

I love how conservatives talk big about "freedom", then pull shit like this out there ass.

People that would join the isis are enemies of our country. The constitutions allows our government to defend our country against enemies.
The constitution does not allow you to shut down mosques.
Pfft... the constitution... you spout off about the constitution like you give a shit about. Your kenyan muslim messiah has been PISSING on the constitution for almost 7 years now, and I haven't heard you belly aching about that.

Your prog hypocrisy is showing again.
This is all you have? Rather than admit I am right, or just suffer in silence, you go on an entirely untrue rant?

Well I see you've got nothing.
Still waiting for the evidence we are in a war which would allow us to do whatever we want regardless of the Constitution. Any of you jackbooted thugs care to give it a shot?
Shall we start with Afghanistan? If that's not a war, then why do we have troops there getting killed?

Show me the declaration of war in accordance with the Constitution.

Then show me a war in Afghanistan means we can shut down mosques. Be sure to link to evidence.

I guess if we ever to go to war with Ireland we can shut down Catholic churches, eh?
Still waiting for the evidence we are in a war which would allow us to do whatever we want regardless of the Constitution. Any of you jackbooted thugs care to give it a shot?
Shall we start with Afghanistan? If that's not a war, then why do we have troops there getting killed?

Show me the declaration of war in accordance with the Constitution.

Then show me a war in Afghanistan means we can shut down mosques. Be sure to link to evidence.

I guess if we ever to go to war with Ireland we can shut down Catholic churches, eh?
Then why does your messiah have our troops there?

Oh that's right, because he ignores the constitution, like I pointed out, and you ignored.

This is too easy. You're just losing on all accounts.
Hint: The United States has not declared war since WWII.

What this topic is about is naked anti-Muslim bigotry, and nothing more. Just more of the Republican big tent inclusiveness we hear so much about.

Gosh, I just don't understand why the darkies and fags and ragheads and beaners don't vote GOP!
Still waiting for the evidence we are in a war which would allow us to do whatever we want regardless of the Constitution. Any of you jackbooted thugs care to give it a shot?
Shall we start with Afghanistan? If that's not a war, then why do we have troops there getting killed?

Show me the declaration of war in accordance with the Constitution.

Then show me a war in Afghanistan means we can shut down mosques. Be sure to link to evidence.

I guess if we ever to go to war with Ireland we can shut down Catholic churches, eh?
Then why does your messiah have our troops there?

Bush is not my messiah. He's the one who put them there, and Obama has been trying to find a way out ever since taking office.

Obama is not my messiah, either. You retards never seem to figure out that when you act like assholes and someone calls you on it, that doesn't mean that person is of the other party or likes the other guy.

It means I am cleaning house. You assholes have destroyed the Republican and Conservative brands.
Then why does your messiah have our troops there?

Oh that's right, because he ignores the constitution, like I pointed out, and you ignored.

This is too easy. You're just losing on all accounts.

This is too hilarious to not talk about twice.

So...putting troops in Afghanistan was unconstitutional, eh? That means the guy who originally put them there ignored the Constitution then, right?
Still waiting for the evidence we are in a war which would allow us to do whatever we want regardless of the Constitution. Any of you jackbooted thugs care to give it a shot?
Shall we start with Afghanistan? If that's not a war, then why do we have troops there getting killed?

Show me the declaration of war in accordance with the Constitution.

Then show me a war in Afghanistan means we can shut down mosques. Be sure to link to evidence.

I guess if we ever to go to war with Ireland we can shut down Catholic churches, eh?

The density of your skull is astonishing to behold.

A declaration of war is not necessary to define a de facto state of war, and has not been since WWII.

We can shut down any church, mosque or Democrat circle jerk in the country should we decide to do so for any reason related to public safety or national security. They are free to sue.

Your third comment is puerile, and needs no rebuttal.
Poor dumb shit. Brought a knife to a gun fight.

Can't find evidence that a war in Afghanistan somehow makes shutting down mosques okay. So he diverts, diverts, and diverts.

Holy shit, that is some serious retard thinking. But bigots are retards, by definition.
We can shut down any church, mosque or Democrat circle jerk in the country should we decide to do so for any reason related to public safety or national security. They are free to sue.

We can shut down ANY group or organization which is a threat to national security. And we don't have to be at war like the dipshit claimed earlier.

But The Donald singled out mosques for a reason. Because he knows the bigoted rubes will guzzle that piss straight down their gullets.

That's all this is, which is why I said what I said in my second post. Pissing off Mexicans was getting stale, so now he's moved on to Muslims.

I get it. I totally get it.

It's just too bad the bigots don't have the honesty to admit it.
We can shut down any church, mosque or Democrat circle jerk in the country should we decide to do so for any reason related to public safety or national security. They are free to sue.

We can shut down ANY group or organization which is a threat to national security. And we don't have to be at war like the dipshit claimed earlier.

But The Donald singled out mosques for a reason. Because he knows the bigoted rubes will guzzle that piss straight down their gullets.

That's all this is, which is why I said what I said in my second post. Pissing off Mexicans was getting stale, so now he's moved on to Muslims.

I get it. I totally get it.

It's just too bad you rubes don't have the honest to admit it.

The only thing you get is a rash.
Like every successful entertainer, The Donald knows exactly what the rubes want to hear and he feeds it to them through his crank. They guzzle it right down.
Next week on Apprentice Candidate:


People are happier when they are working, so I am going to make them pick cotton if they are on welfare.
'“You’re going to have to certainly look at” closing mosques “if the mosque is, you know, loaded for bear” on Tuesday’s “Varney & Co” on the Fox Business Network.'

The First Amendment be damned, along with the 5th.
But there's that silly constitution standing in his way !

It didn't stop FDR from locking up Americans of Japanese decent, most of whom were loyal Americans.

If you fight for an enemy force, you should be out, and your assets confiscated.

I think everyone agrees what happend to the Japanese Americans was totally wrong and unconstitutional .

Lol, when you're at war with a people like the Japanese it is retarded to let them plan on your solid. But I guess that doesn't matter to you that they could of had spies, planning to rebel and over throw our country.
False comparison fallacy.
But there's that silly constitution standing in his way !

I love how conservatives talk big about "freedom", then pull shit like this out there ass.

People that would join the isis are enemies of our country. The constitutions allows our government to defend our country against enemies.
The constitution does not allow you to shut down mosques.

In war we can do whatever is required.
Wrong. See: Ex parte Milligan (1866)
But there's that silly constitution standing in his way !

I love how conservatives talk big about "freedom", then pull shit like this out there ass.

People that would join the isis are enemies of our country. The constitutions allows our government to defend our country against enemies.
The constitution does not allow you to shut down mosques.
Pfft... the constitution... you spout off about the constitution like you give a shit about it. Your kenyan muslim messiah has been PISSING on the constitution for almost 7 years now, and I haven't heard you belly aching about that.

Your prog hypocrisy is showing again.
Which has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is wrong. Again.

And you're just as wrong and ignorant as Trump if you agree with him.

The government can't 'shut down' mosques just because it 'thinks' they harbor 'terrorists.' That would be a violation of the First Amendment, it would also be a violation of the 5th Amendment's right to due process.

'Conservatives' advocating government have the power and authority to 'shut down' places of worship, that's true hypocrisy.

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