Trump Refuses to Fire Manager; 'We Would Destroy a Mans Life Over This? I Dont Think So'

Here are the still that prove the bitch is a liar. From Mother Jones.

"The bitch"....yes, you fit right in with the self-hating women who support Drumpf.

Oh piss off Bod. The woman is a bitch.
The Wicked Bitch of the West.
By Robert Bridge, an American writer and journalist, working in Moscow

The meteoric rise of Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner who is giving the Establishment 3D nightmares, is the natural outcome of a political system that has been arrogantly ignoring the will of the American electorate for many years.

Here is my personal reason for supporting Trump. Aside from his inspiring message of securing America’s border, ending US military adventures and reinvigorating the US economy, a Trump presidency will halt America’s slide towards family dynasties ruling the country like hereditary monarchies.

Consider: If Hillary Clinton wins the presidencyin 2016, and assuming she is reelected for a second term in 2020, the American people will have been ruled since 1989 by two Bushes and two Clintons (for a total of 28 years out of 36, with a non-consequential 8-year intermission by America’s first black president).

But there’s simply no way the Washington elite will willingly release their grip on the most powerful office in the world, even if such a thing would mean restoring some of America's former shine.

America faces its moment of Trump

View attachment 69502

The meteoric rise of Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner who is giving the Establishment 3D nightmares, is the natural outcome of a political system that has been arrogantly ignoring the will of the American electorate for many years.

Here is my personal reason for supporting Trump. Aside from his inspiring message of securing America’s border, ending US military adventures and reinvigorating the US economy, a Trump presidency will halt America’s slide towards family dynasties ruling the country like hereditary monarchies.

Consider: If Hillary Clinton wins the presidencyin 2016, and assuming she is reelected for a second term in 2020, the American people will have been ruled since 1989 by two Bushes and two Clintons (for a total of 28 years out of 36, with a non-consequential 8-year intermission by America’s first black president).

But there’s simply no way the Washington elite will willingly release their grip on the most powerful office in the world, even if such a thing would mean restoring some of America's former shine.

America faces its moment of Trump

The number one problem effecting/affecting the middle class are wages not keeping up with costs.

What plan, besides noting, does Trump have for helping the middle class and the economy?

Why would any middle class person completely ignore the number one problem? Ignorance?
Lewandowski was already under fire before, and independent of, this.

I did a thread on this a couple of weeks ago:

March 15

>> Donald Trump’s staff and advisers have expressed concerns about campaign manager Corey Lewandowski’s quick temper and heavy-handed leadership, and some even planned a coup against him last month, sources involved in the discussions told POLITICO.

A series of presidential primary victories ended the talk of deposing Lewandowski, the sources said. But now, Trump is facing external pressure to fire Lewandowski after he was accused last week of manhandling a reporter.

... But a POLITICO investigation reveals that the incident was far from the first time in Lewandowski’s political career ― or even during the 2016 campaign ― that the intense, Red Bull-chugging operative has been accused of bullying and other inappropriate behavior.

... Lewandowski boasted about threatening to “blow up” the car of the organization’s chief financial officer over a late expense reimbursement check during the 2012 election cycle, according to multiple sources who are familiar with his claim. (Lewandowski in an email denied this account.)

But some of his most fiery clashes came with a female official who ran one of the states under Lewandowski’s control. The relationship ― and patience for Lewandowski within AFP ― reached a tipping point in October 2013. On the sidelines of a meeting of the group’s board in Manhattan, Lewandowski loudly berated the employee for challenging his authority, getting in her personal space and calling her a “c--t” in front of a group of AFP employees, including some senior officials, according to three sources who either witnessed the exchange or dealt with its aftermath.

--- It becomes kind of obvious why Rump hired him in the first place. Birds of a feather.

A manager with, gasp!, GUMPTION!
Heck, we can't have that!
The still photos show it much better than that videos. What Lewandousky did to her is no different than if he did it to a man. If women want to be in jobs men do, then they need to take it like a man. No guy would charge assault i.e. battery against a guy pulling him away from Trump like that. Since she didnt get thrown to the floor, the charges should be dropped or else women should give up being journalists.
Firing a good employee over something that trivial would be wrong. If it was a union do you think they'd can him? Liberalism, the flip side of the hypocrisy coin.

Felony Battery isn't a reason to fire someone?

Not until its proven in court which is doubtful. He barely touched her.

Not until its proven in court which is doubtful. He barely touched her.

You NEVER lay your hands on anyone. What's wrong with you?
The still photos show it much better than that videos. What Lewandousky did to her is no different than if he did it to a man. If women want to be in jobs men do, then they need to take it like a man. No guy would charge assault i.e. battery against a guy pulling him away from Trump like that. Since she didnt get thrown to the floor, the charges should be dropped or else women should give up being journalists.

It remains assault and battery.
What plan, besides noting, does Trump have for helping the middle class and the economy?

Kicking out the illegals to help the middle class and the economy get their money and jobs back which they stole from the middle class and our economy.

Kicking out the illegals to help the middle class and the economy get their money and jobs back which they stole from the middle class and our economy.

I asked 'besides nothing.'

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