Trump now says the folders marked “classified” were empty. He kept them because they were “cool”

You are literally making shit up on the spot right now. If the defense makes a claim in court, they obviously have to provide evidence of this. See I don’t even have to explain that to you. You already know it’s true. You’re being a disingenuous child right now because you are failing to defend Trump.

Defense never has to "provide evidence of this".
That is not how law works.
Only the prosecution is required to prove anything.
It the defense only gives a reasonable excuse that it can not prove, that is enough to create a reasonable doubt and cause the charges to fail.
Well, if they are anything like the commands I served with while I was in the Navy, classified folders were serialized, and when they were used, they were logged out and a couple word description of the information that was kept in them was logged with the serial number. That way, if classified folders were found unattended, they could be readily identified as to whether or not any information was missing. The logbooks were kept in Radio Central where you checked the classified folders out from. And yes, it was a secure space. If you weren't on the access list, you had to get permission to enter, and you were logged in as a visitor. If you were just showing up to get the daily message traffic, you knocked on the door, they opened a window, passed you your radio traffic, you signed for it in the logbook, they closed the window, and you went on your way.

Those hired or appointed have completely different classified doc regulations than elected representatives.
You were borrowing copies you had to return.
When presidents have staff meetings, a copy is made for everyone to keep.
If he was keeping them as a "keepsafe" because they were "cool" why would he need a court order in order to return? Furthermore, is Trump a 14 year teenager or the former president of the united states? What kind of excuse is, they looked cool so I took them. This is who MAGA revers as their idol!? Stupid is, as stupid does.

He would need a court order to get them returned because they were illegally being withheld from him.
And the word is "keepsake", not "keepsafe".
There is no "excuse" needed, because they were perfectly legal for Trump to do whatever he wanted with them.

I do not particularly like Trump, even though he is essentially a liberal like me, but this obsession with trying to illegally harm him is disgusting.
He did not start any illegal wars like every single other president had done.
You have got to be the dumbest fucking lawyer around. Is there no loser argument you are not willing to take up?


Does that look like empty folders to you?
You’re even dumber than most of your fellow gullible libturds

You see only the top of the “classified” folder covers, you have zero evidence that anything was contained in any of those. Then you see open folder covers with no evidence of those being marked as classified. Plus you see allegedly classified “documents” BUT they are all redacted.

So your little photo establishes not a thing.

You’re not just gullible but beyond stupid. 🤣
Lol this is such nonsense. This fucking moron made the claim. Obviously he needs to prove it. It just boggles my mind how intellectually lazy you people are when defending Trump or republicans.
Intellectual giant Billy thinks folders with labels marked Secret, Top Secret, and SCI are classified documents. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Whenever you see a know it's 99% bullshit.
Yet you think that The Gateway Pundit and PJ Media are solid informational sites.
Sure, solid intentional misinformation sites. LOLOLLOL
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

There are usually classified markings at any facility that stores them. It’s perfectly normal to have them, that way you can mark any new document you print as needed.

I realize an idiot like you has never dealt with classified material or held a security clearance. So you should probably stop making yourself look like more of an idiot by not commenting on it any further.
There are usually classified markings at any facility that stores them. It’s perfectly normal to have them, that way you can mark any new document you print as needed.

I realize an idiot like you has never dealt with classified material or held a security clearance. So you should probably stop making yourself look like more of an idiot by not commenting on it any further.
When you make shit up on the spot like this, do you think no one notices?
You’re even dumber than most of your fellow gullible libturds

You see only the top of the “classified” folder covers, you have zero evidence that anything was contained in any of those. Then you see open folder covers with no evidence of those being marked as classified. Plus you see allegedly classified “documents” BUT they are all redacted.

So your little photo establishes not a thing.

You’re not just gullible but beyond stupid. 🤣
It's all made up, right?

FBI simply got a warrant from court to go search ex-president's residency, confiscate classified presidential records, found some empty folders instead....but went on to claim finding about 100 classified+ level documents and published some fake pics.

This is your actual position on whats going on, right nutbag?
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They are kind of cool and they looked empty to me in that staged FBI photo... so what makes you think he is not telling the truth?....
Memo to OP... Biden's folders marked top secret were not empty...
QFT and yes they are “ Cool” plus Donaldus Magnus was doing a form of recycling by hangin onto the folder covers ...
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

Well I guess that gives you liberals a chance to prove him wrong now doesn't it.
They should tell us what's really in those folders right?
Lol you can try really hard to sound witty all you want. You know you’re an idiot.

I realize that you would have to raise your IQ by several orders of magnitude to reach idiot status.
Uh you’re right. They would need to prove that. Luckily they have the documents in question!
You really don’t get it. Since they have the burden of proof (and since that burden never shifts), a few simple cross examinations questions will shatter the government’s ability to prove diddly dick.

I suspect the DOJ lawyers are already aware of their own problems in this regard. Therefore I see it as being possible that in the end they won’t play chicken on this shit. They either won’t indict or they will abandon the prosecution when the time suits their needs.

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