Trump Lies About Wikileaks

Trump today: 'I know nothing about WikiLeaks.' Trump in 2016: 'Oh, we love WikiLeaks'

Yup. There's the link. Claims he doesn't know anything about wikileaks.

Of course there's any number of videos of him touting wikileaks in 2016

Do his supporters care about this blatant lying?

He's just fuckin' with ya. You people never learn.
was he fuckin' with us then, or fuckin' with us now?

He fucks with you all the time. That's why you can't beat him.

Yep, he fucks with left all the time & is up front about it. His followers? Nah! For you guys when you finally wake up & figure out what Trump & his goons have done to you, ya won't know what hit y'all. We know Trump is a liar & a conman so are expectations for this louse are already low. You guys? Not so much.

Thoughts & Prayers!

I bet you're one of those guys who whine about people voting against their own interests.
This is what I heard from Trump. I'm sure the TDS crowd can pick out lies, but you have to have
the affliction to do so.

"It's not my thing,"
the president said about WikiLeaks, whose founder Julian Assange was arrested Thursday in London after seven years hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy. "I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange, I've been seeing what happened with Assange, and that will be a determination mostly by the Attorney General... I know nothing really about him, it's not my deal in life," the president said.
Trump: I Know Nothing About WikiLeaks
This is what I heard from Trump. I'm sure the TDS crowd can pick out lies, but you have to have
the affliction to do so.

"It's not my thing,"
the president said about WikiLeaks, whose founder Julian Assange was arrested Thursday in London after seven years hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy. "I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange, I've been seeing what happened with Assange, and that will be a determination mostly by the Attorney General... I know nothing really about him, it's not my deal in life," the president said.
Trump: I Know Nothing About WikiLeaks

The man knew WEEKS AGO that Asssnge was indicted and the British were going to arrest for some reason he "doesnt know him."

trump is given daily security briefings with lots of pictures. He knew everything about Assange...but he prefers to lie....
Trump today: 'I know nothing about WikiLeaks.' Trump in 2016: 'Oh, we love WikiLeaks'

Yup. There's the link. Claims he doesn't know anything about wikileaks.

Of course there's any number of videos of him touting wikileaks in 2016

Do his supporters care about this blatant lying?
/——/ All we care about is Trump driving you bat shyt crazy.
We's been well established that you don't care what laws he breaks, what people he hurts, what lies he long as he drives decent Americans "bat shyt crazy".
Trump today: 'I know nothing about WikiLeaks.' Trump in 2016: 'Oh, we love WikiLeaks'

Yup. There's the link. Claims he doesn't know anything about wikileaks.

Of course there's any number of videos of him touting wikileaks in 2016

Do his supporters care about this blatant lying?
They don’t care. One of the only truths Trump has ever told is that he could murder somebody in the middle of 5th avenue and his idiots would still vote for him.
You are correct, I don't care. This in no way has ANY impact on my life of yours in any way shape or form.
If you cry babies saved your tantrums for shit that actually mattered you MIGHT be taken more seriously. Now wring out your panties and have a seat
Trump Lies About Wikileaks
Trump today: 'I know nothing about WikiLeaks.' Trump in 2016: 'Oh, we love WikiLeaks'

Yup. There's the link. Claims he doesn't know anything about wikileaks.

Of course there's any number of videos of him touting wikileaks in 2016

Do his supporters care about this blatant lying?
So, the annoying orange is learning how to be a potus and in the style of his predecessors and this is now a bad thing.
Orange man bad.
Trump today: 'I know nothing about WikiLeaks.' Trump in 2016: 'Oh, we love WikiLeaks'

Yup. There's the link. Claims he doesn't know anything about wikileaks.

Of course there's any number of videos of him touting wikileaks in 2016

Do his supporters care about this blatant lying?
/——/ All we care about is Trump driving you bat shyt crazy.
We's been well established that you don't care what laws he breaks, what people he hurts, what lies he long as he drives decent Americans "bat shyt crazy".
/——/ Congratulations, you finally woke up and got a clue.
This is what I heard from Trump. I'm sure the TDS crowd can pick out lies, but you have to have
the affliction to do so.

"It's not my thing,"
the president said about WikiLeaks, whose founder Julian Assange was arrested Thursday in London after seven years hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy. "I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange, I've been seeing what happened with Assange, and that will be a determination mostly by the Attorney General... I know nothing really about him, it's not my deal in life," the president said.
Trump: I Know Nothing About WikiLeaks

The man knew WEEKS AGO that Asssnge was indicted and the British were going to arrest for some reason he "doesnt know him."

trump is given daily security briefings with lots of pictures. He knew everything about Assange...but he prefers to lie....
He never said that he didn't KNOW Assange, Jim He said he "I know nothing really about him."
You made a conjecture about Trump. You really don't know how much Trump knows and how much he doesn't know.
Just the facts, dude, just the facts.
This is what I heard from Trump. I'm sure the TDS crowd can pick out lies, but you have to have
the affliction to do so.

"It's not my thing,"
the president said about WikiLeaks, whose founder Julian Assange was arrested Thursday in London after seven years hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy. "I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange, I've been seeing what happened with Assange, and that will be a determination mostly by the Attorney General... I know nothing really about him, it's not my deal in life," the president said.
Trump: I Know Nothing About WikiLeaks

The man knew WEEKS AGO that Asssnge was indicted and the British were going to arrest for some reason he "doesnt know him."

trump is given daily security briefings with lots of pictures. He knew everything about Assange...but he prefers to lie....
He never said that he didn't KNOW Assange, Jim He said he "I know nothing really about him."
You made a conjecture about Trump. You really don't know how much Trump knows and how much he doesn't know.
Just the facts, dude, just the facts.

The fact is he knows EVERYTHING about Assange. Our Intel has told him everything.

trump lies cause he knows his cult will overlook his lies....and from your response....he is right.

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