Trump leads all in new primary poll...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Nightmare? No…a gift that never stops giving! 👍🏻

Voters Don’t Want Trump or Biden in ‘24​

Both candidates are losing support amid elevated concerns about their ages and the direction of the country.

Forty-eight percent of voters in a Politico/Morning Consult survey say that Trump should definitely not run again in 2024, while a further 13 percent say he should probably not run. Meanwhile, 46% of voters say that Biden should definitely not run, while 18% say he probably should not run.

No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Yes, please, please, nominate Trump and watch Biden thump his ass a second time. Hell, the second time will make the Reagan/Carter election look like a squeaker. I mean don't you get it, not everyone is as damn stupid as you Trumpbots. I mean you guys define the term, "head up your ass". Trump has managed to alienate almost every demographic outside old, angry, racist, white guys and, ironically enough, a large helping of "Christian Nationalist". The former quickly dying off and the later quickly becoming recognized as the crazy fools they are.
Just like in 2020?
I REALLY REALLY am looking forward to watching Trump hand The White House AND Congress to Dems in 24.

IF he is the nominee (and that's a big "if") he'll turn off moderates and get trounced just like his MAGAt election deniers did last November.

If he is not the nominee he is going to tantrum and run independently and siphon off most of the MAGAt vote dooming any prospects the actual GOP candidate might have had for beating Biden.

Either way....the orange Cat-Turd King's involvement is a win-win for Democrats.
From the linked article...

"Former President Donald Trump leads a field of actual and potential Republican presidential contenders in a new national poll looking at the growing 2024 GOP nomination field.

Trump stands at 43% among registered Republicans in a Reuters/Ipsos national public opinion survey released on Tuesday, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in second place with 31% support.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who’s been making moves towards launching a White House run, stands at 7% support in the poll, which was conducted Feb. 6-13.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who on Tuesday announced her candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination, was in fourth place in the survey, with 4% support."
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

What it should tell you is that if Trump gets the nomination, he's not going to win over us fiscal and constitutional conservatives. He's not going to pull in a lot of independents or democrats. Which is how you win an election.
The only ones supporting Trump, are his die hard supporters. Which will give the democrats the white house for another 4 years.

LMAO is this the GOP's big strategy? To lose again?
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Let me see if I get this right

The part of Trumps record that you Trump supporters ignore.

He funded Planned Parenthood and gender studies in appropriations bills that he signed into law.
He gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. (The Platinum Plan)
He assaulted our 2A with his bump stock ban.
He eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years.
In 4 years, he spent only $2 trillion less than Obama spent in 8.
All his, Ryan's and Pelosi's spending (that he signed off on) helped to create the inflation disaster we seen in Biden's first year.
He helped initiate the oil bust cycle in April of 2020 (9 months before Biden took office) with his deal with Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies to DECREASE oil production.

And this is the liberal you're rooting for, for the 2024 POTUS?

Trump has taking you loyalist so far the left of center, I doubt you can even see center anymore.
That list of stuff above is some BS that I'd expect out of Biden.
What it should tell you is that if Trump gets the nomination, he's not going to win over us fiscal and constitutional conservatives. He's not going to pull in a lot of independents or democrats. Which is how you win an election.
The only ones supporting Trump, are his die hard supporters. Which will give the democrats the white house for another 4 years.

LMAO is this the GOP's big strategy? To lose again?

Which apparently outnumber those who support other Republicans.
Biden and company cheated,it wont matter who runs for dems or Republicans if we cant secure our elections.
We'll see yet another dem who doesnt campaign at all win when that flies in the face of logic.
What it should tell you is that if Trump gets the nomination, he's not going to win over us fiscal and constitutional conservatives. He's not going to pull in a lot of independents or democrats. Which is how you win an election.
The only ones supporting Trump, are his die hard supporters. Which will give the democrats the white house for another 4 years.

LMAO is this the GOP's big strategy? To lose again?
Fake news.

Where are fiscal conservatives going to get more of what they crave from government... Trump, or Biden?

If given the choice you choose Biden or choose to sit the election out which is the equivalent of allow Biden to win...then you're no fiscal conservatives...just another lying Never Trumper.
Which apparently outnumber those who support other Republicans.
Biden and company cheated,it wont matter who runs for dems or Republicans if we cant secure our elections.
We'll see yet another dem who doesnt campaign at all win when that flies in the face of logic.

So what you're saying is that if the GOP loses, it'll be because the dems cheated. Not because so many are just sick of Trump. LMAO..

Man, you Trump supporters have it bad.

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