Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?
Obama saved the banks and auto companies. Not a single Republican supported it.

They wanted the economy to fail
Moron! Obama saved his friends at the UAW and their asses at GM (not the auto companies in general as you claime) and if GM had gone under and reorganized as it should have
the economy would hardly have failed. Stop being such a super idiot!
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?

But even after 2010, it was slow going in terms of growth and recovery.
But it was no longer in recession. Obama dropped the rates to the bottom and pumped $10Trn into the economy. Corporate confidence still sucked but debt was so cheap that the economy limped along until Trump came and put it on steroids.
Trump has failed at everything other than increasing debt,
$24 trillion debt
$1.9 trillion deficit.

Record debt by any president.
I would say the unprecedented debt caused by the Covid 19 virus makes comparisons like this moot
and reflexively partisan on your part (not that I didn't think he wasn't the budget hawk I would have
preferred as a president).

These numbers don’t even include the Covid 19 related debt. Trump was on a record breaking pace BEFORE the virus hit. Look for $5 trillion or more debt this year as revenue decreases and spending and borrowing skyrockets
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?

But even after 2010, it was slow going in terms of growth and recovery.
But it was no longer in recession. Obama dropped the rates to the bottom and pumped $10Trn into the economy. Corporate confidence still sucked but debt was so cheap that the economy limped along until Trump came and put it on steroids.
Trump has failed at everything other than increasing debt,
Sigh...another TDS post. When you grow up we can resume this. So moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a failure? OK...let your antisemitism shine through!
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?

But even after 2010, it was slow going in terms of growth and recovery.
But it was no longer in recession. Obama dropped the rates to the bottom and pumped $10Trn into the economy. Corporate confidence still sucked but debt was so cheap that the economy limped along until Trump came and put it on steroids.
Trump has failed at everything other than increasing debt,

And you've failed at yet another post.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?
Obama saved the banks and auto companies. Not a single Republican supported it.

They wanted the economy to fail
Moron! Obama saved his friends at the UAW and their asses at GM (not the auto companies in general as you claime) and if GM had gone under and reorganized as it should have
the economy would hardly have failed. Stop being such a super idiot!
Auto workers accepted a huge pay cut in the bailout
GM stock went down to 75 cents a share. They would not have survived if Obama hadn’t saved them
$24 trillion debt
$1.9 trillion deficit.

Record debt by any president.
I would say the unprecedented debt caused by the Covid 19 virus makes comparisons like this moot
and reflexively partisan on your part (not that I didn't think he wasn't the budget hawk I would have
preferred as a president).

These numbers don’t even include the Covid 19 related debt. Trump was on a record breaking pace BEFORE the virus hit. Look for $5 trillion or more debt this year as revenue decreases and spending and borrowing skyrockets
He was spending too much along with Congress. I do not disagree.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?

But even after 2010, it was slow going in terms of growth and recovery.
But it was no longer in recession. Obama dropped the rates to the bottom and pumped $10Trn into the economy. Corporate confidence still sucked but debt was so cheap that the economy limped along until Trump came and put it on steroids.
Trump has failed at everything other than increasing debt,
Sigh...another TDS post. When you grow up we can resume this. So moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a failure? OK...let your antisemitism shine through!
That lead to lots of death and did what for the USA?
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?
Obama saved the banks and auto companies. Not a single Republican supported it.

They wanted the economy to fail
Moron! Obama saved his friends at the UAW and their asses at GM (not the auto companies in general as you claime) and if GM had gone under and reorganized as it should have
the economy would hardly have failed. Stop being such a super idiot!
Auto workers accepted a huge pay cut in the bailout
GM stock went down to 75 cents a share. They would not have survived if Obama hadn’t saved them

December 19, 2008: President Bush approved a bailout plan and gave General Motors and Chrysler $13.4 billion in financing from TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds, as well as $4 billion to be "withdrawn later".

What are you babbling about now, Norton?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?

But even after 2010, it was slow going in terms of growth and recovery.
But it was no longer in recession. Obama dropped the rates to the bottom and pumped $10Trn into the economy. Corporate confidence still sucked but debt was so cheap that the economy limped along until Trump came and put it on steroids.
Trump has failed at everything other than increasing debt,
Sigh...another TDS post. When you grow up we can resume this. So moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a failure? OK...let your antisemitism shine through!
That lead to lots of death and did what for the USA?
It did? Moving the embassy to the rightful capital? So now you would acquiesce to terrorists? Loser.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
These same stupid Moon Bats, that never said a word about the Negro's $10 trillion in debt, are blaming Trump for a bill that was voted on by essentially every Democrat in the House and Senate.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for their TDS rantings.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?
Obama saved the banks and auto companies. Not a single Republican supported it.

They wanted the economy to fail
Moron! Obama saved his friends at the UAW and their asses at GM (not the auto companies in general as you claime) and if GM had gone under and reorganized as it should have
the economy would hardly have failed. Stop being such a super idiot!
Auto workers accepted a huge pay cut in the bailout
GM stock went down to 75 cents a share. They would not have survived if Obama hadn’t saved them

Nice of him.

Except he wasn't saving the mom and pop shops.

I guess their votes were not worth it to them.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!
Signed on October 3, 2008, by President George W. Bush, TARP allowed the Department of the Treasury to pump money into failing banks and other businesses by purchasing assets and equity. The idea was to stabilize the market, relieve consumer debt and bolster the auto industry.
Cool story. I guess that explains the 10% UE rate in early 2009, and the 250k jobs per month the US economy was shedding. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_rolleyes:
:dance:The recession ended in June 2009. Obama took office in January 2009. Five months of recession. What am I missing?
Obama took office in the worst recession in 75 years
Trump took office in a period of seven years of prosperity. Trump is handing us a worse recession
Obama took office and the recession ended five months later. LOL

Don't discuss economics and finance with me. I do this for a living while you carried letters, with all due respect.

Should be easy for you to figure out then

What is the impact of taking office in an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month and the banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse?
#1) Banks were not as TARP hit and it hit because they wanted Banks to keep lending (they didn't) TARP was stupid and paid back with interest. You mean Investment Banks and only two imploded. Bear and Lehman. Because they were stupid. Rest got acquired, etc.

#2) Auto companies were rescued and rates dropped to bottom levels even lower than low. LIBOR was 0.26% LOL. That opened up the Lev Fin market.

#3) Recession ended in June 2009, the worst was behind us. By 2010 the economy was doing well again.

Want some more lessons?

But even after 2010, it was slow going in terms of growth and recovery.
But it was no longer in recession. Obama dropped the rates to the bottom and pumped $10Trn into the economy. Corporate confidence still sucked but debt was so cheap that the economy limped along until Trump came and put it on steroids.
Trump has failed at everything other than increasing debt,
Sigh...another TDS post. When you grow up we can resume this. So moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a failure? OK...let your antisemitism shine through!
That lead to lots of death and did what for the USA?
It did? Moving the embassy to the rightful capital? So now you would acquiesce to terrorists? Loser.
Many died and you know it. You must lie? How did this help the USA. How are our lives better? You are the one who loves losing, trump policy one failure after another.

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