Why is Joe Biden wrong about EVERYTHING!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Six Examples of Biden Being Nearly Always Wrong on Foreign Policy - www.independentsentinel.com

Bill Gates once said that Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. But because he is part of the Swamp, he prefaced this by saying that Joe Biden was a man of "integrity". LOL.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates slammed Joe Biden on foreign policy in his new memoir, Duty. Gates called Biden a man of “integrity” though Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t bear that out. Gates also wrote, and he was more on the mark here, “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” So a man who has a long history of dropping out of Presidential bids because of his pathological lying and plagiarism and who propped up his son to receive millions from the Ukraine and China is now a man of integrity. LOL.

The article goes on by saying that he was wrong on Iraq, but did not mention he voted to go into Iraq, he was wrong on Afghanistan, he was wrong on Syria, and he opposed taking out Bin Laden.

Joe Biden was even wrong on the new Pandemic

Joe Biden Criticizes Trump for Not Banning Travel From China Soon Enough, Ted Cruz Nails Him With His Own Words

Back in January Trump issued travel bans to and from China as Biden accused him of being xenophobic for doing so.

But the press never calls him out on any of this, and don't expect them to in the future.

So not only is Joe Biden suffering from dementia currently, he has a long history of horrible judgement about pretty much everything.

But hey, he is not Orange Man, so he should win, right?
Well then, he has a lot in common the Don.
Trump has been vocal on his displeasure with the wars abroad, and has been the first President in a VERY long time not to start another war abroad.

Trump also recognizes the importance of border security, and has tried to reassess immigration policy when it comes to such things as terrorism and Pandemics while being yelled at as xenophobic by the press and left wing courts.

So no, I disagree.
Six Examples of Biden Being Nearly Always Wrong on Foreign Policy - www.independentsentinel.com

Bill Gates once said that Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. But because he is part of the Swamp, he prefaced this by saying that Joe Biden was a man of "integrity". LOL.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates slammed Joe Biden on foreign policy in his new memoir, Duty. Gates called Biden a man of “integrity” though Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t bear that out. Gates also wrote, and he was more on the mark here, “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” So a man who has a long history of dropping out of Presidential bids because of his pathological lying and plagiarism and who propped up his son to receive millions from the Ukraine and China is now a man of integrity. LOL.

The article goes on by saying that he was wrong on Iraq, but did not mention he voted to go into Iraq, he was wrong on Afghanistan, he was wrong on Syria, and he opposed taking out Bin Laden.

Joe Biden was even wrong on the new Pandemic

Joe Biden Criticizes Trump for Not Banning Travel From China Soon Enough, Ted Cruz Nails Him With His Own Words

Back in January Trump issued travel bans to and from China as Biden accused him of being xenophobic for doing so.

But the press never calls him out on any of this, and don't expect them to in the future.

So not only is Joe Biden suffering from dementia currently, he has a long history of horrible judgement about pretty much everything.

But hey, he is not Orange Man, so he should win, right?

The ironic part of this is that the reason B. Hussein O gave for choosing Sleepy Joe as VP was because of Biden's supposed Foreign Policy expertise. I suppose it could have worked out well if Obama would have asked Joe his opinion and always did the exact opposite.
Six Examples of Biden Being Nearly Always Wrong on Foreign Policy - www.independentsentinel.com

Bill Gates once said that Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. But because he is part of the Swamp, he prefaced this by saying that Joe Biden was a man of "integrity". LOL.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates slammed Joe Biden on foreign policy in his new memoir, Duty. Gates called Biden a man of “integrity” though Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t bear that out. Gates also wrote, and he was more on the mark here, “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” So a man who has a long history of dropping out of Presidential bids because of his pathological lying and plagiarism and who propped up his son to receive millions from the Ukraine and China is now a man of integrity. LOL.

The article goes on by saying that he was wrong on Iraq, but did not mention he voted to go into Iraq, he was wrong on Afghanistan, he was wrong on Syria, and he opposed taking out Bin Laden.

Joe Biden was even wrong on the new Pandemic

Joe Biden Criticizes Trump for Not Banning Travel From China Soon Enough, Ted Cruz Nails Him With His Own Words

Back in January Trump issued travel bans to and from China as Biden accused him of being xenophobic for doing so.

But the press never calls him out on any of this, and don't expect them to in the future.

So not only is Joe Biden suffering from dementia currently, he has a long history of horrible judgement about pretty much everything.

But hey, he is not Orange Man, so he should win, right?

The ironic part of this is that the reason B. Hussein O gave for choosing Sleepy Joe as VP was because of Biden's supposed Foreign Policy expertise. I suppose it could have worked out well if Obama would have asked Joe his opinion and always did the exact opposite.
Obama did. For example, Biden was against taking out Bin Laden. He did it anyway.

Also note the absence of Obama putting his support behind Biden, even after he is now the only nominee for the DNC
Six Examples of Biden Being Nearly Always Wrong on Foreign Policy - www.independentsentinel.com

Bill Gates once said that Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. But because he is part of the Swamp, he prefaced this by saying that Joe Biden was a man of "integrity". LOL.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates slammed Joe Biden on foreign policy in his new memoir, Duty. Gates called Biden a man of “integrity” though Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t bear that out. Gates also wrote, and he was more on the mark here, “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” So a man who has a long history of dropping out of Presidential bids because of his pathological lying and plagiarism and who propped up his son to receive millions from the Ukraine and China is now a man of integrity. LOL.

The article goes on by saying that he was wrong on Iraq, but did not mention he voted to go into Iraq, he was wrong on Afghanistan, he was wrong on Syria, and he opposed taking out Bin Laden.

Joe Biden was even wrong on the new Pandemic

Joe Biden Criticizes Trump for Not Banning Travel From China Soon Enough, Ted Cruz Nails Him With His Own Words

Back in January Trump issued travel bans to and from China as Biden accused him of being xenophobic for doing so.

But the press never calls him out on any of this, and don't expect them to in the future.

So not only is Joe Biden suffering from dementia currently, he has a long history of horrible judgement about pretty much everything.

But hey, he is not Orange Man, so he should win, right?
Biden suffers dementia, what would you expect?
The ironic part of this is that the reason B. Hussein O gave for choosing Sleepy Joe as VP was because of Biden's supposed Foreign Policy expertise. I suppose it could have worked out well if Obama would have asked Joe his opinion and always did the exact opposite.

The reason the meat puppet faggot picked biden is because of the banking industry in Delaware, and to keep the Secret Service alert. If the MPF had been the real bed wetting commie he wanted to be, the DNC would have pushed hitlary over him. Instead he pretended to "moderate" his extremist agenda and allowed the globalist elite to rest assured he wouldn't steal 90% of their shit.

Biden is just another meat puppet for the donor class. I'll call him the meat puppet pervert from now on.

LOL! Exactly what wars did Obama start? trump is going to lose in November, the question that 70 percent of the population will ask themselves is can we take 4 more years of this madness. For the 30 percent that languish in the right wing, alt right media chamber, you think trump has been this great president and will vote based on your delusion and rejection of anything that tells you trump has sucked even as you have seen for yourselves that he has been a complete failure as a president.

The time is coming for trump, his record will be laid bare to the nation and that's the end of trump. Things have not been as you guys want to believe and trump is not the candidate you think he is. He is not unbeatable he is not a superior candidate to Biden and his mental decline is far worse than anything you can say about Biden. This is a man who was told by one of the worlds preeminent experts on Russia and his homeland security director that crossfire hurricane was made up by Putin and he still today is chasing crossfire hurricane like the nut job he truly is.

This man is talking about the mutiny on the bounty as if the governors are committing mutiny. If this is a mutiny, trump is Captain Queeg.

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LOL! Exactly what wars did Obama start?

Apparently you don't get out much. Ever heard of Libya?

Now I know the US government has not declared war since 1941, but they have been at continual war around the globe ever since.

Obama even violated the War Powers Act by not notifying Congress after so many days. His simply said, "It's not really a war".

I suppose if you are not getting shot at it does not seem like much of a war to you, now does it.

The ironic part of this is that the reason B. Hussein O gave for choosing Sleepy Joe as VP was because of Biden's supposed Foreign Policy expertise. I suppose it could have worked out well if Obama would have asked Joe his opinion and always did the exact opposite.

The reason the meat puppet faggot picked biden is because of the banking industry in Delaware, and to keep the Secret Service alert. If the MPF had been the real bed wetting commie he wanted to be, the DNC would have pushed hitlary over him. Instead he pretended to "moderate" his extremist agenda and allowed the globalist elite to rest assured he wouldn't steal 90% of their shit.

Biden is just another meat puppet for the donor class. I'll call him the meat puppet pervert from now on.

I am Justinian, King of Byzantium and the chariot races may commence.
LOL! Exactly what wars did Obama start?
It has to take a lot of effort to be as deliberately ignorant as these bed wetters are. To sit there and pretend their meat puppet faggot messiah didn't bomb the fuck out of Libya, kill US Citizens without a trial, in a foreign country with military hardware, and encourage jihadist radicals to over throw governments and create havoc all over the world requires a level of ignorance that creates a black hole somewhere in the galaxy.

When I say these vacuous liberal pieces of shit have lowered the bar of stupidity to the point where it has penetrated the entire earth and is in orbit above the Indian Ocean I am not kidding.

The ironic part of this is that the reason B. Hussein O gave for choosing Sleepy Joe as VP was because of Biden's supposed Foreign Policy expertise. I suppose it could have worked out well if Obama would have asked Joe his opinion and always did the exact opposite.

The reason the meat puppet faggot picked biden is because of the banking industry in Delaware, and to keep the Secret Service alert. If the MPF had been the real bed wetting commie he wanted to be, the DNC would have pushed hitlary over him. Instead he pretended to "moderate" his extremist agenda and allowed the globalist elite to rest assured he wouldn't steal 90% of their shit.

Biden is just another meat puppet for the donor class. I'll call him the meat puppet pervert from now on.

I am Justinian, King of Byzantium and the chariot races may commence. Justinian invited all of his political rivals to the chariot race, locked the doors and had them executed.
LOL! Exactly what wars did Obama start?
It has to take a lot of effort to be as deliberately ignorant as these bed wetters are. To sit there and pretend their meat puppet faggot messiah didn't bomb the fuck out of Libya, kill US Citizens without a trial, in a foreign country with military hardware, and encourage jihadist radicals to over throw governments and create havoc all over the world requires a level of ignorance that creates a black hole somewhere in the galaxy.

When I say these vacuous liberal pieces of shit have lowered the bar of stupidity to the point where it has penetrated the entire earth and is in orbit above the Indian Ocean I am not kidding.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.[1][2]

Ten Security Council members voted in the affirmative (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Gabon, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, and permanent members France, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Five (Brazil, Germany, and India, and permanent members China and Russia) abstained, with none opposed.[3]

The resolution formed the legal basis for military intervention in the Libyan Civil War, demanding "an immediate ceasefire" and authorizing the international community to establish a no-fly zone and to use all means necessary short of foreign occupation to protect civilians.[4]

Military intervention in Libya began on 19 March, as fighter jets of the French Air Force destroyed several pro-Gaddafi vehicles advancing on rebel stronghold Benghazi. U.S. and British submarines then fired over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets throughout Libya, severely disabling the regime's air defense capability and allowing a wider enforcement of the no-fly zone to begin. A coalition of 10 states from Europe and the Middle East initially participated in the intervention, later expanding to 17. On 31 March, NATO assumed command of the operation. The intervention succeeded in preventing pro-Gaddafi forces from capturing Benghazi.[16]

On 24 August, it was acknowledged for the first time that special forces troops from Britain,[17] Italy, France, Jordan, Qatar,[18] and the UAE[18] had intervened on the ground in Libyan territory, stepping up operations in Tripoli and other cities.[19] This has been questioned as a possible violation of Resolution 1973[20] although the use of special forces is not prohibited by the resolution.

Now shut up.
Six Examples of Biden Being Nearly Always Wrong on Foreign Policy - www.independentsentinel.com

Bill Gates once said that Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. But because he is part of the Swamp, he prefaced this by saying that Joe Biden was a man of "integrity". LOL.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates slammed Joe Biden on foreign policy in his new memoir, Duty. Gates called Biden a man of “integrity” though Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t bear that out. Gates also wrote, and he was more on the mark here, “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” So a man who has a long history of dropping out of Presidential bids because of his pathological lying and plagiarism and who propped up his son to receive millions from the Ukraine and China is now a man of integrity. LOL.

The article goes on by saying that he was wrong on Iraq, but did not mention he voted to go into Iraq, he was wrong on Afghanistan, he was wrong on Syria, and he opposed taking out Bin Laden.

Joe Biden was even wrong on the new Pandemic

Joe Biden Criticizes Trump for Not Banning Travel From China Soon Enough, Ted Cruz Nails Him With His Own Words

Back in January Trump issued travel bans to and from China as Biden accused him of being xenophobic for doing so.

But the press never calls him out on any of this, and don't expect them to in the future.

So not only is Joe Biden suffering from dementia currently, he has a long history of horrible judgement about pretty much everything.

But hey, he is not Orange Man, so he should win, right?

Everything the left says about Trump is actually true about biden.....biden is corrupt, a criminal, and incompetent and now with his dementia he is mentally unfit for the Presidency.....

China owns him from top to bottom.......and other countries also have their hooks in him and his family.....
Six Examples of Biden Being Nearly Always Wrong on Foreign Policy - www.independentsentinel.com

Bill Gates once said that Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. But because he is part of the Swamp, he prefaced this by saying that Joe Biden was a man of "integrity". LOL.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates slammed Joe Biden on foreign policy in his new memoir, Duty. Gates called Biden a man of “integrity” though Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t bear that out. Gates also wrote, and he was more on the mark here, “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” So a man who has a long history of dropping out of Presidential bids because of his pathological lying and plagiarism and who propped up his son to receive millions from the Ukraine and China is now a man of integrity. LOL.

The article goes on by saying that he was wrong on Iraq, but did not mention he voted to go into Iraq, he was wrong on Afghanistan, he was wrong on Syria, and he opposed taking out Bin Laden.

Joe Biden was even wrong on the new Pandemic

Joe Biden Criticizes Trump for Not Banning Travel From China Soon Enough, Ted Cruz Nails Him With His Own Words

Back in January Trump issued travel bans to and from China as Biden accused him of being xenophobic for doing so.

But the press never calls him out on any of this, and don't expect them to in the future.

So not only is Joe Biden suffering from dementia currently, he has a long history of horrible judgement about pretty much everything.

But hey, he is not Orange Man, so he should win, right?
Biden suffers dementia, what would you expect?
Dementia or not, he knows where the KC Chiefs play, he knows that people have died from the flu and he knows who the president of Puerto Rico is. I`ll take the occasional gaffe over downright stupid any time.
LOL! Exactly what wars did Obama start?
It has to take a lot of effort to be as deliberately ignorant as these bed wetters are. To sit there and pretend their meat puppet faggot messiah didn't bomb the fuck out of Libya, kill US Citizens without a trial, in a foreign country with military hardware, and encourage jihadist radicals to over throw governments and create havoc all over the world requires a level of ignorance that creates a black hole somewhere in the galaxy.

When I say these vacuous liberal pieces of shit have lowered the bar of stupidity to the point where it has penetrated the entire earth and is in orbit above the Indian Ocean I am not kidding.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.[1][2]

Ten Security Council members voted in the affirmative (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Gabon, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, and permanent members France, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Five (Brazil, Germany, and India, and permanent members China and Russia) abstained, with none opposed.[3]

The resolution formed the legal basis for military intervention in the Libyan Civil War, demanding "an immediate ceasefire" and authorizing the international community to establish a no-fly zone and to use all means necessary short of foreign occupation to protect civilians.[4]

Military intervention in Libya began on 19 March, as fighter jets of the French Air Force destroyed several pro-Gaddafi vehicles advancing on rebel stronghold Benghazi. U.S. and British submarines then fired over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets throughout Libya, severely disabling the regime's air defense capability and allowing a wider enforcement of the no-fly zone to begin. A coalition of 10 states from Europe and the Middle East initially participated in the intervention, later expanding to 17. On 31 March, NATO assumed command of the operation. The intervention succeeded in preventing pro-Gaddafi forces from capturing Benghazi.[16]

On 24 August, it was acknowledged for the first time that special forces troops from Britain,[17] Italy, France, Jordan, Qatar,[18] and the UAE[18] had intervened on the ground in Libyan territory, stepping up operations in Tripoli and other cities.[19] This has been questioned as a possible violation of Resolution 1973[20] although the use of special forces is not prohibited by the resolution.

Now shut up.
Obama was given a Nobel Peace Prize by these war mongering Europeans, so it stands to reason he felt obligated to join in on the fun of murdering all those half brown Muslims.

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