Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
Not to mention a massive spending increase that he signed and bragged about, and a TRILLION quickly poured into markets in 2018/2019/2020 by the NY Fed to grease the system.

what Trump inherited from obama was a military that could not fly planes, take ships out of port, or fire guns because there was no ammo.

He also inherited, as we see today, a health system that had not prepared for any kind of medical disaster or emergency.

The money that we spent on rebuilding the military and the money we are spending to fight the virus are the results of obama's incompetence.

I don't like increasing the debt by any president. What if find disingenuous is when you and others totally ignore the FACT that obama added more debt (9 Trilion) than all previous presidents combined. He doubled our debt in 8 years and you said nothing, even today you libs make stupid statements like "obama was fiscally responsible" What blatant lie that is.
A ridiculous lie told by Conservatives

Obama left Trump the strongest military in the world. There was no need to “save it “
Eeeesh not true.

What country had a stronger military at the end of the Obama administration?
Russia? China? I am not a military strategist. My bro in law is in the service and was in Afghanistan. Said they were down to one meal a day sometimes. Highly under funded and under prepared. It is one man's view but there it is. I just thank him for his service and give him a fist pump.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
Not to mention a massive spending increase that he signed and bragged about, and a TRILLION quickly poured into markets in 2018/2019/2020 by the NY Fed to grease the system.

what Trump inherited from obama was a military that could not fly planes, take ships out of port, or fire guns because there was no ammo.

He also inherited, as we see today, a health system that had not prepared for any kind of medical disaster or emergency.

The money that we spent on rebuilding the military and the money we are spending to fight the virus are the results of obama's incompetence.

I don't like increasing the debt by any president. What if find disingenuous is when you and others totally ignore the FACT that obama added more debt (9 Trilion) than all previous presidents combined. He doubled our debt in 8 years and you said nothing, even today you libs make stupid statements like "obama was fiscally responsible" What blatant lie that is.
A ridiculous lie told by Conservatives

Obama left Trump the strongest military in the world. There was no need to “save it “
Eeeesh not true.

What country had a stronger military at the end of the Obama administration?


President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.

Never said that. Find that post. You said "Impeached Trump".

Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2019. Agree or disagree?
what Trump inherited from obama was a military that could not fly planes, take ships out of port, or fire guns because there was no ammo.
Which is entirely false.

no, it is 100% true. I have relatives in the Navy, Army, and Marines. They have all confirmed that our equipment had been ignored for 8 years by obozo.

If you don't believe me or them, ask any of our generals or admirals.

But your Kenyan messiah did send billions to the Iranian terrorists, to help them in their war against us.

I have relatives in the same services, at high levels. They say it's a lie.

what levels and what positions? How about the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff? Was he lying?

Our B1 and B2 bombers could not take off due to lack of maintenance. Our DDG 51 class ships could not leave port, our carriers and subs were overdue for needed maintenance, and our ammo stocks were almost non existent, our Army could not run war games due to lack of ammo or fuel for tanks.

But the Iranian terrorists got billions-------------------------

Show me where he said that.

here's one for you

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?
"I never said it was 2.6%."


You've completely lost your mind. No one claimed you said it was 2.6%.

I said that.

Your brain-dead, knee jerk, idiotic, made up reply was:



President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.

Never said that. Find that post. You said "Impeached Trump".

Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2019. Agree or disagree?

Trump was not impeached, he was acquitted of false charges brought by lying democrat traitors

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?

You've completely lost your mind. No one claimed you said it was 2.6%.

I said that.

Your brain-dead, knee jerk, idiotic, made up reply was:


He has been dealing with COVID-19 since he has been impeached. You literally said "Impeached Trump". Are you drunk? He has been "impeached Trump" for 5 mos.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
Not to mention a massive spending increase that he signed and bragged about, and a TRILLION quickly poured into markets in 2018/2019/2020 by the NY Fed to grease the system.

what Trump inherited from obama was a military that could not fly planes, take ships out of port, or fire guns because there was no ammo.

He also inherited, as we see today, a health system that had not prepared for any kind of medical disaster or emergency.

The money that we spent on rebuilding the military and the money we are spending to fight the virus are the results of obama's incompetence.

I don't like increasing the debt by any president. What if find disingenuous is when you and others totally ignore the FACT that obama added more debt (9 Trilion) than all previous presidents combined. He doubled our debt in 8 years and you said nothing, even today you libs make stupid statements like "obama was fiscally responsible" What blatant lie that is.
A ridiculous lie told by Conservatives

Obama left Trump the strongest military in the world. There was no need to “save it “
Eeeesh not true.

What country had a stronger military at the end of the Obama administration?
Russia? China? I am not a military strategist. My bro in law is in the service and was in Afghanistan. Said they were down to one meal a day sometimes. Highly under funded and under prepared. It is one man's view but there it is. I just thank him for his service and give him a fist pump.

So the other poster was right then. Great.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.

Never said that. Find that post. You said "Impeached Trump".

Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2019. Agree or disagree?

Trump was not impeached, he was acquitted of false charges brought by lying democrat traitors

Acquittal doesn't wash away the stain of impeachment, ya lying nutbag.

Do they breed you idiots to be this stupid??


President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.

Never said that. Find that post. You said "Impeached Trump".

Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2019. Agree or disagree?

Trump was not impeached, he was acquitted of false charges brought by lying democrat traitors

Acquittal doesn't wash away the stain of impeachment, ya lying nutbag.

Do they breed you idiots to be this stupid??

You have lost your mind. "Impeached Trump" has been around as long as the COVID-19 but you said it didn't impact him? I am not following your logic.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?

You've completely lost your mind. No one claimed you said it was 2.6%.

I said that.

Your brain-dead, knee jerk, idiotic, made up reply was:


He has been dealing with COVID-19 since he has been impeached. You literally said "Impeached Trump". Are you drunk? He has been "impeached Trump" for 5 mos.

Moron, I didn't say "since he's been impeached." :eusa_doh:

Maybe English just isn't your first language.

That would explain why you made up a silly excuse about COVID-19 being responsible for GDP figures. :cuckoo:
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion
/----/ Still waiting for the democRATs balanced budget - they are the ones who control spending, not the president.
What Democrats have run on balancing the budget or a balanced budget amendment?
That is Republicans

Why is it that Republicans have screamed for a balanced budget amendment while Obama was President, yet have been silent since Trump took office?
/----/ You are 100% correct. Both parties are to blame, but you can't put it on the president - any president who only has two choices, sign or veto and face the backlash of a Gubmint shutdown. Reagan wanted a line-item veto but the USSC shot it down.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.

Never said that. Find that post. You said "Impeached Trump".

Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2019. Agree or disagree?

Trump was not impeached, he was acquitted of false charges brought by lying democrat traitors

Acquittal doesn't wash away the stain of impeachment, ya lying nutbag.

Do they breed you idiots to be this stupid??

You have lost your mind. "Impeached Trump" has been around as long as the COVID-19 but you said it didn't impact him? I am not following your logic.

Really, deranged lunatic? Now you're resorting to I'm rubber, you're glue... :eusa_doh:

And you're not following because you're a deranged lunatic. That's been firmly established.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?

You've completely lost your mind. No one claimed you said it was 2.6%.

I said that.

Your brain-dead, knee jerk, idiotic, made up reply was:


He has been dealing with COVID-19 since he has been impeached. You literally said "Impeached Trump". Are you drunk? He has been "impeached Trump" for 5 mos.

Moron, I didn't say "since he's been impeached." :eusa_doh:

Maybe English just isn't your first language.

That would explain why you made up a silly excuse about COVID-19 being responsible for GDP figures. :cuckoo:
What? He was not "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2018. You said "Impeached Trump". Now I am supposed to read your Leftist Mind.

Was he "Impeached Trump" in January 2017. Yes or no?

Let's see if English is your first language and you can answer a simple yes/no question.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.

Never said that. Find that post. You said "Impeached Trump".

Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2019. Agree or disagree?

Trump was not impeached, he was acquitted of false charges brought by lying democrat traitors

Acquittal doesn't wash away the stain of impeachment, ya lying nutbag.

Do they breed you idiots to be this stupid??

You have lost your mind. "Impeached Trump" has been around as long as the COVID-19 but you said it didn't impact him? I am not following your logic.

Really, deranged lunatic? Now you're resorting to I'm rubber, you're glue... :eusa_doh:

And you're not following because you're a deranged lunatic. That's been firmly established.
You said "Impeached Trump"

He has been that for five months. He was NOT "Impeached Trump" before December 2018. I am not sure what is lost in translation here for you.
Donald Trump: Trump plans to add $4.832 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 24% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $8.3 trillion for both terms. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Who gives a shit about "plans"?

???? FY 2018 is already posted - it's $779B actual deficit

FY 2019 was $984B actual deficit

FY 2020 and 2021 will be AT VERY LEAST 1.75 Trillion avg, though it could be as high as 2T avg. if the eocnomy doesn't recover strongly.

Trump will easily own the worst fiscal record of any president since WWII.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?

You've completely lost your mind. No one claimed you said it was 2.6%.

I said that.

Your brain-dead, knee jerk, idiotic, made up reply was:


He has been dealing with COVID-19 since he has been impeached. You literally said "Impeached Trump". Are you drunk? He has been "impeached Trump" for 5 mos.

Moron, I didn't say "since he's been impeached." :eusa_doh:

Maybe English just isn't your first language.

That would explain why you made up a silly excuse about COVID-19 being responsible for GDP figures. :cuckoo:
What? He was not "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2018. You said "Impeached Trump". Now I am supposed to read your Leftist Mind.

Was he "Impeached Trump" in January 2017. Yes or no?

Let's see if English is your first language and you can answer a simple yes/no question.

Dumbfuck, I said "Impeached Trump" like you say "Sleepy Joe."


And GDP through Q4-2019 still has nothing to do with COVID-19 -- which is why you look like such a 5th Avenuer retard making up such a stupid excuse.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
When was GDP 2.6%? Trump was impeached? When? Before or after the 2.6%. I cannot follow your illogic.
"When was GDP 2.6%?

Already stated.

"Trump was impeached? When?"

December 18th, 2019

"I cannot follow your illogic."

Because you're a flaming idiot.

Now what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

Why are you so afraid to answer??
Stated? When?
Post #794.

Why are you so afraid to answer??

What does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??
It doesn’t say when? You mean FYE’19?
Since Impeached Trump's been president.

Now wtf does COVID-19 have to do with that?

Should I just write you off as the forum's biggest pussy who's too scared to explain his disconnected thoughts on COVID-19?
Impeached Trump has only been president since mid December? I am not following your logic.
That's because you're an utter moron who apparently doesn't know when he became president or what COVID-19 has to do with GDP on his watch.

Faun: Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%
AzogtheDefiler: Ummmm....COVID-19

Here, I'll answer the question you're too skeered to answer....

What does COVID-19have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% real GDP growth?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The latest GDP figures go only through Q4-2019, before COVID-19 had any impact on our economy.

So when you tried blaming COVID-19, you really exposed yourself as a 5th Avenuer whose lios are so far up Impeached Trump's fat ass, you can taste what he had for lunch since here you are, making up excuses for his 2.6% growth that have absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

Now everyone here sees why you flat out refused to answer that question.

He was impeached for 4 mos? Why are you attributing the entire presidency GDP to him? You’re all over the place.



COVID-19 around since October? Trump only impeached in December? It has been “Impeached Trumps” economy for 5 mos. by your definition. If you want to discuss President Trump it is a different story but you specifically said “Impeached Trump” and he was not that until December 18th by your own post? So keep laughing at yourself.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:
I accept your surrender. When Faun goes into his bag of emojis you know he lost. Another win for the Pale Orc.

Yeah, deranged lunatic, because COVID-19 was a factor of GDP until Q4 2019.

Trump was not impeached until Q4. You specifically said "Impeached Trump". So who is the deranged lunatic?
And according to you, COVID-19 is the reason GDP is only 2.6 since Impeached Trump has been president.

You literally made up an excuse that doesn't exist.


Impeached Trump has only been President for 5 mos. I never said it was 2.6%. Find that post. Why do you lie so much?

You've completely lost your mind. No one claimed you said it was 2.6%.

I said that.

Your brain-dead, knee jerk, idiotic, made up reply was:


He has been dealing with COVID-19 since he has been impeached. You literally said "Impeached Trump". Are you drunk? He has been "impeached Trump" for 5 mos.

Moron, I didn't say "since he's been impeached." :eusa_doh:

Maybe English just isn't your first language.

That would explain why you made up a silly excuse about COVID-19 being responsible for GDP figures. :cuckoo:
What? He was not "Impeached Trump" from Jan 2016 - Nov 2018. You said "Impeached Trump". Now I am supposed to read your Leftist Mind.

Was he "Impeached Trump" in January 2017. Yes or no?

Let's see if English is your first language and you can answer a simple yes/no question.

Dumbfuck, I said "Impeached Trump" like you say "Sleepy Joe."


And GDP through Q4-2019 still has nothing to do with COVID-19 -- which is why you look like such a 5th Avenuer retard making up such a stupid excuse.
When did I say "Sleepy Joe"?

So you used that term as a pejorative? I am supposed to read your mind that you were not being literal? You are such a snowflake.

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