Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For Huge Federal Reserve Job


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Stephen Moore is a joke in the economics profession.

For years, the economic commentariat has enjoyed a running joke: Stephen Moore.

Moore, you see, has made a career of advancing various right-wing political priorities by dressing up as an economist and saying things about money and numbers in print and on TV. Unfortunately, almost nothing he says is true.

Moore is so bad that an editor at the Kansas City Star once refused to run literally anything he ever wrote, because a piece Moore had previously published in the paper was so littered with basic factual errors. He’s a living embodiment of the worst elements of the economics profession ― a man who doesn’t care about the truth, abuses statistics, makes outlandish predictions, smears his opponents and never pays any professional price.

Moore is constantly, laughably wrong. In 1993, he said President Bill Clinton’s slight income tax increase for the wealthiest Americans would “torpedo” the economy. In 2009, he warned that federal budget deficits and the Federal Reserve’s low interest rates were a recipe for hyperinflation, and then doubled down on that prediction. In 2010, he said surging prices would send the price of gold to $2,000 an ounce, as investors fled the worthless dollar for precious metals. None of these things ever happened. He spent much of 2018 applauding President Donald Trump’s supposed efforts to “shoot for” zero tariffs, while Trump actually imposed hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs.

Moore, unscathed, has bounced from the Cato Institute to the Club for Growth to the Heritage Foundation, happily absorbing the excess capital of conservative think-tank donors in the market for a white guy with the courage to advocate tax cuts. On Friday, in what would be the economist’s greatest, most frightening achievement, Trump announced that he will nominate Moore to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors.

More: Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job

This is sadly comical. Trump said he hires only the best people. I've watched Moore struggle to make sense for years. What do you think?
Lakhota, you have no credibility on this forum because you're a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, so I must assume Stephen Moore is an awesome dude.
When I saw the title I thought you had landed a job, Lakhota. I was getting ready to congratulate you.
They'll be trotting out some nasty ass lying whores to accuse him pretty quick.
I don't know a thing about nominee Stephan Moore nor of the OP's article writer Zach Moore of HuffPost. Thus I'm not rooting for or against him, instead I'll trust that the Senate will conduct due diligence during the confirmation process.
Sigh. . . . LIBERAL economists dismiss Stephen Moore, as they do all other conservative economists. Moore holds a degree in economics from George Mason University, not exactly a small-town or unrecognized school.
So, he has been wrong in his predictions at times, so has, quite regularly, Krugman.

Stephen Moore is a joke in the economics profession.

For years, the economic commentariat has enjoyed a running joke: Stephen Moore.

Moore, you see, has made a career of advancing various right-wing political priorities by dressing up as an economist and saying things about money and numbers in print and on TV. Unfortunately, almost nothing he says is true.

Moore is so bad that an editor at the Kansas City Star once refused to run literally anything he ever wrote, because a piece Moore had previously published in the paper was so littered with basic factual errors. He’s a living embodiment of the worst elements of the economics profession ― a man who doesn’t care about the truth, abuses statistics, makes outlandish predictions, smears his opponents and never pays any professional price.

Moore is constantly, laughably wrong. In 1993, he said President Bill Clinton’s slight income tax increase for the wealthiest Americans would “torpedo” the economy. In 2009, he warned that federal budget deficits and the Federal Reserve’s low interest rates were a recipe for hyperinflation, and then doubled down on that prediction. In 2010, he said surging prices would send the price of gold to $2,000 an ounce, as investors fled the worthless dollar for precious metals. None of these things ever happened. He spent much of 2018 applauding President Donald Trump’s supposed efforts to “shoot for” zero tariffs, while Trump actually imposed hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs.

Moore, unscathed, has bounced from the Cato Institute to the Club for Growth to the Heritage Foundation, happily absorbing the excess capital of conservative think-tank donors in the market for a white guy with the courage to advocate tax cuts. On Friday, in what would be the economist’s greatest, most frightening achievement, Trump announced that he will nominate Moore to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors.

More: Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job

This is sadly comical. Trump said he hires only the best people. I've watched Moore struggle to make sense for years. What do you think?

One, I think you’re a fucking liar, haven’t watched this guy ever, and only know of him because Huffpo did the hit piece.

Two, if being wrong on economic predictions disqualifies somebody, it is past time for the libs staff guru Krugman to lose his place at the table.
Sigh. . . . LIBERAL economists dismiss Stephen Moore, as they do all other conservative economists. Moore holds a degree in economics from George Mason University, not exactly a small-town or unrecognized school.

That is almost as good as an degree in economics from Boston University! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Moore gives Trump the ole reach around on a regular basis, so in Trumps twisted brain that qualifies him for a job.
Lakhota, you have no credibility on this forum because you're a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, so I must assume Stephen Moore is an awesome dude.

You conservatives have no credibility on anything pertaining to economics.
So, he has been wrong in his predictions at times, so has, quite regularly, Krugman.

Stephen Moore is a joke in the economics profession.

For years, the economic commentariat has enjoyed a running joke: Stephen Moore.

Moore, you see, has made a career of advancing various right-wing political priorities by dressing up as an economist and saying things about money and numbers in print and on TV. Unfortunately, almost nothing he says is true.

Moore is so bad that an editor at the Kansas City Star once refused to run literally anything he ever wrote, because a piece Moore had previously published in the paper was so littered with basic factual errors. He’s a living embodiment of the worst elements of the economics profession ― a man who doesn’t care about the truth, abuses statistics, makes outlandish predictions, smears his opponents and never pays any professional price.

Moore is constantly, laughably wrong. In 1993, he said President Bill Clinton’s slight income tax increase for the wealthiest Americans would “torpedo” the economy. In 2009, he warned that federal budget deficits and the Federal Reserve’s low interest rates were a recipe for hyperinflation, and then doubled down on that prediction. In 2010, he said surging prices would send the price of gold to $2,000 an ounce, as investors fled the worthless dollar for precious metals. None of these things ever happened. He spent much of 2018 applauding President Donald Trump’s supposed efforts to “shoot for” zero tariffs, while Trump actually imposed hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs.

Moore, unscathed, has bounced from the Cato Institute to the Club for Growth to the Heritage Foundation, happily absorbing the excess capital of conservative think-tank donors in the market for a white guy with the courage to advocate tax cuts. On Friday, in what would be the economist’s greatest, most frightening achievement, Trump announced that he will nominate Moore to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors.

More: Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job

This is sadly comical. Trump said he hires only the best people. I've watched Moore struggle to make sense for years. What do you think?

One, I think you’re a fucking liar, haven’t watched this guy ever, and only know of him because Huffpo did the hit piece.

Two, if being wrong on economic predictions disqualifies somebody, it is past time for the libs staff guru Krugman to lose his place at the table.

What government job does Krugman hold?
Prior to the Trump presidency, Moore’s most prominent policymaking experience was a disastrous tax experiment in Kansas. Along with conservative economist Art Laffer, Moore helped then-Gov. Sam Brownback (R) design a program to slash income taxes on the richest families in the state and eliminate taxes altogether for partnerships, LLCs, S-corporations and sole proprietorships ― essentially small businesses, but also hedge funds, law firms, doctors, people with book deals and other varieties of wealthy persons.

Moore predicted the tax cuts would bring an “immediate and lasting boost” to the state’s economy. Instead, they created a disaster. As the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities has detailed, Kansas state revenues fell $700 million overnight, the state’s credit rating was downgraded, and Brownback began slashing basic social services to balance the budget. Job growth stalled out at less than half the national average. To salvage the state budget, lawmakers cut education funding so severely that some schools began to close early, and the state’s Supreme Court ruled that the government was violating the state constitution. After five years of economic misfortune, Kansas’ conservative legislature reversed the tax cuts in 2017. The whole experiment is almost universally regarded as a calamity.

Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job | HuffPost
Trump lies hiring screwballs like Moore so he has someone to blame who is stupider then he is.

Soon, Trump will have to hire himself.
I guess we should laugh then
Sigh. . . . LIBERAL economists dismiss Stephen Moore, as they do all other conservative economists. Moore holds a degree in economics from George Mason University, not exactly a small-town or unrecognized school.

That is almost as good as an degree in economics from Boston University! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I got my MBA from BU and I'm less than pleased that a certain ditz is calling that degree's validity into question! Why couldn't she have gone to Northeastern?

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