Trump is our only hope to be free from socialism, poverty, crime, war, famine, debt, taxes & death!!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I know only too well how hopeless it seems to convince impassioned supporters of the Socialist Idea by logical demonstration that their views are preposterous and absurd. I know too well that they do not want to hear, to see, or above all to think, and that they are open to no argument. But new generations grow up with clear eyes and open minds. And they will approach things from a disinterested, unprejudiced standpoint, they will weigh and examine, will think and act with forethought. It is for them that this thread is written.
I know only too well how hopeless it seems to convince impassioned supporters of the Socialist Idea by logical demonstration that their views are preposterous and absurd. I know too well that they do not want to hear, to see, or above all to think, and that they are open to no argument. But new generations grow up with clear eyes and open minds. And they will approach things from a disinterested, unprejudiced standpoint, they will weigh and examine, will think and act with forethought. It is for them that this thread is written.
Without hate Trump will shrivel and waste away, only hate keeps him going. He can't live without it and neither can you give up the emotion you think gives you meaning. God is watching!
You lost me after “free from”. There is no evidence for those claims.

lol. I know, right? As long as we have central economic planning by a central bank, we run a socialist economy. Well, it's Keynesian, but Keynesianism is a patently socialist monetary policy.

It's no wonder we're 22 trillion in debt with 4 cents worth of purchasing power on the dollar. Socialism is designed to fail. And it is failing. The quickest way to destroy a nation is to destroy the value of its currency.
I know only too well how hopeless it seems to convince impassioned supporters of the Socialist Idea by logical demonstration that their views are preposterous and absurd. I know too well that they do not want to hear, to see, or above all to think, and that they are open to no argument. But new generations grow up with clear eyes and open minds. And they will approach things from a disinterested, unprejudiced standpoint, they will weigh and examine, will think and act with forethought. It is for them that this thread is written.

What's your king doing? Coke n whores, amirite?
and how is giving farmers 7 billion or so dollars not a form of socialism?
Why should farmers turn food into fuel, so it can ruin cars? This is the part of the GREEN NEW DEAL that was forced upon US back when Jimmy Carter was fucking up the US. Why should a military jet be picked for the Air Force, to be produced in Georgia and not in Illinois but Sam Nunn was from Georgia and made sure his state got the business. It is the liberal way, to reward their liberal uber rich buddies(republicans and democrats alike) while the rest of US just want the government to get their asses out of our lives so we can do what we do best, and that is to prosper, as God intended US to do. But you dumbass liberals keep voting for the very same people who keep fucking US. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Democrat..
Actually it's the citizens that are the hope. They will continue to make this great nation forge ahead. They will see to it the nation is taken care of properly.
Putting all your faith in one man is a recipe for disappointment. Frankly I cannot figure out why the Trumpbots do not feel betrayed already.
I know only too well how hopeless it seems to convince impassioned supporters of the Socialist Idea by logical demonstration that their views are preposterous and absurd. I know too well that they do not want to hear, to see, or above all to think, and that they are open to no argument. But new generations grow up with clear eyes and open minds. And they will approach things from a disinterested, unprejudiced standpoint, they will weigh and examine, will think and act with forethought. It is for them that this thread is written.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
you are simply under estimating their stupidity ...that is why they dont feel betrayed ..they are that shallow and stupid as he yucks it up about how loyal they are.....3 word chants are the best they can do
Ooooh look, socialism! Socialism, the latest bright shiny object for simpleton Trumptards to gape at.

Look over there, Trumptards! It's socialism. Don't look over here! You might see Trump robbing us all blind! You might wake up to his filthy lies & the fact that he's a fucking slimeball traitor!
Ooooh look, socialism! Socialism, the latest bright shiny object for simpleton Trumptards to gape at.

Look over there, Trumptards! It's socialism. Don't look over here! You might see Trump robbing us all blind! You might wake up to his filthy lies & the fact that he's a fucking slimeball traitor!
So when Obummer had FREE money to the rich, while the poor lost much of their money, were you so blind to that?
we have 2 choices, my friends: we either save our country or we lose it.

someone who games the system and get as many benefits as possible with the least amount of work as possible is unacceptable.

for example, 100 percent of workers at the Long Island Railroad got disability payments costing taxpayers 250 million dollars. that's socialism. its already here.

workers at GM were allowed to strike for 3 years from 2005 to 2008 and they got paid, to the cost of 4 billion dollars.

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