Bumbling Boob Biden's Butt-Boy Buttigieg's Baffling B*llsh*t: Biden Is Just TOO SUCCESSFUL for American's to Notice (?!?!?!?!)

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Over the weekend the left again dispensed Little Petey Butt-Edge to gross out the Sunday talk show audiences. This time his lies were mega-ridiculous, with Petey claiming that Biden is underappreciated by the American public, and that Biden's low popularity is the direct result of his outstanding success as President. Right...I cannot figure out that logic either.

When you hear people like this tell such absurd lies without fear of being struck down by a lightning bold from the heaven, it cements my belief that there is no God. What this boils down to is saying that we, the people, are just too stupid to know success when we see it. This is the same old M.O. the left has been using to lie to Americans for generations. But these current morons on the left are special. They lack the lying ability of a "Wild Bill" Clinton or a Comrade Teddy Kennedy. That's the thing, you know? If you cannot pull off the trick, then don't do it. The lies being repeated by the left today are just so stupid that they cannot be taken seriously. Is there a certain segment of the U.S. Population that will believe such tripe? Yes, and they care called "Democrat voters". But for the most part these people do not critically analyze anything. Democrat voters will take up arms and march into Poland if their masters command it.

Butt-Edge is particularly bad at lying. First off, he looks creepy AF. He already has a history of telling stupid lies (e.g., his military service). The whole gay marriage thing to that flaming hubby of his ... YIKES!! Then, the man who defines who he is by his deviant sexual proclivities is ALLOWED TO ADOPT A CHILD! Then he gets time away from his cushy, trough-feeding job to pretend to be a mother. And we are all expected to just accept this as ... what? NORMAL?!? Jesus Christ!!

So you ask, why in God's name do the Dems keep running this train wreck out there on the Sunday shows to pimp their narrative? The best I can tell it is to establish polling data on how well people like him/her done to determine his political future. That is the only thing that would make sense. It also establishes what a horrible organization the DNC is.

This is the same old M.O. the left has been using to lie to Americans for generations. But these current morons on the left are special.
You have to consider what they consider success. They have been successful in dividing the US along all manners -- sex, race, gender, politics. They have been successful in shutting down the energy sector to a large extent. They have been successful at stagnating an economy. They have been successful at increasing inflation by nearly 10%. They have been successful at reducing national pride and manufacturing. You know, all of those things that are required if you are trying to dismantle a country.

This is some spinning buleshite by YEllen and ABC..its stephy Stepontopovus.

Moving to Stephanopoulos’s Yellen interview, he only fit in three questions. Citing the lack of public confidence in their economic standing despite record-low unemployment, Stephanopoulos asked: “How can you explain that? What can you do about it?”

Yellen droned on and on that blamed the COVID pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but argued the economy’s in remarkable shape with Biden’s list of supposed accomplishments taking root, so she didn’t really answer it.

Stephanopoulos didn’t follow up and instead lobbed another softball: “Those — those jobs numbers seem to defy predictions of a recession this year. Do you still think one is likely?”

After Yellen suggested a recession isn’t likely given the level of job creation and unemployment rates, Stephanopoulos allowed her to skate by and closed with another weak pitch of the plate: “Finally, are you confident we’re going to avoid default and have this debt limit showdown resolved?”

Afterward, Stephanopoulos asked chief economics correspondent and fill-in co-host Rebecca Jarvis how he did.

Jarvis was impressed: “A-plus, and I’m happy to hear her talk about a recession because a lot of people have really pulled back on that since the jobs report on Friday.”


oh have they pulled back? LOLOL
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Buttplug gives Sippy Cupp verbal head on the Sunday talk shows.

At least Pothole Pete is consistent at giving head!!

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